AIRS 2015 Recruiting Resource Book

AIRS 2015 Recruiting Resource Book


AIRS Recruiter Directory 2015

AIRS Recruiter Directory 2015

If you are seeking direct links to recruiters and recruiting job boards, this may be one of the most valuable documents you can find ‘out there’ on the Internet to start your job search.


Free – Downloadable – Enjoy!


Once you have chosen your targets – don’t forget to have a well-written resume in hand to digitally upload to the database or to send directly to the recruiter.

USE D. Boyer Consulting’s Resume & Career Search Services for the best ROI for your career search:

Stage 1 – review / constructive critique/polish for each resume = career investment only $179.00 – See the video at


  • This stage shreds and rebuilds your old digital resume into a format demanded by federal contracting and government agencies. It is perfect for commercial business job applications. You will receive a ‘dripping with red markup’ version, but – red text will be ‘written interview questions,’ where I use the answers to build your achievements, metrics, and prove your capabilities. This ‘written interview’ is the biggest part of your interaction (homework) within the process. This stage could take several rounds as we work on finessing and polishing the words / metrics.
  • Want a Government Services (GS) resume, also? This allows exploration for working as a direct government employee? Ask for this with Stage I and get that second resume for ONLY $20 more!


Stage 2 – SEO for key word searches for each career resume = career investment only $139.00 – See the video at


  • This is the coding (called ‘black hat’ in the website and SEO world) which inserts invisible text words and phrases the search engine algorithm counts in Boolean Search string queries (like you use in a Google search); which brings your resume towards the top of the results queue. You don’t want to post a resume into online resume databases without this embedded search enhancement! After Stage II is completed, I also provide job seekers with hundreds (700+) of recruiting website URLs to national/international companies for the job search.


NOTE: I am the ONLY resume writer providing ‘coding’ within a MS Word Document for SEO. I discovered this process in performing some work years ago for another type of project, carried the processes over to the resume business, and I have honed it to fine art. I have yet to find any competitor who knows how to do it or offer it to their clients.


  • I highly recommend Stage 1 AND Stage 2 (these two stages are only $338 for a rewrite and coding – some resume writers charge $300-$1,000 for a simple rewrite!). I start working within 24-48 hours of receipt of funds and digital resume in my email box ( (Add a GS resume – again for only $20 more!)


Stage 3 – Social Media Package for each career target market = career investment only $399 – See the video at


  • Increases the capture of info by recruiters using Boolean searches in LinkedIn, WordPress, the World Wide Web (open web Internet) and other social media platforms, I will post the rewritten resume into no less than 10+ job boards and resume Internet databases (including Monster, CareerBuilder, and Indeed). Stage III offers a discounted price of $399 if you purchase Stages 1 & 2. This stage is very time consuming (so you don’t have to spend time struggling to post resumes), and somewhat technically difficult for some, and/or you may not have the time or capability to perform these tasks. (Total package for Stage I, II, & III = $737.00)



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AIRS 2015 Recruiting Resource Book

AIRS 2015 Recruiting Resource Book


AIRS Recruiter Directory 2015

AIRS Recruiter Directory 2015

If you are seeking direct links to recruiters and recruiting job boards, this may be one of the most valuable documents you can find ‘out there’ on the Internet to start your job search.


Free – Downloadable – Enjoy!


Once you have chosen your targets – don’t forget to have a well-written resume in hand to digitally upload to the database or to send directly to the recruiter.

USE D. Boyer Consulting’s Resume & Career Search Services for the best ROI for your career search:

Stage 1 – review / constructive critique/polish for each resume = career investment only $179.00 – See the video at


  • This stage shreds and rebuilds your old digital resume into a format demanded by federal contracting and government agencies. It is perfect for commercial business job applications. You will receive a ‘dripping with red markup’ version, but – red text will be ‘written interview questions,’ where I use the answers to build your achievements, metrics, and prove your capabilities. This ‘written interview’ is the biggest part of your interaction (homework) within the process. This stage could take several rounds as we work on finessing and polishing the words / metrics.
  • Want a Government Services (GS) resume, also? This allows exploration for working as a direct government employee? Ask for this with Stage I and get that second resume for ONLY $20 more!


Stage 2 – SEO for key word searches for each career resume = career investment only $139.00 – See the video at


  • This is the coding (called ‘black hat’ in the website and SEO world) which inserts invisible text words and phrases the search engine algorithm counts in Boolean Search string queries (like you use in a Google search); which brings your resume towards the top of the results queue. You don’t want to post a resume into online resume databases without this embedded search enhancement! After Stage II is completed, I also provide job seekers with hundreds (700+) of recruiting website URLs to national/international companies for the job search.


NOTE: I am the ONLY resume writer providing ‘coding’ within a MS Word Document for SEO. I discovered this process in performing some work years ago for another type of project, carried the processes over to the resume business, and I have honed it to fine art. I have yet to find any competitor who knows how to do it or offer it to their clients.


  • I highly recommend Stage 1 AND Stage 2 (these two stages are only $338 for a rewrite and coding – some resume writers charge $300-$1,000 for a simple rewrite!). I start working within 24-48 hours of receipt of funds and digital resume in my email box ( (Add a GS resume – again for only $20 more!)


Stage 3 – Social Media Package for each career target market = career investment only $399 – See the video at


  • Increases the capture of info by recruiters using Boolean searches in LinkedIn, WordPress, the World Wide Web (open web Internet) and other social media platforms, I will post the rewritten resume into no less than 10+ job boards and resume Internet databases (including Monster, CareerBuilder, and Indeed). Stage III offers a discounted price of $399 if you purchase Stages 1 & 2. This stage is very time consuming (so you don’t have to spend time struggling to post resumes), and somewhat technically difficult for some, and/or you may not have the time or capability to perform these tasks. (Total package for Stage I, II, & III = $737.00)



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