Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Call Now! 757-404-8300
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Top 10 reasons you should hire Dawn Boyer for your small business:
Top 10 reasons you should hire Dawn Boyer for your small business:
Resume Writing Services
Top 10 reasons why YOU should personally invest in yourself with a professional rewritten resume by D Boyer Consulting (Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D.)
Top 10 reasons why YOU should personally invest in yourself with a professional rewritten resume by D Boyer Consulting (Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D.)
Testimonials, Kudos, Referrals, and Recommendations
You want to be comfortable when you hire a consultant, and be assured you will receive value for the money you spend, as well as getting an appropriate Return On Investment.
You want to be comfortable when you hire a consultant, and be assured you will receive value for the money you spend, as well as getting an appropriate Return On Investment.
Small Business Consulting Services
Top 10 reasons you should hire Dawn Boyer for your small business:
Top 10 reasons you should hire Dawn Boyer for your small business:
Resume Writing Services
Top 10 reasons why YOU should personally invest in yourself with a professional rewritten resume by D Boyer Consulting (Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D.)
Top 10 reasons why YOU should personally invest in yourself with a professional rewritten resume by D Boyer Consulting (Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D.)
Testimonials, Kudos, Referrals, and Recommendations
You want to be comfortable when you hire a consultant, and be assured you will receive value for the money you spend, as well as getting an appropriate Return On Investment.
You want to be comfortable when you hire a consultant, and be assured you will receive value for the money you spend, as well as getting an appropriate Return On Investment.
Meet D. Boyer
I Can Help!
* Looking for a new job and need a professionally written resume for a 21st Century job search?
* Need to get your LinkedIn profile 'popping' with valuable SEO-based key words, tags, and phrases so connections can find you - the Subject Matter Expert?
* Need a ghostwriter, editor, and publisher to get your manuscript published? Read More
What is some of the worst resume advice you’ve ever gotten? Did you naively use suggestions from someone you thought knew best (or worse, you paid for the advice)? Some ...
A recent Statistics’ Time Use report by the US Bureau of Labor showed a whopping ~35% of all employed persons in the US spent the average work day WFH — up ...
Matthew P. Matson Virginia Beach, VA 23453 / (815) 830-7887 / matson1982@gmail.com Career Objective: Quality Assurance Analyst; Aviation Structural Mechanic Supervisor CAREER SUMMARY EXPERIENCE PORTFOLIO 12/22 – present, Airframes / ...
* Looking for a new job and need a professionally written resume for a 21st Century job search?
* Need to get your LinkedIn profile 'popping' with valuable SEO-based key words, tags, and phrases so connections can find you - the Subject Matter Expert?
* Need a ghostwriter, editor, and publisher to get your manuscript published? Read More
SURVEY – ONLINE INSTRUCTOR SALARIES The Babb Group, Inc and researcher Danielle Babb, PhD, MBA is conducting research on online faculty salaries, opportunity and satisfaction. The survey is conducted annually and reports will be summarized and provided at www.thebabbgroup.com/blog. Sign up for the newsletter to receive notification ...
Big Brother – and the Rest of the World – is Watching Worried about getting good reviews on your social media, referral sites, and Google? Be more worried about getting negative reviews on your business! There is an axiom many marketing folks quote, “You have ...
THINGS I LEARNED IN MY JOB SEARCH A recent client shared his 9-month job search within the federal government contracting industry. The client provided some observations and lessons learned. If you are seeking employment in the federal contracting industry, remember these points. Government contract numbers have ...
I just received news from one of my recent clients for whom I had assisted him rewrite his resume, as well as two program essays for him to qualify and get accepted into his targeted Ph.D. program. I am thrilled for him! Here’s what he said ...
RICHARD F. MACHAMER Newport News, VA 23602 richardfmachamer@gmail.com r_machamer@yahoo.com OBJECTIVE: Project Manager / Strategic Communications Manager EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 25+ years, US Army (Colonel, Honorably Retired) 20 years, Executive and Leadership Management 16 years, Public Relations Liaison & Communications Director (Project Manager/Program Manager) 5 ...
Getting your definitions straight. Small business owners usually have expectations of ‘instant’ sales from any and all types of marketing efforts. Each marketing-related activities noted below has a different return on investment (ROI) for cost and time. Advertising may bring in a crowd to ...
Telisha Clark Snellville, GA 30039 (817) 567-5145 Telisha_Roach@hotmail.com OBJECTIVE: Human Resources Manager / Employee Relations Manager EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 10 years, Human Resources (Junior Management) 7 years, USA Army (4) / USA Army Reserves (3), SGT/E5, Hon. Dis.: 02/11 1.3 years, Payroll Administrator 1 year, General Administrative ...
Are teaming with other businesses a good idea for targeting your client? When you are starting a new business, or your current business is struggling with the paying client funnel, finding other businesses willing to team with you is good practice, right? Very likely! What ...
Don’t stop at the LinkedIn personal profile! You probably have seen the posts, the emails, and the training announcements where ‘specialists’ are horn blowing about building up your LinkedIn profile. They are directing you to get it filled out completely, get certain sections added, and the ...