Author’s Published Genealogy Lineage Books

The following list of the author’s published genealogy books is sorted by surname Alpha order.  Numbers after the surname [e.g., (2)] indicate the volume number within a set.  

Note: The author may earn a small affiliate fee (at no cost to the buyer) if the short URLs are used to link to the book on Amazon, which in turn, helps to finance the genealogist author’s continued research.

Adams: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Adams, Sr. and Agnes Katherine Stone of England and Massachusetts: (Ancestors of Two U.S.A. Presidents) (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8568427117)

Adams: Family Lineage and Descendants of Nathan Adams, Sr. and Amy Littlejohn of Fairfax and Pittsylvania, VA and Carteret and Craven County, NC (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8567914700)

Adams: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Adams, Sr. and Elizabeth Neal of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8570365520)

Adams: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Adams, Sr. and Else Dunkel of Germany and Berks, Columbia, and Lehigh Counties, Pennsylvania (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8570429864)

Akin (Eakins): Family Lineage and Descendants of William Eakin (Eakins, Akin, Aiken) and Isabel (Isabelle) Morrison of Catoosa, Walker, and Wilkes County, GA; Carteret, Cherokee, and Rutherford County, NC; Blount, Knox, McMinn, and Monroe County, TN; and Henrico & Chesterfield Counties, VA. (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8573508047)

Akin: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Aiken (Akin; Aikens) and Janet Wilson of Scotland, Ireland; Paulding County, Georgia; Chester & Fairfield County, South Carolina; and Greene, McMinn & Monroe County, Tennessee. (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8573542331)

Allen: Family Lineage and Descendants of David Easter Allen and Martha (Patsy) Harris of  Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Virginia. Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas J. Allen and Ann Brown of Tennessee and Oklahoma (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8575563532)

Allen: Family Lineage and Descendants of George Allen and Katherine Collins of England, Alabama, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia (The First Ten Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8323593484

Allen: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas J. Allen and Ann Brown of Tennessee and Oklahoma (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8575640998)

Anderson: Family Lineage and Descendants of George Anderson and Elizabeth Clifford Wayne (relatives of Thomas Jefferson and Pocahontas) of Chatham County, GA; Montgomery County, PA; Williamson County, TN; Sandoval County, NM; Kane County, IL; Albemarle County & Richmond, VA; New Castle, DE; and Suffolk & Middlesex County, MA (2021 edition; paperback; ISBN: 979-8577920135)

Arnold: Family Lineage of Claiborne Arnold and Descendants of Greene, Hawkins & Sullivan Counties, TN; Scott & Buckingham Counties, VA; and Clinton County, MO: 2018 Edition: includes sources and name index

Arnold: Family Lineage of Henry A. Arnold and Descendants of Virginia and McMinn, Rhea, Monroe, Meigs, and Loudon Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Arnold: Family Lineage of Simon Arnold and Descendants of Rockbridge County, VA; Harrison, Barbour & Upshur, WV; Summit County, OH; and Jackson, MI: (2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Arnold: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Arnold, Sr. and Elizabeth Bostick of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois (2021 edition; paperback, ISBN: 979-8579130051)

Arp / Earp: Family Lineage of Thomas Earp (Arp) Sr. and Descendants of England, Virginia, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Arp (Earp): Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Marion Earp (Arp) and Susannah Uln of Ireland, England, and Canada; Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Washington (2021 edition, paperback; ISBN: ISBN: 979-8579207265)

Arthur: Family Lineage of John Arthur and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Arthur: Family Lineage of John Arthur and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina (2018 Edition; paperback, includes sources and name index)

Arthur: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Arthur, Sr. and Priscilla Gardner of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Michigan, and New York (2021 edition, paperback; ISBN: XXX)

Atkins: Family Lineage of William Lemuel Atkins (Atkinson), Sr. and Descendants of Blount, McMinn, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Atkinson (Atkins): Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Atkinson (Atkins) and Mary Ann Smithson of England, Tennessee, Maryland, Illinois, and Georgia (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8581571279)

Austin: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Austin Jr. and Elizabeth Nelson of North Carolina (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8582070276)

Baker: Family Lineage of James C. Baker, Sr. and Descendants of Arkansas, Arizona, Tennessee, Kansas, Texas, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Georgia: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Bankhead: Family Lineage and Descendants of James Galt Bankhead and Martha Kerr of Scotland, Caroline County, Virginia (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN # 979-8582428831)

Barr: Family Lineage and Descendants of Adam Wesley Barr and Elizabeth Lowry of Monroe County, Tennessee (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8593701190)

Barker: Family Lineage of Sylvanus Barker, Sr. and Descendants of Virginia and Carteret, Edgecombe, Harlowe, Nash, and Wake Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Beall (Bell): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Beall (Bell) & Alison Donaldson of Scotland, Maryland & North Carolina – Vol 1 of 4 (Paperback; ISBN: 979-8594633544; 2021 Edition)

Beall (Bell): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Beall (Bell) & Alison Donaldson of Scotland, Maryland & North Carolina  – Vol 2 of 4 (Paperback; ISBN: 979-8594645592; 2021 Edition)

Beall (Bell): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Beall (Bell) & Alison Donaldson of Scotland, Maryland & North Carolina  – Vol 3 of 4 (Paperback; ISBN: 979-8594649118; 2021 Edition) 

Beall (Bell): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Beall (Bell) & Alison Donaldson of Scotland, Maryland & North Belcher: Family Lineage and Descendants of Henry Thomas Belcher (Bellshire; Belchier) and Mary J. Mitchell of Warwickshire, England and Tennessee (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8593701190)

Belcher: Family Lineage of Jacob Belcher and Descendants of South Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Bell: Captain Richard (Robert) Bell, Sr. and Lady Mary Margaret (Sarah) Chester of England and Virginia, Volume 1 of 2, 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8594964709; Paperback)

Bell: Captain Richard (Robert) Bell, Sr. and Lady Mary Margaret (Sarah) Chester of England and Virginia, Volume 2 of 2, includes sources, index, and relations, 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8594969575; Paperback)

Bell: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Bell and Joanna (Jane) Boothe of England and North Carolina, Volume 1 of 2, 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8597617305; Paperback)

Bell: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Bell and Joanna (Jane) Boothe of England and North Carolina, Volume 2 of 2, includes Index, Resources, and Relations, 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8597621227; Paperback)

Belsham: Family Lineage of William Belsham and Descendants of England, Canada, and United States: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Best (Boesch; Boesch): Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthoni Bosch (Boesch; Best) and wife, Anna Maria of Germany, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8597993843; Paperback)

Best: Family Lineage of Sebastian Best and Descendants of Germany, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Beyer / Boyer: Family Lineage of Johan C. Beyer (Boyer) from Germany to Pennsylvania (Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition)

Beyer / Boyer: Family Lineage of Johan C. Beyer (Boyer) from Germany to Pennsylvania (Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition) includes source notes and name index

Bishop: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain John Bishop, I and Elizabeth Ann Booker of Virginia and North Carolina (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8598420898; Paperback)

Bivens: Family Lineage and Descendants of Benjamin Bivens (Biben; Bibens) and Mary (Polly) Carney of Louisiana and Tennessee (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8700348850; Paperback)

Boyer (Beyer): Family Lineage and Descendants of Johan Christoph Beyer (Boyer) and Anna Maria Kuehleisen of Germany, Bavaria, and Pennsylvania (Volume One, 2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8703308455; Paperback)

Boyer (Beyer): Family Lineage and Descendants of Johan Christoph Beyer (Boyer) and Anna Maria Kuehleisen of Germany, Bavaria, and Pennsylvania (Volume Two, includes sources, index, and relationships, 2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8703312865; Paperback)

Blair (du Blair):  Family Lineage and Descendants of Sir Bryce Blair (du Blair) and Annabell Wallace of Scotland, Ireland, England, and Virginia, Volume Three – Sources, Index, and Relations, including First Families of Virginia and relatives of Pocahontas and John Rolfe; 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8701757286; Paperback)

Blair (du Blair):  Family Lineage and Descendants of Sir Bryce Blair (du Blair) and Annabell Wallace of Scotland, Ireland, England, and Virginia, Volume Two, including First Families of Virginia and relatives of Pocahontas and John Rolfe; 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8701757286; Paperback)

Blair (du Blair):  Family Lineage and Descendants of Sir Bryce Blair (du Blair) and Annabell Wallace of Scotland, Ireland, England, and Virginia, Volume One, including First Families of Virginia and relatives of Pocahontas and John Rolfe; 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8701746426; Paperback)

Bradley: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Bradley and Mary Ledbetter of Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8703755990; Paperback)

Breckinridge: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Breckenridge and Jane Preston of Ireland, Scotland, Virginia, and Kentucky (Volume One, 2021 Edition; Paperback)

Breckinridge: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Breckenridge and Jane Preston of Ireland, Scotland, Virginia, and Kentucky (Volume Two, includes sources, index, and relationships, 2021 Edition; Paperback)

Britton (Britain): Family Lineage and Descendants of John (Royal) Brooks and Lydia Shackleford of North Carolina (2021 Edition, Paperback; ISBN: 979-8705248223)

Brooks: Family Lineage and Descendants of John (Royal) Brooks and Lydia Shackleford of North Carolina (2021 Edition, Paperback; ISBN: 979-8705248223)

Brown: Family Lineage of Benjamin Brown, Sr. and Descendants of Hanover, Virginia, Clay County, Kentucky, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Burchfield: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Pinkst Burchfield and Jane Wilson of England, Maryland, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8707674433; Paperback)

Burris: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Burris and Ester Fadden of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8707747601; Paperback)

Byrd: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Byrd (Bird) and Grace Elizabeth Stegge of England, North Carolina, and Virginia; Volume One of Two (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8708497161, Paperback)

Byrd: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Byrd (Bird) and Grace Elizabeth Stegge of England, North Carolina, and Virginia; Volume Two of Two, 2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8708502384, Paperback)

Cabell: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Cabell & Mary Chase of England and Massachusetts (Volume One; 2021 Edition, Paperback Edition; ISBN: 9798742041177,

Cabell: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Cabell & Mary Chase of England and Massachusetts (Volume Two; 2021 Edition; includes resources, index, and relationship report) Paperback Edition; ISBN: 9798742047889,

Canaday: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Canaday & Anna Fisher of Ireland, Maryland, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume One of Two, 2021 Edition, Paperback; ISBN: 9798742208877,

Canaday: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Canaday and Anna Fisher of Ireland, Maryland, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume Two of Two, 2021 Edition; includes resources, index, and relationship report, Paperback; ISBN: 9798742212911,

Chadwick (1): Family Lineage of Samuel Chadwick and Descendants of Massachusetts to Carteret County, NC: Vol 1; 2018 Edition

Chadwick (2): Family Lineage of Samuel Chadwick and Descendants of Massachusetts to Carteret County, NC: Vol 2; 2018 Edition

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Chadwick and his wives Joan Warrell and Joan Bennett of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume One of Four, 2021 Edition); ISBN: 9798746517678; Amazon:

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Chadwick and his wives Joan Warrell and Joan Bennett of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume Two of Four, 2021 Edition); ISBN: 9798746522559; Amazon

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Chadwick and his wives Joan Warrell and Joan Bennett of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume Three of Four, 2021 Edition); ISBN: 9798746526175; Amazon

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Chadwick and his wives Joan Warrell and Joan Bennett of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume Four of Four, 2021 Edition; includes resources, index, and relationship report); ISBN: 9798746531827; Amazon

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Chadwick And Agnes Heywood of England, Massachusetts, and North Carolina (The First Nine Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798871884584;

Chadwick: Family Lineage of Ephraim Chadwick and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index HTTP://

Chadwick: Family Lineage of Samuel Chadwick and Descendants of Massachusetts to Carteret County, NC: Vol 3; 2018 Edition – includes sources and name index

Conner: Family Lineage of George O. Conner & Denny Morris and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Cook: Family Lineage of Jacob Cook and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Cook: Family Lineage of James A. Washington Cook, Sr. and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Crowder: Family Lineage and Descendants of Absolum Crowder and Martha Stacey of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Missouri (2021 Edition, ISBN: 9798749989571)

Dalton: Family Lineage and Descendants of David Dalton and Sarah Robinson of North Carolina and Tennessee (2021 Edition) ISBN: 9798502693523

Daniels: Family Lineage of Captain William Daniels, Sr. and Descendants of Ireland and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Davis: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Davis and Elizabeth Gamble of England, Wales, and Carteret County, North Carolina, Volume 1 of 4, 2021 Edition, ISBN: 9798514140633,

Davis: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Davis and Elizabeth Gamble of England, Wales, and Carteret County, North Carolina, Volume 2 of 4, 2021 Edition, ISBN: 9798514143948,

Davis: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Davis and Elizabeth Gamble of England, Wales, and Carteret County, North Carolina, Volume 3 of 4, 2021 Edition, ISBN: 9798514149995,

Davis: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Davis and Elizabeth Gamble of England, Wales, and Carteret County, North Carolina, Volume 4 of 4, 2021 Edition (includes resources, index, and relationship report), ISBN: 9798514156245,

Day: Family Lineage of John Day and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Dean: Family Lineage and Descendants of Andrew Jackson Dean and Margaret (Peggy) Penix of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana (2021 Edition; ISBN: 9798514671076)

Dickinson:  Family Lineage of Captain John Dickinson, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Dickinson:  Family Lineage of John Dickinson, Sr. and Descendants of Providence, Rhode Island, and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Dickinson:  Family Lineage of Marcus Cicero Dickinson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Dickinson: Family Lineage of Daniel Dickinson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Dixon: Family Lineage and Descendants of Abner N. Dixon and Winifred (Winney) Gaskill of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Paperback, ISBN: 9798514697373)

Dudley: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas (Dudley) Sutton and Grace Threlkeld of England, Virginia, and North Carolina (2021 Edition); ISBN: 9798517948274,

Dunaway: Family Lineage of Derby Dunaway and Descendants of Virginia: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index,

Duncan: Family Lineage of James Duncan and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research,

Elliott: Family Lineage of Thomas Elliott and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Fulcher (Fulshire / Fulchire): Family Lineage and Descendants of William Fulcher (Fulshire; Fulchire) and Elizabeth Wells Poindexter of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume 3 of 3, including resources, index, and relationship report; ISBN: 9798540919845,

Fulcher (Fulshire / Fulchire): Family Lineage and Descendants of William Fulcher (Fulshire; Fulchire) and Elizabeth Wells Poindexter of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume 2 of 3; ISBN: 9798540879231,

Fulcher (Fulshire / Fulchire): Family Lineage and Descendants of William Fulcher (Fulshire; Fulchire) and Elizabeth Wells Poindexter of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume 1 of 3; ISBN: 9798540864541,

Fulford (Updated): Family Lineage and Descendants of Joseph Fulford, Sr. and Nancy Ann Martin of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume 1 of 4; ISBN: 9798540919845,

Fulford (Updated): Family Lineage and Descendants of Joseph Fulford, Sr. and Nancy Ann Martin of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume 2 of 4; ISBN: 9798542504117,

Fulford (Updated): Family Lineage and Descendants of Joseph Fulford, Sr. and Nancy Ann Martin of  Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume 3 of 4; ISBN: : 9798542519524,

Fulford (Updated): Family Lineage and Descendants of Joseph Fulford, Sr. and Nancy Ann Martin of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume 4 of 4; including resources, index, and relationship report); ISBN:

Gardner: Family Lineage of Thomas Gardner, Sr. and Descendants of England, and Essex and Nantucket Counties, Massachusetts: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Garner: Family Lineage of John Garner of England to Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Gaskill: Family Lineage of William Gaskill and Ann Jarrott and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gaskill: Family Lineage of William Gaskill, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gaskins / Gascoigne: Family Lineage of Henry Gascoigne (Gaskins) and Descendants of France, England, and DC, Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, and Anson, Craven, Carteret, Lenoir, and Pamlico Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Gentry: Family Lineage of Allen Gentry and Descendants of Hanover, Halifax, Louisa, and Lunenburg Counties, Virginia; Bute and Surry Counties, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Giles: Family Lineage of Thomas Robert Giles and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Giles: Family Lineage of William Giles and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Giles: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Giles and Margaret Hawker of England, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition, Volume 1 of 2). ISBN: 9798491833566;

Giles: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Giles and Margaret Hawker of England, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition, Volume 2 of 2 including Sources, References, and Relationship List) ISBN: 9798491865888;

Gillikin: Family Lineage of Amos Gillikin of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gillikin: Family Lineage of Jesse Gillikin, Sr. of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gillikin: Family Lineage of John Washington Gillikin of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gillikin: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Gillikin and Mary Barnett of Scotland and Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume One of Two); ISBN: 9798496916738 

Gillikin: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Gillikin and Mary Barnett of Scotland and Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list); ISBN: 9798496932097

Golding / Golden: Family Lineage of G. W. Golding (Golden) and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Goodwin: Family Lineage of Thomas Goodwin, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition, includes sources and name index

Gould: Family Lineage of Thomas Gould and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Goulding (Golding): Family Lineage and Descendants of Edward Goulding (Golding) and Mirable Aldham of England, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Virginia (2021 Edition), ISBN 9798492034122,

Graham (Grimes): Family Lineage of Jeffrey & Lewis Graham (Grimes) and Descendants of Buncombe, Jackson, Macon, Swain Counties, North Carolina; Cobb and Union County, Georgia; and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Graham: Family Lineage of James C. Graham and Descendants of Canada and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Grant: Family Lineage of William Grant, Sr. and Descendants of Albemarle County, VA, Rutherford County, NC, and Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Grant: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Grant Sr. and wives, Elizabeth Boone & Mary E. Morris of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume One of Two), ISBN: 9798750137350

Grant: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Grant Sr. and wives, Elizabeth Boone & Mary E. Morris of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list), ISBN: 9798750144891

Gray: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Gray Sr. and Anne Elizabeth Wells of Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; Volume One of Two), ISBN: 9798784093530

Gray: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Gray Sr. and Anne Elizabeth Wells of Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; Volume Two of Two; includes relationships, resources, and citations), ISBN: 9798784109453

Guthrie (Guthery): Family Lineage of Solomon Guthery (Guthrie) of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of Benjamin Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of Elijah Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain John Montrose Guthrie, Sr. and Elizabeth Baskett of Scotland, Virginia, and North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume One of Two); ISBN: 9798785413719;

Guthrie: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain John Montrose Guthrie, Sr. and Elizabeth Baskett of Scotland, Virginia, and North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list); ISBN: 9798785422360;

Guthrie: Family Lineage of John Wallace Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of John Wesley Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of Stephen Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of William Henry Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineages of William Guthrie & Samuel E. Guthrie, Sr. of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition;

Hall: Family Lineage of James Hall and Descendants of Montgomery County, Virginia, and Blount, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hamilton: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hamilton and Mary Arthur of Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition), ISBN: 9798799797973, Retrieved from

Hamilton: Family Lineage of Robert Lee Hamilton and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Hancock: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hancock and wives, Elinor Durant and Elizabeth Spencer of Virginia and Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition; Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list), ISBN: 9798401860088, Retrieved from

Hancock: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hancock and wives, Elinor Durant and Elizabeth Spencer of Virginia and Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition; Volume One of Two) ISBN: 9798401855657, Retrieved from

Hancock: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hancock and wives, Elinor Durant and Elizabeth Spencer of Virginia and Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition; Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list)

Hancock: Family Lineage of Simon Hancock and Descendants of England, Virginia, and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hardesty: Family Lineage of Thomas Hardesty and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Harker: Family Lineage of Anthony Harker and Descendants of England, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Alabama, and Carteret, Craven, and Onslow Counties, North Carolina: Vol. 1; 2018 Edition: includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Harker: Family Lineage of Anthony Harker and Descendants of England, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Alabama, and Carteret, Craven, and Onslow Counties, North Carolina: Vol. 1; 2018 Edition: includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Harker: Family Lineage of Anthony Harker and Descendants of England, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Alabama, and Carteret, Craven, and Onslow Counties, North Carolina: Vol. 2; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Harrill / Harold: Family Lineage of Richard Harold (Harrill) Sr. and Descendants of England, Virginia, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Harris: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Harris and Jemima Millsaps of Monroe County, Tennessee; ISBN: 9798796534762;

Harris: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Sewell Harris, and wife, Jemima Millsaps, of  Monroe and Polk Counties, Tennessee, 2022 Edition, Retrieved from

Harris: Family Lineage of Benjamin Harris III and Descendants of Maryland, Virginia, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Harris: Family Lineage of George Brinn Harris and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Harrison: Family Lineage of John Harrison and Descendants of England to Virginia, Alabama, and Blount and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Harrison: Family Lineage of Thomas Harrison and Descendants of Virginia and North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Harrison: Family Lineage of William Harrison and Descendants of Blount and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Heath: Family Lineage of John Heath, Sr. and Descendants of Middlesex County, Virginia and Craven Counties, North Carolina: (2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Henry: Family Lineage and Descendants of Fielden (Felden) F. Henry, and wife, Emaline Dorcas Tucker, of Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition), ISBN: 9798838997500

Hensley/Henslee: Family Lineage and Descendants of Macksfield Henslee (Hensley) and Martha Sneed (Snead) of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8875833168;

Hensley: A Lineage of the Hensley Family from Buckingham County, VA to Monroe County, TN: 2012 Edition

Hensley: Family Lineage of William Hensley Sr. of Buckingham County, VA to Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition

Hensley: Lineage of William Hensley of Washington County, Virginia

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of Nehemiah Hicks (Hix) and Phyllis Ann (Philliazanah) Hitchcock of Maryland and Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition, Volume 1 of 2), ISBN: 9798839777873

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of Nehemiah Hicks (Hix) and Phyllis Ann (Philliazanah) Hitchcock of Maryland and Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition, Volume 2 of 2, includes citations, source notes, and index), ISBN: 9798839779167

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Hicks (Hix) and wives, Elizabeth Malone, Elizabeth Douthit, and Elizabeth Poe of Virginia, Maryland, and Tennessee (2022 Edition; Volume 1 of 2), ISBN: 9798839027725;

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Hicks (Hix) and wives, Elizabeth Malone, Elizabeth Douthit, and Elizabeth Poe of Virginia, Maryland, and Tennessee (2022 Edition; Volume 2 of 2); ISBN: 9798839028944

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of Nehemiah Hicks (Hix) and Phyllis Ann (Philliazanah) Hitchcock of Maryland and Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition, Volume 1 of 2), ISBN: 9798839777873;

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of Nehemiah Hicks (Hix) and Phyllis Ann (Philliazanah) Hitchcock of Maryland and Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition, Volume 2 of 2, includes citations, source notes, and index); ISBN: 9798839779167;

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage of Shadrach Hix (Hicks) and Descendants of McMinn and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Ed.; includes sources and name index

Hicks / Hix: Family Lineage of Zacheus Hix (Hicks), Sr. and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hill: Family Lineage of Captain John Hill, Sr. of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hill: Family Lineage of Isaac Hill from Caroline County, VA to King & Queen County, VA: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hill: Family Lineage and Descendants of Francis Hill Sr. and Elizabeth Perry of Accomack County, VA, and Carteret and Craven County, NC (2022 Edition; The First Seven Generations); ISBN: 9798839920729;

Hill: Family Lineage of William Hill and Descendants of Carteret and Onslow Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hitson: Family Lineage of William Hitson, Sr. and Susannah Nichols and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Ed.; includes sources and name index

Howard: Family Lineage of Matthew Howard and Descendants of England, Maryland, and Blount, Knox, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Howard: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Benjamin Howard and Frances Louise Gray of North Carolina and Tennessee (2022 Edition); ISBN: 9798840237700

Howland: Family Lineage of Jonathon Howland and Descendants of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret and Craven County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Humphreys: Family Lineage of John Humphreys and Descendants of Chattanooga and Blount, Montgomery, Washington, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Hunt: Family Lineage of Reverend William Lewis (Bucky) Hunt and Descendants of South Carolina and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Jarratt: Family Lineage and Descendants of John W. Jarrett, Sr. and Wife, Catherine, of Onslow and Carteret Counties, North Carolina and Virginia (The First Five Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798872246657;

Jenkins:  Family Lineage of John Canady Jenkins and Descendants of Cherokee County, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Jenkins: Family Lineage and Descendants of Leban Jenkins and Dialtha Adaline Tallent of Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition); ISBN: 9798840245644;

Jenkins: Family Lineage of Lewis Jenkins and Descendants of Onslow, New Hanover, Columbus, Brunswick & Columbus, North Carolina, and Marion, South Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Jones: Family Lineage of William Jones and Descendants of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Jones: Family Lineage of William Jones and Descendants of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Jones: Family Lineage and Descendants of Ambrose Jones and Mary Chadwick of Carteret County, North Carolina; ISBN: 9798840329634;

Kennedy: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Marcus Kennedy and Nancy Lorena Gray of North Carolina and Tennessee (2022 Edition); ISBN: 9798840362419;

Kirkland: Family Lineage and Descendants of Nathan Kirkland and Lillie Berrie Faw of Cherokee County, NC and Polk County, TN (2022 Edition, Volume 1 of 2); ISBN: 9798840573525;

Kirkland: Family Lineage and Descendants of Nathan Kirkland and Lillie Berrie Faw of Cherokee County, NC and Polk County, TN (2022 Edition, Volume 2 of 2; includes citations, index, and relationship report); ISBN: 9798840575666;

Kirkland: Family Lineage of Benjamin Kirkland and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Kirkland: Family Lineage of Nathan Kirkland and Descendants of North Carolina, Georgia, and Anderson, McMinn, Blount, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Lawrence: Family Lineage of John Lawrence and Descendants of New England and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Lawrence: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Lawrence and wife, Anne, of New England and Carteret County, NC  (The First Eight Generations; 2022 Edition, Volume 1 of 2); ISBN: 9798840601181;

Lawrence: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Lawrence and wife, Anne, of New England and Carteret County, NC  (The First Eight Generations; 2022 Edition, Volume 2 of 2; including citations, index, and relationship list); ISBN: 9798840601815;

Lee: Family Lineage of Captain Thomas Lee, Sr. of Johnston County, NC to Hawkins County and Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Lee: Family Lineage of Clemmons Lee of North Carolina to Polk County & Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Lewis: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Lewis and Mary Champion of Chowan and Carteret Counties, North Carolina (2022 Edition; The First Five Generations); ISBN: 9798840721070;

Lewis (1): Family Lineage of Thomas Lewis of Chowan, NC to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition)

Lewis (2): Family Lineage of Thomas Lewis of Chowan, NC to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition)

Lewis: Family Lineage of George Lewis & Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina

Lewis: Family Lineage of Solomon Lewis & Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina

Lewis: The Family Lineage of Thomas Lewis, Sr. of Carteret County, North Carolina,

Lindsey: Family Lineage of James Lindsey and Descendants of Scotland, Campbell County, Virginia, Fayette, Kentucky, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Lupton: Family Lineage of Christopher Lupton and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Mann: Family Lineage of Thomas Mann and Descendants of Carteret, Craven, Jones, Onslow, and Tyrell Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Mann: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Mann and Alice Powlton of England, Virginia, and Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition); ISBN: 9798841420453;

Martin (Martyne): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Martin (Martyne) and Ann Keeling of England, Virginia, and North Carolina (2022 Edition, The First Eight Generations, including Descendants of Pocahontas); ISBN: 9798841662037;

Martin: Family Lineage of John N. Martin and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

McDaniel: Family Lineage of James McDaniel and Mary Morris and Descendants of Virginia: 2018 Edition: includes sources and name index

McElroy:  Family Lineage of John McElroy, Sr. and Descendants of Maryland, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Alabama, New York, Texas, Hawaii, and Mississippi: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

McLemore (McIlmorrow): Family Lineage of John McLemore (McIlmorrow) of Scotland to Virginia, North Carolina, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name

McLemore (McIlmorrow): Family Lineage and Descendants of John McLemore (McIllmorrow) and Margaret Hamilton of  Scotland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2022 Edition; Volume 1 of 2, updated)

McLemore (McIlmorrow): Family Lineage and Descendants of John McLemore (McIllmorrow) and Margaret Hamilton of  Scotland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2022 Edition; Volume 2 of 2, updated; includes citations, index, and relationship report)

McNabb: Family Lineage of William McNabb and Descendants of Scotland and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Miracle (Merckel): Family Lineage and Descendants of Frederick Merckel (Miracle) and Anna Eva Hundseker (Huntsucker) of Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798373219242;
: Family Lineage of Arthur Merrill, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Miller: Family Lineage of Andrew L. Miller of Virginia to Tennessee & Georgia: 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index

Miller: Family Lineage of John Miller of Buncombe County, NC to Macon County, NC & Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index;

Miller: Family Lineage and Descendants of Ulysses Frederick Miller and Christina Annetta Perkins of Germany, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina (2022 Edition), ISBN: 9798371512178

Mills: Family Lineage of Aaron Mills and Descendants of New York, Cherokee, North Carolina, and Polk and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Millsaps: Family Lineage of Jesse Millsaps, Sr. of Randolph County, NC, and Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes resources and name index

Moore / Moor: Family Lineage of Thomas Moor (Moore) and Descendants of Carteret County, North: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morgan: Family Lineage of Jesse Morgan and Descendants of Rutherford and Buncombe Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morgan: Family Lineage of Permenter Morgan and Descendants of Rutherford and Buncombe, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morgan: Family Lineage of William Morgan and Descendants of North Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morris: Family Lineage of James Riley Morris and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morris: Family Lineage of William Morris, Sr. and Descendants of McDowell, Burke & Rutherford Counties, NC, Christian & Green Counties, MO, and Blount & Monroe Counties, TN: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morton: Family Lineage of Joseph Morton, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morton (Throckmorton): Family Lineage and Descendants of Job Throckmorton (Morton) and Sarah Leonard of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina (2023 Edition; Vol 1 of 2); ISBN: 9798373676502;

Morton (Throckmorton): Family Lineage and Descendants of Job Throckmorton (Morton) and Sarah Leonard of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina (2023 Edition; Vol 2 of 2); ISBN: 9798373677721;

Moser: Family Lineage of Michael Moser and Descendants of Germany, Knox and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Moser: Family Lineage and Descendants of Johann Michael Moser and Eva Dorothea Mittlemeyer of Germany, France, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Tennessee  (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798373782036

Moses: Family Lineage and Descendants of Joshua Moses and wife, Susan, of Germany, North Carolina, and Tennessee  (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798372292888;

Moses: Family Lineage of Samuel Moses and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Mullins: Family Lineage and Descendants of Paul Des Moulins (Mullins) and wives, Rachel Broret and Jeanne de la Ruelle, of France, Belgium, North Carolina, and Tennessee  (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798374115123;

Mundine (Munden): Family Lineage and Descendants of Kittrel Mundine (Munden) and Sarah Marie Chapman of England, New Jersey, North Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, and Alabama (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798374224702;

Murphy:  Family Lineage and Descendants of Luke Murphy and Abiah Davis of North Carolina (2023 Edition; including a list of 24,181 relations); ISBN: 9798374709025;

Nelson / Nellson (1): Family Lineage of John Nellson / Nelson of Carteret County, NC (Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition)

Nelson / Nellson (2): Family Lineage of John Nellson / Nelson of Carteret County, NC: Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Nicolas (Nicols): Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Nicholas (Nichols) and Elizabeth Loch of England and Virginia (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798374885880;

Oglesby: Family Lineage of John Oglesby and Elizabeth Pettivue and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798375116716

Pack: Family Lineage of James Thompson and Nancy Pack and Descendants of North Carolina and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Page: Family Lineage and Descendants of Colonel John Page and Elizabeth Alice Lukin (Leucken) of England and Virginia (The First Six Generations; 2023 Edition), ISBN: 9798375209593;

Pake / Peake: Family Lineage of John Peake (Pake), Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research;

Pake: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Pake and Hannah Smith of Carteret County, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798375293431;

Patterson: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Patterson and wives, Mary Taylor and Jane Elizabeth Smith of Scotland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (The First Seven Generations; 2023 Edition), ISBN: 9798375695334;

Patterson: Family Lineage of Joseph Patterson and Descendants of Prince George County, Maryland; Warren County, North Carolina; York County, South Carolina; and McMinn & Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research;

Paul: Family Lineage of John Paul, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret and Craven Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Payne: Family Lineage of John Elliot Payne and Descendants of Virginia to North Carolina, Georgia, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Payne: Family Lineage of Ralph Payne and Descendants of England to Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pelletier: Family Lineage and Descendants of Jeremiah Pelletier and Sarah Carolina Dennis of Carteret County, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798376049273;

Pendleton:  Family Lineage and Descendants of George Pendleton and Cecily Anne Beck of  England and Virginia (2023 Edition)

Phillips: Family Lineage of John Matthew Phillips and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Picklesimer: Family Lineage and Descendants of Abraham Picklesimer and Christine Margarethe Ulrich of Germany, Kentucky, Texas, Virginia, Indiana, and Tennessee (2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8872775843;

Picklesimer: Family Lineage of Isaac Picklesimer of Germany to Pennsylvania, North & South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition, with sources and name index

Picklesimer: Family Lineage and Descendants of Isaac Picklesimer and Rosanne Ferguson of Germany, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Texas (The First Eight Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8872631033;

Pigott: Family Lineage of Elijah Pigott and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pigott: Family Lineage of Francis Pigott and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pigott: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain Francis Pigott and Frances Robins (Robinson) of England, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, South Carolina, and Virginia  (The First Eight Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8872865841;

Pigott: The Pigott Family of Carteret County, North Carolina; Eckhout, Dawn (2000), Published by the Carteret County Historical Society; Amazon Link:

Piner: Family Lineage of Elijah N. Piner and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Piner: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Wallace (Wallis) Piner and Rachel Lawrence of Carteret County, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798873245925;

Piner: Family Lineage of Josephus Piner, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Piner: Family Lineage of Thomas Piner, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pittman: Family Lineage and Descendants of Elish Pittman and Sarah Elizabeth Howell of Kentucky, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and West Virginia (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8873624126;

Pittman:  Family Lineage of Obedience Pittman and Descendants of England and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pocahontas: Descendants of Pocahontas & John Rolfe of Virginia and North Carolina, Published 2012 (ISBN-10: 1477400699; ISBN-13: 978-1477400692), available on Amazon via the author’s affiliate link:

Pocahontas / Rolfe: Pocahontas (Matoaka) Powhatan aka Rebecca Rolfe (8,799 Direct and Indirect Relatives and Descendants): Are you related to Pocahontas? (2020);

Pocahontas / Rolfe: Pocahontas (Matoaka) Powhatan aka Rebecca Rolfe (8,799 Direct and Indirect Relatives and Descendants): Are you related to Pocahontas? (Kindle; 2020);

Presley: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Presley and Dicey Cornwall of South Carolina and Tennessee (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798387433894;

Quinn: Family Lineage and Descendants of Laughlin McRichard Quinn and Juane Brian of Ireland, England, and Duplin and Carteret Counties, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798387945908

Raper: Family Lineage of Henry Raper and Descendants of England to Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Raper: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Henry Raper and wives, Sarah E. Wall and Catherine Lloyd, of England, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee (The First Eight Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798388235640;`

Ray / Rhea:  Family Lineage of Thomas L. Rhea, Sr. and Descendants of Yancy, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Ray / Rhea: Family Lineage of James Ray (Rhea) and Descendants of Virginia and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Rhea: Family Lineage and Descendants of  Walter Laird Rhea, and wives, Jean Campbell and Ann Stuart of Scotland, England, Ireland, Virginia, and Tennessee (The First Nine Generations; 2023 Edition)

Roberts: Family Lineage of Andrew Roberts of Scotland to North Carolina (2018 Edition)

Robinson: Family Lineage of Allen Robinson of North Carolina to Texas, New Mexico, Tennessee, and California: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of Christopher Robinson and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: Vol 1; 2018 Edition

Robinson: Family Lineage of Christopher Robinson and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: Vol 2; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of James R. Robinson and descendants of Roane, Blount, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of James Ridley Robinson and Descendants of England to Canada, United States, and Germany: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of John E. Robinson and Descendants of Onslow County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of Thomas Robinson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of Thomas Robinson and Descendants of McMinn County & Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of Thomas Wallace Robinson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of William Robinson and Descendants of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Rogers: Family Lineage and Descendants of Robert David Rogers and Frances Jackson Russell of Ireland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Texas (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798390376270;

Rolfe: Descendants of Pocahontas & John Rolfe: Of Virginia and North Carolina, Published 2012 (ISBN-10: 1477400699; ISBN-13: 978-1477400692),

Rose / Rosemary: Family Lineage of John Rosemary (Rose) and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Russell (Rustell): Family Lineage of William Rustell / Russell of Bath County, VA to Carteret County, VA: Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition;

Russell: Family Lineage of Amasa Russell, Sr. and Descendants of Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Ohio, Utah, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, and Washington: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Russell: Family Lineage of Habakkuk Russell of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Salter: Family Lineage of Tyson Salter of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index

Salter: Family Lineage of William Salter, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index;

Schneider/Snider: Family Lineage and Descendants of Johann Georg Schneider (Snider) and Elizabeth Pence of Germany, Pennsylvania, Missouri, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876284891;

Scott: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain Thomas Baytop Scott and Catherine Tomkies of Gloucester and Prince Edward Counties, Virginia (2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8871663516

Self: Family Lineage and Descendants of Jobe Presley Self and Sarah Julianna Jones of North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee (2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8871757185

Shackleford (1): Family Lineage of William de Shackleford and Descendants of England, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, and North Carolina: Vol 1 of 3, 2018 Edition

Shackleford (2): Family Lineage of William de Shackleford and Descendants of England, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, and North Carolina: Vol 2 of 3, 2018 Edition

Shackleford (3): Family Lineage of William de Shackleford and Descendants of England, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, and North Carolina: Vol 3 of 3, 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Sharp: Family Lineage of John Sharp and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Sharp: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Sharp, Jr. and Margaret Ann Boyd of Ireland, Virginia, and Tennessee  (2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8871768877

Shelton: Family Lineage and Descendants of Peter Shelton Sr. and Susannah Abigail Jackson of Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2023 Edition), ISBN: 9798872246657;

Shelton: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Isaac Shelton and Palemonia Hunter of Jackson County North Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee (The First Seven Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8875864636;

Shepard: Family Lineage and Descendants of David Shepard and wives, Mehitable Spaulding and Lydia  Meacham of North Carolina; SBN: 979-8873758647;

Shepard: Family Lineage and Descendants of Major David Shepard, Jr. and Sarah Jarratt of Carteret and Onslow Counties, North Carolina, Florida, and Virginia (The First Six Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8873655694;

Simmons: Family Lineage and Descendants of James Simmons and Susanna Blodgett of England, Virginia, and North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8873893034;

Simmons: Family Lineage of William Simmons and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Simpson: Family Lineage of David & Sarah Simpson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina  (2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Simpson: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Simpson, Sr. and wife, Jean of Scotland, Virginia, and Carteret County, North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8874112707

Skipwith: Family Lineage and Descendants of Grey Skipwith and Elizabeth Arundell of England, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Kentucky (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8874227197;

Sloan: Family Lineage of Archibald Sloan and Descendants of Blount County and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Sloan: Family Lineage and Descendants of Archibald Sloan and Elizabeth Jane Carson of Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Georgia, and Washington (The First Seven Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8874343750;

Small: Family Lineage of John Small, Sr. and Descendants of England, Virginia, and North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Small (Smalley): Family Lineage and Descendants of John J. Small (Smalley) Jr. and Alice Hollowell of Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8875713682;

Smalling: Family Lineage and Descendants of Samuel Benjamin Smalling and Margaret Taylor of Virginia, New York, Tennessee, Oregon, North Carolina, Missouri, and Georgia (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8875731709;

Sneed: Family Lineage of William Sneed and Descendants of Amelia County, Virginia; Cherokee & Wilkes Counties, North Carolina; Knox & Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Snider: Family Lineage of Michael Snider (Schneider, Snyder) and Descendants of Carter, Blount, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Snider: Family Lineage of Rev. George Snider (Schneider, Snyder) and Descendants of Carter, Blount, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition;

Sparrow: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Smith Sparrow and Martha Elizabeth Taylor of Virginia and North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876291745;

Springle: Family Lineage and Descendants of William B. Springle and Sarah (Sally) Guthrie of Carteret County, North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876413574;

Stallings: Family Lineage and Descendants of Daniel Stallings and Temperance Nichols of  London, England; Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Virginia (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798871655832;

Steele: Family Lineage of Abraham Steele and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Steele: Family Lineage and Descendants of Abraham C. Steele and Nancy Halford of Buncombe County, North Carolina and Blount and Monroe Counties, Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876538178;

Stephens: Family Lineage of Henry Stephens and Margaret Foster and Descendants of Blount, Washington, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Stephens: Family Lineage and Descendants of Henry Ward Stephens and Margaret Foster of Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Illinois, Texas, Missouri, and Oklahoma (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876643872;

Stewart: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Stewart, Jr. and Rebecca Chadwick of Carteret County, North Carolina (The First Five Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876751843

Stewart: Family Lineage and Descendants of Noah Washington Stewart and Nancy Dillard of North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Washington (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876777409;

Stinnett: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Richard (The Immigrant) Stinnett and Ann Elizabeth Chapman of Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina  (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8321944479;

Strange: Family Lineage of Alexander Strange and Descendants of England to Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Missouri, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name

Strange: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Strange, IV and Phebe Chandler Mitchell of England, Virginia, South Carolina, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876857071;

Styron (1): Family Lineage of Styr / Stiring / Styron of Norway and York England to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 1 of 4; 2018 Edition)

Styron (2): Family Lineage of Styr / Stiring / Styron of Norway and York England to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 2 of 4; 2018 Edition)

Styron (3): Family Lineage of Styr / Stiring / Styron of Norway and York England to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 3 of 4; 2018 Edition)

Styron (4): Family Lineage of Styr / Stiring / Styron of Norway and York England to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 4 of 4; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index)

Summey: Family Lineage of Michael (Mike) Summey and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Summey: Family Lineage and Descendants of Peter Albert Summey and Jane P. Roberts of North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876960009

Summit: Family Lineage and Descendants of Johanne Frantz Summitt and Dorothy Abernathy of Germany, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876972729;

Tallent (1): Family Lineage of Thomas Tallent from Anson County, NC to Monroe County, TN: Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition

Tallent (2): Family Lineage of Thomas Tallent from Anson County, NC to Monroe County, TN: Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index

Tallent: Family Lineage and Descendants of Robert Richard Tallent and Sarah Ann Marcy (Mercy) Pratte of England, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, and Tennessee (The First Ten Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8877092280;

Taylor (1): Family Lineage of The Taylor Family of Carteret County, NC: Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition

Taylor (2): Family Lineage of The Taylor Family of Carteret County, NC: Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition

Thomas: Family Lineage of Aaron Thomas and Descendants of Orange County, North Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Thomas: Family Lineage of John Thomas and Descendants of Blount County and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Thomas: Family Lineage of Thomas Thomas, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Thompson: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Thompson and Margaret Henderson of England, Scotland, Ireland, Maryland, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Texas (The First Nine Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8877461970;

Throckmorton (Morton): Family Lineage and Descendants of Job Throckmorton (Morton) and Sarah Leonard of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina (2023 Edition; Vol 1 of 2); ISBN: 9798373676502;

Throckmorton (Morton): Family Lineage and Descendants of Job Throckmorton (Morton) and Sarah Leonard of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina (2023 Edition; Vol 2 of 2); ISBN: 9798373677721;

Tipton: Family Lineage of Sir Anthony de Tipton and Descendants of England to Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Tolson: Family Lineage of William Tolson, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Toomey/Twomey: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Patrick Toomey (Twomey) and Margaret Barratt of Ireland, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8878353335;

Torbett: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hughes Torbett and Mary E. Watson of Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8878682947;

Turner:  Family Lineage and Descendants of Edward Turner and Elizabeth Haley of Virginia, Maryland, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8878801829

Veale/Veal: Family Lineage and Descendants of Morris Veale and Eleanor Folger of Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Washington (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8878887021;

Wade (1): Family Lineage of Robert Wade and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: Vol. 1; 2018 Edition

Wade (2): Family Lineage of Robert Wade and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: Vol. 2; 2018 Edition – includes sources and name index

Wade: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Edward Wade and Elizabeth Livingston of Virginia and Carteret County, North Carolina (The First Six Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8879016116;

Wallace (1): Family Lineage of Robert Wallace (Wallis) and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: Volume 1 of 2; 2018 Edition (with volume two including sources and name index)

Wallace (2): Family Lineage of Robert Wallace (Wallis) and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: Volume 2 of 2; 2018 Edition (including sources and name index for both volumes)

Wallace: Family Lineage and Descendants of Robert Wallis (Wallace) Sr. and Rebecca Menough of Scotland, England, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, and North Carolina (The First Seven Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8879530261

Walker: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Walker, Jr. and Susannah Slaughter Peachy of Virginia, Alabama, California, Maryland, Missouri, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8879097962;

Ward: Family Lineage of Edward Ward and Descendants of Onslow and Carteret Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Ward: Family Lineage of Captain John Ward and Descendants of England, Henrico County, Virginia, and Onslow and Carteret Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name

Ward: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Ward and Isabella Brewster of England, Virginia, Connecticut, and North Carolina (The First Eight Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8882987854;

Watson: Family Lineage of Adam Watson from England to Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition

Watson: Family Lineage and Descendants of Nathaniel Valentine Watson and Sarah Ann Tipton of Virginia, North Caroline, Georgia, and Tennessee (The First Six Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8883235800;

Watson: Family Lineage and Descendants of Robert David Watson and Nancy Selvidge of Monroe and McMinn Counties, Tennessee (The FirstFive Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8883802835;

Watson: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Henry David Watson and Mary (Polly) A. Rogers of Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 9798883915856

Webb: Family Lineage of John Webb and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Webb: Family Lineage and Descendants of Martin H. Webb and Elizabeth Roche (Roach) of Tennessee  (The First Seven Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8884030732;

Welch: Family Lineage of Thomas Welch, Sr. and Descendants of Pennsylvania, Kentucky; Graham, Macon, Swain & Rutherford County, North Carolina, and Blount, Knox, McMinn & Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Wells: Family Lineage of James Wells and Descendants of Maryland, DC, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, and Connecticut: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Wells: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Jordan Wells and wives, Ellen Dalamar, Ailsey Davis, and Sarah Frances Wood of North Carolina and Virginia (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8884746817;

West: Family Lineage and Descendants of Major John West Sr. and Sarah Margaret Susannah Pearson of England, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8320382234;

West: Family Lineage of Joseph V. West and Descendants of South Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

West: Family Lineage and Descendants of William de la Warr West and Elizabeth L’Estrange of England, Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina, and Tennessee (The First Nine Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8884858619;

Wetherington: Family Lineage of Solomon Wetherington, Sr. and Descendants of Lenoir, Craven, and Carteret Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

White: Family Lineage of James B. White, Sr. of Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Whitehead: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Stanley Whitehead, Sr. and Nancy Sidney Physioc of Carteret and Craven Counties, North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8320409771;

Whitehurst: Family Lineage of William Richard Whitehurst and Descendants of Virginia, Maryland, North & South Carolina, Georgia, and Texas: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Whitehurst: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Richard Whitehurst and Ellen Russell Clements of England, Virginia, Florida, and Carteret County, North Carolina (The First Eight Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8322034575;

Wickes / Weeks (1):  Family Lineage of Richard Wickes (Weeks) and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: Volume One, 2018 Edition

Wickes / Weeks (2): Family Lineage of Richard Wickes (Weeks) and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: Volume Two, 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Williams: Family Lineage of William Williams of NC and Monroe County, TN (2018 Edition)

Willis (1): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) – Virginia to North Carolina (Vol. 1)

Willis (2): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) – Virginia to North Carolina (Vol. 2)

Willis (3): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) ~ Virginia to North Carolina Vol 3

Williston: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Willis (Williston) The Younger and Wives of England, Middlesex County, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina (The First Five Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8323005987;

Williston (1): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Vol. 1 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (1): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Vol. 1 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (2): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Vol. 2 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (2): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Vol. 2 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (3): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Source Notes & Index; Vol. 3 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (3): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Source Notes & Index; Vol. 3 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston / Willis (1): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) Family from Middlesex County, VA to Carteret County, NC, (Vol. I, 2012 Edition)

Williston / Willis (2): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) Family from Middlesex County, VA to Carteret County, NC, (Vol. II, 2012 Edition)

Williston / Willis (3): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) Family from Middlesex County, VA to Carteret County, NC, (Vol. III, 2012 Edition) (noted as Vol. II in book catalogs)

Wilson: Family Lineage of Isaac Gillespie Wilson and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Young: Family Lineage of Andrew Jackson (Jack) Young and Descendants of South Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Author’s Published Genealogy Lineage Books

The following list of the author’s published genealogy books is sorted by surname Alpha order.  Numbers after the surname [e.g., (2)] indicate the volume number within a set.  

Note: The author may earn a small affiliate fee (at no cost to the buyer) if the short URLs are used to link to the book on Amazon, which in turn, helps to finance the genealogist author’s continued research.

Adams: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Adams, Sr. and Agnes Katherine Stone of England and Massachusetts: (Ancestors of Two U.S.A. Presidents) (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8568427117)

Adams: Family Lineage and Descendants of Nathan Adams, Sr. and Amy Littlejohn of Fairfax and Pittsylvania, VA and Carteret and Craven County, NC (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8567914700)

Adams: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Adams, Sr. and Elizabeth Neal of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8570365520)

Adams: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Adams, Sr. and Else Dunkel of Germany and Berks, Columbia, and Lehigh Counties, Pennsylvania (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8570429864)

Akin (Eakins): Family Lineage and Descendants of William Eakin (Eakins, Akin, Aiken) and Isabel (Isabelle) Morrison of Catoosa, Walker, and Wilkes County, GA; Carteret, Cherokee, and Rutherford County, NC; Blount, Knox, McMinn, and Monroe County, TN; and Henrico & Chesterfield Counties, VA. (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8573508047)

Akin: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Aiken (Akin; Aikens) and Janet Wilson of Scotland, Ireland; Paulding County, Georgia; Chester & Fairfield County, South Carolina; and Greene, McMinn & Monroe County, Tennessee. (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8573542331)

Allen: Family Lineage and Descendants of David Easter Allen and Martha (Patsy) Harris of  Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Virginia. Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas J. Allen and Ann Brown of Tennessee and Oklahoma (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8575563532)

Allen: Family Lineage and Descendants of George Allen and Katherine Collins of England, Alabama, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia (The First Ten Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8323593484

Allen: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas J. Allen and Ann Brown of Tennessee and Oklahoma (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8575640998)

Anderson: Family Lineage and Descendants of George Anderson and Elizabeth Clifford Wayne (relatives of Thomas Jefferson and Pocahontas) of Chatham County, GA; Montgomery County, PA; Williamson County, TN; Sandoval County, NM; Kane County, IL; Albemarle County & Richmond, VA; New Castle, DE; and Suffolk & Middlesex County, MA (2021 edition; paperback; ISBN: 979-8577920135)

Arnold: Family Lineage of Claiborne Arnold and Descendants of Greene, Hawkins & Sullivan Counties, TN; Scott & Buckingham Counties, VA; and Clinton County, MO: 2018 Edition: includes sources and name index

Arnold: Family Lineage of Henry A. Arnold and Descendants of Virginia and McMinn, Rhea, Monroe, Meigs, and Loudon Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Arnold: Family Lineage of Simon Arnold and Descendants of Rockbridge County, VA; Harrison, Barbour & Upshur, WV; Summit County, OH; and Jackson, MI: (2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Arnold: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Arnold, Sr. and Elizabeth Bostick of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois (2021 edition; paperback, ISBN: 979-8579130051)

Arp / Earp: Family Lineage of Thomas Earp (Arp) Sr. and Descendants of England, Virginia, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Arp (Earp): Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Marion Earp (Arp) and Susannah Uln of Ireland, England, and Canada; Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Washington (2021 edition, paperback; ISBN: ISBN: 979-8579207265)

Arthur: Family Lineage of John Arthur and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Arthur: Family Lineage of John Arthur and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina (2018 Edition; paperback, includes sources and name index)

Arthur: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Arthur, Sr. and Priscilla Gardner of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Michigan, and New York (2021 edition, paperback; ISBN: XXX)

Atkins: Family Lineage of William Lemuel Atkins (Atkinson), Sr. and Descendants of Blount, McMinn, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Atkinson (Atkins): Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Atkinson (Atkins) and Mary Ann Smithson of England, Tennessee, Maryland, Illinois, and Georgia (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8581571279)

Austin: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Austin Jr. and Elizabeth Nelson of North Carolina (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8582070276)

Baker: Family Lineage of James C. Baker, Sr. and Descendants of Arkansas, Arizona, Tennessee, Kansas, Texas, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Georgia: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Bankhead: Family Lineage and Descendants of James Galt Bankhead and Martha Kerr of Scotland, Caroline County, Virginia (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN # 979-8582428831)

Barr: Family Lineage and Descendants of Adam Wesley Barr and Elizabeth Lowry of Monroe County, Tennessee (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8593701190)

Barker: Family Lineage of Sylvanus Barker, Sr. and Descendants of Virginia and Carteret, Edgecombe, Harlowe, Nash, and Wake Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Beall (Bell): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Beall (Bell) & Alison Donaldson of Scotland, Maryland & North Carolina – Vol 1 of 4 (Paperback; ISBN: 979-8594633544; 2021 Edition)

Beall (Bell): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Beall (Bell) & Alison Donaldson of Scotland, Maryland & North Carolina  – Vol 2 of 4 (Paperback; ISBN: 979-8594645592; 2021 Edition)

Beall (Bell): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Beall (Bell) & Alison Donaldson of Scotland, Maryland & North Carolina  – Vol 3 of 4 (Paperback; ISBN: 979-8594649118; 2021 Edition) 

Beall (Bell): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Beall (Bell) & Alison Donaldson of Scotland, Maryland & North Belcher: Family Lineage and Descendants of Henry Thomas Belcher (Bellshire; Belchier) and Mary J. Mitchell of Warwickshire, England and Tennessee (2021 Edition; Paperback; ISBN: 979-8593701190)

Belcher: Family Lineage of Jacob Belcher and Descendants of South Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Bell: Captain Richard (Robert) Bell, Sr. and Lady Mary Margaret (Sarah) Chester of England and Virginia, Volume 1 of 2, 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8594964709; Paperback)

Bell: Captain Richard (Robert) Bell, Sr. and Lady Mary Margaret (Sarah) Chester of England and Virginia, Volume 2 of 2, includes sources, index, and relations, 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8594969575; Paperback)

Bell: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Bell and Joanna (Jane) Boothe of England and North Carolina, Volume 1 of 2, 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8597617305; Paperback)

Bell: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Bell and Joanna (Jane) Boothe of England and North Carolina, Volume 2 of 2, includes Index, Resources, and Relations, 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8597621227; Paperback)

Belsham: Family Lineage of William Belsham and Descendants of England, Canada, and United States: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Best (Boesch; Boesch): Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthoni Bosch (Boesch; Best) and wife, Anna Maria of Germany, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8597993843; Paperback)

Best: Family Lineage of Sebastian Best and Descendants of Germany, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Beyer / Boyer: Family Lineage of Johan C. Beyer (Boyer) from Germany to Pennsylvania (Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition)

Beyer / Boyer: Family Lineage of Johan C. Beyer (Boyer) from Germany to Pennsylvania (Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition) includes source notes and name index

Bishop: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain John Bishop, I and Elizabeth Ann Booker of Virginia and North Carolina (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8598420898; Paperback)

Bivens: Family Lineage and Descendants of Benjamin Bivens (Biben; Bibens) and Mary (Polly) Carney of Louisiana and Tennessee (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8700348850; Paperback)

Boyer (Beyer): Family Lineage and Descendants of Johan Christoph Beyer (Boyer) and Anna Maria Kuehleisen of Germany, Bavaria, and Pennsylvania (Volume One, 2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8703308455; Paperback)

Boyer (Beyer): Family Lineage and Descendants of Johan Christoph Beyer (Boyer) and Anna Maria Kuehleisen of Germany, Bavaria, and Pennsylvania (Volume Two, includes sources, index, and relationships, 2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8703312865; Paperback)

Blair (du Blair):  Family Lineage and Descendants of Sir Bryce Blair (du Blair) and Annabell Wallace of Scotland, Ireland, England, and Virginia, Volume Three – Sources, Index, and Relations, including First Families of Virginia and relatives of Pocahontas and John Rolfe; 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8701757286; Paperback)

Blair (du Blair):  Family Lineage and Descendants of Sir Bryce Blair (du Blair) and Annabell Wallace of Scotland, Ireland, England, and Virginia, Volume Two, including First Families of Virginia and relatives of Pocahontas and John Rolfe; 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8701757286; Paperback)

Blair (du Blair):  Family Lineage and Descendants of Sir Bryce Blair (du Blair) and Annabell Wallace of Scotland, Ireland, England, and Virginia, Volume One, including First Families of Virginia and relatives of Pocahontas and John Rolfe; 2021 Edition (ISBN: 979-8701746426; Paperback)

Bradley: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Bradley and Mary Ledbetter of Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8703755990; Paperback)

Breckinridge: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Breckenridge and Jane Preston of Ireland, Scotland, Virginia, and Kentucky (Volume One, 2021 Edition; Paperback)

Breckinridge: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Breckenridge and Jane Preston of Ireland, Scotland, Virginia, and Kentucky (Volume Two, includes sources, index, and relationships, 2021 Edition; Paperback)

Britton (Britain): Family Lineage and Descendants of John (Royal) Brooks and Lydia Shackleford of North Carolina (2021 Edition, Paperback; ISBN: 979-8705248223)

Brooks: Family Lineage and Descendants of John (Royal) Brooks and Lydia Shackleford of North Carolina (2021 Edition, Paperback; ISBN: 979-8705248223)

Brown: Family Lineage of Benjamin Brown, Sr. and Descendants of Hanover, Virginia, Clay County, Kentucky, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Burchfield: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Pinkst Burchfield and Jane Wilson of England, Maryland, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8707674433; Paperback)

Burris: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Burris and Ester Fadden of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8707747601; Paperback)

Byrd: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Byrd (Bird) and Grace Elizabeth Stegge of England, North Carolina, and Virginia; Volume One of Two (2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8708497161, Paperback)

Byrd: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Byrd (Bird) and Grace Elizabeth Stegge of England, North Carolina, and Virginia; Volume Two of Two, 2021 Edition; ISBN: 979-8708502384, Paperback)

Cabell: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Cabell & Mary Chase of England and Massachusetts (Volume One; 2021 Edition, Paperback Edition; ISBN: 9798742041177,

Cabell: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Cabell & Mary Chase of England and Massachusetts (Volume Two; 2021 Edition; includes resources, index, and relationship report) Paperback Edition; ISBN: 9798742047889,

Canaday: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Canaday & Anna Fisher of Ireland, Maryland, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume One of Two, 2021 Edition, Paperback; ISBN: 9798742208877,

Canaday: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Canaday and Anna Fisher of Ireland, Maryland, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume Two of Two, 2021 Edition; includes resources, index, and relationship report, Paperback; ISBN: 9798742212911,

Chadwick (1): Family Lineage of Samuel Chadwick and Descendants of Massachusetts to Carteret County, NC: Vol 1; 2018 Edition

Chadwick (2): Family Lineage of Samuel Chadwick and Descendants of Massachusetts to Carteret County, NC: Vol 2; 2018 Edition

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Chadwick and his wives Joan Warrell and Joan Bennett of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume One of Four, 2021 Edition); ISBN: 9798746517678; Amazon:

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Chadwick and his wives Joan Warrell and Joan Bennett of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume Two of Four, 2021 Edition); ISBN: 9798746522559; Amazon

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Chadwick and his wives Joan Warrell and Joan Bennett of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume Three of Four, 2021 Edition); ISBN: 9798746526175; Amazon

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Chadwick and his wives Joan Warrell and Joan Bennett of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret County, North Carolina (Volume Four of Four, 2021 Edition; includes resources, index, and relationship report); ISBN: 9798746531827; Amazon

Chadwick: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Chadwick And Agnes Heywood of England, Massachusetts, and North Carolina (The First Nine Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798871884584;

Chadwick: Family Lineage of Ephraim Chadwick and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index HTTP://

Chadwick: Family Lineage of Samuel Chadwick and Descendants of Massachusetts to Carteret County, NC: Vol 3; 2018 Edition – includes sources and name index

Conner: Family Lineage of George O. Conner & Denny Morris and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Cook: Family Lineage of Jacob Cook and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Cook: Family Lineage of James A. Washington Cook, Sr. and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Crowder: Family Lineage and Descendants of Absolum Crowder and Martha Stacey of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Missouri (2021 Edition, ISBN: 9798749989571)

Dalton: Family Lineage and Descendants of David Dalton and Sarah Robinson of North Carolina and Tennessee (2021 Edition) ISBN: 9798502693523

Daniels: Family Lineage of Captain William Daniels, Sr. and Descendants of Ireland and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Davis: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Davis and Elizabeth Gamble of England, Wales, and Carteret County, North Carolina, Volume 1 of 4, 2021 Edition, ISBN: 9798514140633,

Davis: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Davis and Elizabeth Gamble of England, Wales, and Carteret County, North Carolina, Volume 2 of 4, 2021 Edition, ISBN: 9798514143948,

Davis: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Davis and Elizabeth Gamble of England, Wales, and Carteret County, North Carolina, Volume 3 of 4, 2021 Edition, ISBN: 9798514149995,

Davis: Family Lineage and Descendants of Anthony Davis and Elizabeth Gamble of England, Wales, and Carteret County, North Carolina, Volume 4 of 4, 2021 Edition (includes resources, index, and relationship report), ISBN: 9798514156245,

Day: Family Lineage of John Day and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Dean: Family Lineage and Descendants of Andrew Jackson Dean and Margaret (Peggy) Penix of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana (2021 Edition; ISBN: 9798514671076)

Dickinson:  Family Lineage of Captain John Dickinson, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Dickinson:  Family Lineage of John Dickinson, Sr. and Descendants of Providence, Rhode Island, and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Dickinson:  Family Lineage of Marcus Cicero Dickinson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Dickinson: Family Lineage of Daniel Dickinson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Dixon: Family Lineage and Descendants of Abner N. Dixon and Winifred (Winney) Gaskill of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Paperback, ISBN: 9798514697373)

Dudley: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas (Dudley) Sutton and Grace Threlkeld of England, Virginia, and North Carolina (2021 Edition); ISBN: 9798517948274,

Dunaway: Family Lineage of Derby Dunaway and Descendants of Virginia: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index,

Duncan: Family Lineage of James Duncan and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research,

Elliott: Family Lineage of Thomas Elliott and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Fulcher (Fulshire / Fulchire): Family Lineage and Descendants of William Fulcher (Fulshire; Fulchire) and Elizabeth Wells Poindexter of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume 3 of 3, including resources, index, and relationship report; ISBN: 9798540919845,

Fulcher (Fulshire / Fulchire): Family Lineage and Descendants of William Fulcher (Fulshire; Fulchire) and Elizabeth Wells Poindexter of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume 2 of 3; ISBN: 9798540879231,

Fulcher (Fulshire / Fulchire): Family Lineage and Descendants of William Fulcher (Fulshire; Fulchire) and Elizabeth Wells Poindexter of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume 1 of 3; ISBN: 9798540864541,

Fulford (Updated): Family Lineage and Descendants of Joseph Fulford, Sr. and Nancy Ann Martin of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume 1 of 4; ISBN: 9798540919845,

Fulford (Updated): Family Lineage and Descendants of Joseph Fulford, Sr. and Nancy Ann Martin of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume 2 of 4; ISBN: 9798542504117,

Fulford (Updated): Family Lineage and Descendants of Joseph Fulford, Sr. and Nancy Ann Martin of  Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume 3 of 4; ISBN: : 9798542519524,

Fulford (Updated): Family Lineage and Descendants of Joseph Fulford, Sr. and Nancy Ann Martin of Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume 4 of 4; including resources, index, and relationship report); ISBN:

Gardner: Family Lineage of Thomas Gardner, Sr. and Descendants of England, and Essex and Nantucket Counties, Massachusetts: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Garner: Family Lineage of John Garner of England to Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Gaskill: Family Lineage of William Gaskill and Ann Jarrott and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gaskill: Family Lineage of William Gaskill, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gaskins / Gascoigne: Family Lineage of Henry Gascoigne (Gaskins) and Descendants of France, England, and DC, Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, and Anson, Craven, Carteret, Lenoir, and Pamlico Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Gentry: Family Lineage of Allen Gentry and Descendants of Hanover, Halifax, Louisa, and Lunenburg Counties, Virginia; Bute and Surry Counties, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Giles: Family Lineage of Thomas Robert Giles and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Giles: Family Lineage of William Giles and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Giles: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Giles and Margaret Hawker of England, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition, Volume 1 of 2). ISBN: 9798491833566;

Giles: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Giles and Margaret Hawker of England, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition, Volume 2 of 2 including Sources, References, and Relationship List) ISBN: 9798491865888;

Gillikin: Family Lineage of Amos Gillikin of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gillikin: Family Lineage of Jesse Gillikin, Sr. of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gillikin: Family Lineage of John Washington Gillikin of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Gillikin: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Gillikin and Mary Barnett of Scotland and Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume One of Two); ISBN: 9798496916738 

Gillikin: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Gillikin and Mary Barnett of Scotland and Carteret County, North Carolina (2021 Edition; Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list); ISBN: 9798496932097

Golding / Golden: Family Lineage of G. W. Golding (Golden) and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Goodwin: Family Lineage of Thomas Goodwin, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition, includes sources and name index

Gould: Family Lineage of Thomas Gould and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Goulding (Golding): Family Lineage and Descendants of Edward Goulding (Golding) and Mirable Aldham of England, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Virginia (2021 Edition), ISBN 9798492034122,

Graham (Grimes): Family Lineage of Jeffrey & Lewis Graham (Grimes) and Descendants of Buncombe, Jackson, Macon, Swain Counties, North Carolina; Cobb and Union County, Georgia; and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Graham: Family Lineage of James C. Graham and Descendants of Canada and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Grant: Family Lineage of William Grant, Sr. and Descendants of Albemarle County, VA, Rutherford County, NC, and Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Grant: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Grant Sr. and wives, Elizabeth Boone & Mary E. Morris of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume One of Two), ISBN: 9798750137350

Grant: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Grant Sr. and wives, Elizabeth Boone & Mary E. Morris of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list), ISBN: 9798750144891

Gray: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Gray Sr. and Anne Elizabeth Wells of Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; Volume One of Two), ISBN: 9798784093530

Gray: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Gray Sr. and Anne Elizabeth Wells of Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2021 Edition; Volume Two of Two; includes relationships, resources, and citations), ISBN: 9798784109453

Guthrie (Guthery): Family Lineage of Solomon Guthery (Guthrie) of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of Benjamin Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of Elijah Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain John Montrose Guthrie, Sr. and Elizabeth Baskett of Scotland, Virginia, and North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume One of Two); ISBN: 9798785413719;

Guthrie: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain John Montrose Guthrie, Sr. and Elizabeth Baskett of Scotland, Virginia, and North Carolina (2021 Edition, Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list); ISBN: 9798785422360;

Guthrie: Family Lineage of John Wallace Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of John Wesley Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of Stephen Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineage of William Henry Guthrie of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Guthrie: Family Lineages of William Guthrie & Samuel E. Guthrie, Sr. of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition;

Hall: Family Lineage of James Hall and Descendants of Montgomery County, Virginia, and Blount, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hamilton: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hamilton and Mary Arthur of Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition), ISBN: 9798799797973, Retrieved from

Hamilton: Family Lineage of Robert Lee Hamilton and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Hancock: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hancock and wives, Elinor Durant and Elizabeth Spencer of Virginia and Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition; Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list), ISBN: 9798401860088, Retrieved from

Hancock: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hancock and wives, Elinor Durant and Elizabeth Spencer of Virginia and Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition; Volume One of Two) ISBN: 9798401855657, Retrieved from

Hancock: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hancock and wives, Elinor Durant and Elizabeth Spencer of Virginia and Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition; Volume Two of Two; includes resources, index, and relationship list)

Hancock: Family Lineage of Simon Hancock and Descendants of England, Virginia, and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hardesty: Family Lineage of Thomas Hardesty and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Harker: Family Lineage of Anthony Harker and Descendants of England, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Alabama, and Carteret, Craven, and Onslow Counties, North Carolina: Vol. 1; 2018 Edition: includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Harker: Family Lineage of Anthony Harker and Descendants of England, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Alabama, and Carteret, Craven, and Onslow Counties, North Carolina: Vol. 1; 2018 Edition: includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Harker: Family Lineage of Anthony Harker and Descendants of England, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Alabama, and Carteret, Craven, and Onslow Counties, North Carolina: Vol. 2; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Harrill / Harold: Family Lineage of Richard Harold (Harrill) Sr. and Descendants of England, Virginia, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Harris: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Harris and Jemima Millsaps of Monroe County, Tennessee; ISBN: 9798796534762;

Harris: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Sewell Harris, and wife, Jemima Millsaps, of  Monroe and Polk Counties, Tennessee, 2022 Edition, Retrieved from

Harris: Family Lineage of Benjamin Harris III and Descendants of Maryland, Virginia, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Harris: Family Lineage of George Brinn Harris and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Harrison: Family Lineage of John Harrison and Descendants of England to Virginia, Alabama, and Blount and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Harrison: Family Lineage of Thomas Harrison and Descendants of Virginia and North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Harrison: Family Lineage of William Harrison and Descendants of Blount and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Heath: Family Lineage of John Heath, Sr. and Descendants of Middlesex County, Virginia and Craven Counties, North Carolina: (2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Henry: Family Lineage and Descendants of Fielden (Felden) F. Henry, and wife, Emaline Dorcas Tucker, of Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition), ISBN: 9798838997500

Hensley/Henslee: Family Lineage and Descendants of Macksfield Henslee (Hensley) and Martha Sneed (Snead) of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8875833168;

Hensley: A Lineage of the Hensley Family from Buckingham County, VA to Monroe County, TN: 2012 Edition

Hensley: Family Lineage of William Hensley Sr. of Buckingham County, VA to Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition

Hensley: Lineage of William Hensley of Washington County, Virginia

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of Nehemiah Hicks (Hix) and Phyllis Ann (Philliazanah) Hitchcock of Maryland and Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition, Volume 1 of 2), ISBN: 9798839777873

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of Nehemiah Hicks (Hix) and Phyllis Ann (Philliazanah) Hitchcock of Maryland and Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition, Volume 2 of 2, includes citations, source notes, and index), ISBN: 9798839779167

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Hicks (Hix) and wives, Elizabeth Malone, Elizabeth Douthit, and Elizabeth Poe of Virginia, Maryland, and Tennessee (2022 Edition; Volume 1 of 2), ISBN: 9798839027725;

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Hicks (Hix) and wives, Elizabeth Malone, Elizabeth Douthit, and Elizabeth Poe of Virginia, Maryland, and Tennessee (2022 Edition; Volume 2 of 2); ISBN: 9798839028944

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of Nehemiah Hicks (Hix) and Phyllis Ann (Philliazanah) Hitchcock of Maryland and Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition, Volume 1 of 2), ISBN: 9798839777873;

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage and Descendants of Nehemiah Hicks (Hix) and Phyllis Ann (Philliazanah) Hitchcock of Maryland and Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition, Volume 2 of 2, includes citations, source notes, and index); ISBN: 9798839779167;

Hicks (Hix): Family Lineage of Shadrach Hix (Hicks) and Descendants of McMinn and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Ed.; includes sources and name index

Hicks / Hix: Family Lineage of Zacheus Hix (Hicks), Sr. and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hill: Family Lineage of Captain John Hill, Sr. of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hill: Family Lineage of Isaac Hill from Caroline County, VA to King & Queen County, VA: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hill: Family Lineage and Descendants of Francis Hill Sr. and Elizabeth Perry of Accomack County, VA, and Carteret and Craven County, NC (2022 Edition; The First Seven Generations); ISBN: 9798839920729;

Hill: Family Lineage of William Hill and Descendants of Carteret and Onslow Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Hitson: Family Lineage of William Hitson, Sr. and Susannah Nichols and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Ed.; includes sources and name index

Howard: Family Lineage of Matthew Howard and Descendants of England, Maryland, and Blount, Knox, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Howard: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Benjamin Howard and Frances Louise Gray of North Carolina and Tennessee (2022 Edition); ISBN: 9798840237700

Howland: Family Lineage of Jonathon Howland and Descendants of England, Massachusetts, and Carteret and Craven County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Humphreys: Family Lineage of John Humphreys and Descendants of Chattanooga and Blount, Montgomery, Washington, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Hunt: Family Lineage of Reverend William Lewis (Bucky) Hunt and Descendants of South Carolina and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Jarratt: Family Lineage and Descendants of John W. Jarrett, Sr. and Wife, Catherine, of Onslow and Carteret Counties, North Carolina and Virginia (The First Five Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798872246657;

Jenkins:  Family Lineage of John Canady Jenkins and Descendants of Cherokee County, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Jenkins: Family Lineage and Descendants of Leban Jenkins and Dialtha Adaline Tallent of Monroe County, Tennessee (2022 Edition); ISBN: 9798840245644;

Jenkins: Family Lineage of Lewis Jenkins and Descendants of Onslow, New Hanover, Columbus, Brunswick & Columbus, North Carolina, and Marion, South Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Jones: Family Lineage of William Jones and Descendants of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Jones: Family Lineage of William Jones and Descendants of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition

Jones: Family Lineage and Descendants of Ambrose Jones and Mary Chadwick of Carteret County, North Carolina; ISBN: 9798840329634;

Kennedy: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Marcus Kennedy and Nancy Lorena Gray of North Carolina and Tennessee (2022 Edition); ISBN: 9798840362419;

Kirkland: Family Lineage and Descendants of Nathan Kirkland and Lillie Berrie Faw of Cherokee County, NC and Polk County, TN (2022 Edition, Volume 1 of 2); ISBN: 9798840573525;

Kirkland: Family Lineage and Descendants of Nathan Kirkland and Lillie Berrie Faw of Cherokee County, NC and Polk County, TN (2022 Edition, Volume 2 of 2; includes citations, index, and relationship report); ISBN: 9798840575666;

Kirkland: Family Lineage of Benjamin Kirkland and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Kirkland: Family Lineage of Nathan Kirkland and Descendants of North Carolina, Georgia, and Anderson, McMinn, Blount, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Lawrence: Family Lineage of John Lawrence and Descendants of New England and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Lawrence: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Lawrence and wife, Anne, of New England and Carteret County, NC  (The First Eight Generations; 2022 Edition, Volume 1 of 2); ISBN: 9798840601181;

Lawrence: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Lawrence and wife, Anne, of New England and Carteret County, NC  (The First Eight Generations; 2022 Edition, Volume 2 of 2; including citations, index, and relationship list); ISBN: 9798840601815;

Lee: Family Lineage of Captain Thomas Lee, Sr. of Johnston County, NC to Hawkins County and Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Lee: Family Lineage of Clemmons Lee of North Carolina to Polk County & Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Lewis: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Lewis and Mary Champion of Chowan and Carteret Counties, North Carolina (2022 Edition; The First Five Generations); ISBN: 9798840721070;

Lewis (1): Family Lineage of Thomas Lewis of Chowan, NC to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition)

Lewis (2): Family Lineage of Thomas Lewis of Chowan, NC to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition)

Lewis: Family Lineage of George Lewis & Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina

Lewis: Family Lineage of Solomon Lewis & Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina

Lewis: The Family Lineage of Thomas Lewis, Sr. of Carteret County, North Carolina,

Lindsey: Family Lineage of James Lindsey and Descendants of Scotland, Campbell County, Virginia, Fayette, Kentucky, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Lupton: Family Lineage of Christopher Lupton and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Mann: Family Lineage of Thomas Mann and Descendants of Carteret, Craven, Jones, Onslow, and Tyrell Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Mann: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Mann and Alice Powlton of England, Virginia, and Carteret County, North Carolina (2022 Edition); ISBN: 9798841420453;

Martin (Martyne): Family Lineage and Descendants of John Martin (Martyne) and Ann Keeling of England, Virginia, and North Carolina (2022 Edition, The First Eight Generations, including Descendants of Pocahontas); ISBN: 9798841662037;

Martin: Family Lineage of John N. Martin and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

McDaniel: Family Lineage of James McDaniel and Mary Morris and Descendants of Virginia: 2018 Edition: includes sources and name index

McElroy:  Family Lineage of John McElroy, Sr. and Descendants of Maryland, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Alabama, New York, Texas, Hawaii, and Mississippi: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

McLemore (McIlmorrow): Family Lineage of John McLemore (McIlmorrow) of Scotland to Virginia, North Carolina, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name

McLemore (McIlmorrow): Family Lineage and Descendants of John McLemore (McIllmorrow) and Margaret Hamilton of  Scotland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2022 Edition; Volume 1 of 2, updated)

McLemore (McIlmorrow): Family Lineage and Descendants of John McLemore (McIllmorrow) and Margaret Hamilton of  Scotland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2022 Edition; Volume 2 of 2, updated; includes citations, index, and relationship report)

McNabb: Family Lineage of William McNabb and Descendants of Scotland and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Miracle (Merckel): Family Lineage and Descendants of Frederick Merckel (Miracle) and Anna Eva Hundseker (Huntsucker) of Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798373219242;
: Family Lineage of Arthur Merrill, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Miller: Family Lineage of Andrew L. Miller of Virginia to Tennessee & Georgia: 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index

Miller: Family Lineage of John Miller of Buncombe County, NC to Macon County, NC & Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index;

Miller: Family Lineage and Descendants of Ulysses Frederick Miller and Christina Annetta Perkins of Germany, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina (2022 Edition), ISBN: 9798371512178

Mills: Family Lineage of Aaron Mills and Descendants of New York, Cherokee, North Carolina, and Polk and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Millsaps: Family Lineage of Jesse Millsaps, Sr. of Randolph County, NC, and Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes resources and name index

Moore / Moor: Family Lineage of Thomas Moor (Moore) and Descendants of Carteret County, North: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morgan: Family Lineage of Jesse Morgan and Descendants of Rutherford and Buncombe Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morgan: Family Lineage of Permenter Morgan and Descendants of Rutherford and Buncombe, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morgan: Family Lineage of William Morgan and Descendants of North Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morris: Family Lineage of James Riley Morris and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morris: Family Lineage of William Morris, Sr. and Descendants of McDowell, Burke & Rutherford Counties, NC, Christian & Green Counties, MO, and Blount & Monroe Counties, TN: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morton: Family Lineage of Joseph Morton, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Morton (Throckmorton): Family Lineage and Descendants of Job Throckmorton (Morton) and Sarah Leonard of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina (2023 Edition; Vol 1 of 2); ISBN: 9798373676502;

Morton (Throckmorton): Family Lineage and Descendants of Job Throckmorton (Morton) and Sarah Leonard of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina (2023 Edition; Vol 2 of 2); ISBN: 9798373677721;

Moser: Family Lineage of Michael Moser and Descendants of Germany, Knox and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Moser: Family Lineage and Descendants of Johann Michael Moser and Eva Dorothea Mittlemeyer of Germany, France, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Tennessee  (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798373782036

Moses: Family Lineage and Descendants of Joshua Moses and wife, Susan, of Germany, North Carolina, and Tennessee  (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798372292888;

Moses: Family Lineage of Samuel Moses and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Mullins: Family Lineage and Descendants of Paul Des Moulins (Mullins) and wives, Rachel Broret and Jeanne de la Ruelle, of France, Belgium, North Carolina, and Tennessee  (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798374115123;

Mundine (Munden): Family Lineage and Descendants of Kittrel Mundine (Munden) and Sarah Marie Chapman of England, New Jersey, North Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, and Alabama (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798374224702;

Murphy:  Family Lineage and Descendants of Luke Murphy and Abiah Davis of North Carolina (2023 Edition; including a list of 24,181 relations); ISBN: 9798374709025;

Nelson / Nellson (1): Family Lineage of John Nellson / Nelson of Carteret County, NC (Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition)

Nelson / Nellson (2): Family Lineage of John Nellson / Nelson of Carteret County, NC: Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Nicolas (Nicols): Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Nicholas (Nichols) and Elizabeth Loch of England and Virginia (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798374885880;

Oglesby: Family Lineage of John Oglesby and Elizabeth Pettivue and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798375116716

Pack: Family Lineage of James Thompson and Nancy Pack and Descendants of North Carolina and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Page: Family Lineage and Descendants of Colonel John Page and Elizabeth Alice Lukin (Leucken) of England and Virginia (The First Six Generations; 2023 Edition), ISBN: 9798375209593;

Pake / Peake: Family Lineage of John Peake (Pake), Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research;

Pake: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Pake and Hannah Smith of Carteret County, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798375293431;

Patterson: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Patterson and wives, Mary Taylor and Jane Elizabeth Smith of Scotland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee (The First Seven Generations; 2023 Edition), ISBN: 9798375695334;

Patterson: Family Lineage of Joseph Patterson and Descendants of Prince George County, Maryland; Warren County, North Carolina; York County, South Carolina; and McMinn & Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research;

Paul: Family Lineage of John Paul, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret and Craven Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Payne: Family Lineage of John Elliot Payne and Descendants of Virginia to North Carolina, Georgia, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Payne: Family Lineage of Ralph Payne and Descendants of England to Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pelletier: Family Lineage and Descendants of Jeremiah Pelletier and Sarah Carolina Dennis of Carteret County, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798376049273;

Pendleton:  Family Lineage and Descendants of George Pendleton and Cecily Anne Beck of  England and Virginia (2023 Edition)

Phillips: Family Lineage of John Matthew Phillips and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Picklesimer: Family Lineage and Descendants of Abraham Picklesimer and Christine Margarethe Ulrich of Germany, Kentucky, Texas, Virginia, Indiana, and Tennessee (2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8872775843;

Picklesimer: Family Lineage of Isaac Picklesimer of Germany to Pennsylvania, North & South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition, with sources and name index

Picklesimer: Family Lineage and Descendants of Isaac Picklesimer and Rosanne Ferguson of Germany, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Texas (The First Eight Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8872631033;

Pigott: Family Lineage of Elijah Pigott and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pigott: Family Lineage of Francis Pigott and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pigott: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain Francis Pigott and Frances Robins (Robinson) of England, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, South Carolina, and Virginia  (The First Eight Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8872865841;

Pigott: The Pigott Family of Carteret County, North Carolina; Eckhout, Dawn (2000), Published by the Carteret County Historical Society; Amazon Link:

Piner: Family Lineage of Elijah N. Piner and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Piner: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Wallace (Wallis) Piner and Rachel Lawrence of Carteret County, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798873245925;

Piner: Family Lineage of Josephus Piner, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Piner: Family Lineage of Thomas Piner, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pittman: Family Lineage and Descendants of Elish Pittman and Sarah Elizabeth Howell of Kentucky, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and West Virginia (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8873624126;

Pittman:  Family Lineage of Obedience Pittman and Descendants of England and Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Pocahontas: Descendants of Pocahontas & John Rolfe of Virginia and North Carolina, Published 2012 (ISBN-10: 1477400699; ISBN-13: 978-1477400692), available on Amazon via the author’s affiliate link:

Pocahontas / Rolfe: Pocahontas (Matoaka) Powhatan aka Rebecca Rolfe (8,799 Direct and Indirect Relatives and Descendants): Are you related to Pocahontas? (2020);

Pocahontas / Rolfe: Pocahontas (Matoaka) Powhatan aka Rebecca Rolfe (8,799 Direct and Indirect Relatives and Descendants): Are you related to Pocahontas? (Kindle; 2020);

Presley: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Presley and Dicey Cornwall of South Carolina and Tennessee (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798387433894;

Quinn: Family Lineage and Descendants of Laughlin McRichard Quinn and Juane Brian of Ireland, England, and Duplin and Carteret Counties, North Carolina (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798387945908

Raper: Family Lineage of Henry Raper and Descendants of England to Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Raper: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Henry Raper and wives, Sarah E. Wall and Catherine Lloyd, of England, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee (The First Eight Generations; 2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798388235640;`

Ray / Rhea:  Family Lineage of Thomas L. Rhea, Sr. and Descendants of Yancy, North Carolina, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Ray / Rhea: Family Lineage of James Ray (Rhea) and Descendants of Virginia and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Rhea: Family Lineage and Descendants of  Walter Laird Rhea, and wives, Jean Campbell and Ann Stuart of Scotland, England, Ireland, Virginia, and Tennessee (The First Nine Generations; 2023 Edition)

Roberts: Family Lineage of Andrew Roberts of Scotland to North Carolina (2018 Edition)

Robinson: Family Lineage of Allen Robinson of North Carolina to Texas, New Mexico, Tennessee, and California: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of Christopher Robinson and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: Vol 1; 2018 Edition

Robinson: Family Lineage of Christopher Robinson and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: Vol 2; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of James R. Robinson and descendants of Roane, Blount, and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of James Ridley Robinson and Descendants of England to Canada, United States, and Germany: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of John E. Robinson and Descendants of Onslow County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of Thomas Robinson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of Thomas Robinson and Descendants of McMinn County & Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of Thomas Wallace Robinson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Robinson: Family Lineage of William Robinson and Descendants of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Rogers: Family Lineage and Descendants of Robert David Rogers and Frances Jackson Russell of Ireland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Texas (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798390376270;

Rolfe: Descendants of Pocahontas & John Rolfe: Of Virginia and North Carolina, Published 2012 (ISBN-10: 1477400699; ISBN-13: 978-1477400692),

Rose / Rosemary: Family Lineage of John Rosemary (Rose) and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Russell (Rustell): Family Lineage of William Rustell / Russell of Bath County, VA to Carteret County, VA: Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition;

Russell: Family Lineage of Amasa Russell, Sr. and Descendants of Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Ohio, Utah, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, and Washington: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Russell: Family Lineage of Habakkuk Russell of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Salter: Family Lineage of Tyson Salter of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index

Salter: Family Lineage of William Salter, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, NC: 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index;

Schneider/Snider: Family Lineage and Descendants of Johann Georg Schneider (Snider) and Elizabeth Pence of Germany, Pennsylvania, Missouri, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876284891;

Scott: Family Lineage and Descendants of Captain Thomas Baytop Scott and Catherine Tomkies of Gloucester and Prince Edward Counties, Virginia (2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8871663516

Self: Family Lineage and Descendants of Jobe Presley Self and Sarah Julianna Jones of North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee (2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8871757185

Shackleford (1): Family Lineage of William de Shackleford and Descendants of England, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, and North Carolina: Vol 1 of 3, 2018 Edition

Shackleford (2): Family Lineage of William de Shackleford and Descendants of England, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, and North Carolina: Vol 2 of 3, 2018 Edition

Shackleford (3): Family Lineage of William de Shackleford and Descendants of England, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, and North Carolina: Vol 3 of 3, 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Sharp: Family Lineage of John Sharp and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Sharp: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Sharp, Jr. and Margaret Ann Boyd of Ireland, Virginia, and Tennessee  (2023 Edition); ISBN: 979-8871768877

Shelton: Family Lineage and Descendants of Peter Shelton Sr. and Susannah Abigail Jackson of Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2023 Edition), ISBN: 9798872246657;

Shelton: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Isaac Shelton and Palemonia Hunter of Jackson County North Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee (The First Seven Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8875864636;

Shepard: Family Lineage and Descendants of David Shepard and wives, Mehitable Spaulding and Lydia  Meacham of North Carolina; SBN: 979-8873758647;

Shepard: Family Lineage and Descendants of Major David Shepard, Jr. and Sarah Jarratt of Carteret and Onslow Counties, North Carolina, Florida, and Virginia (The First Six Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8873655694;

Simmons: Family Lineage and Descendants of James Simmons and Susanna Blodgett of England, Virginia, and North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8873893034;

Simmons: Family Lineage of William Simmons and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Simpson: Family Lineage of David & Sarah Simpson and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina  (2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Simpson: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Simpson, Sr. and wife, Jean of Scotland, Virginia, and Carteret County, North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8874112707

Skipwith: Family Lineage and Descendants of Grey Skipwith and Elizabeth Arundell of England, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Kentucky (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8874227197;

Sloan: Family Lineage of Archibald Sloan and Descendants of Blount County and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Sloan: Family Lineage and Descendants of Archibald Sloan and Elizabeth Jane Carson of Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Georgia, and Washington (The First Seven Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8874343750;

Small: Family Lineage of John Small, Sr. and Descendants of England, Virginia, and North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Small (Smalley): Family Lineage and Descendants of John J. Small (Smalley) Jr. and Alice Hollowell of Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8875713682;

Smalling: Family Lineage and Descendants of Samuel Benjamin Smalling and Margaret Taylor of Virginia, New York, Tennessee, Oregon, North Carolina, Missouri, and Georgia (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8875731709;

Sneed: Family Lineage of William Sneed and Descendants of Amelia County, Virginia; Cherokee & Wilkes Counties, North Carolina; Knox & Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Snider: Family Lineage of Michael Snider (Schneider, Snyder) and Descendants of Carter, Blount, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Snider: Family Lineage of Rev. George Snider (Schneider, Snyder) and Descendants of Carter, Blount, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition;

Sparrow: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Smith Sparrow and Martha Elizabeth Taylor of Virginia and North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876291745;

Springle: Family Lineage and Descendants of William B. Springle and Sarah (Sally) Guthrie of Carteret County, North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876413574;

Stallings: Family Lineage and Descendants of Daniel Stallings and Temperance Nichols of  London, England; Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Virginia (2023 Edition); ISBN: 9798871655832;

Steele: Family Lineage of Abraham Steele and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index;

Steele: Family Lineage and Descendants of Abraham C. Steele and Nancy Halford of Buncombe County, North Carolina and Blount and Monroe Counties, Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876538178;

Stephens: Family Lineage of Henry Stephens and Margaret Foster and Descendants of Blount, Washington, and Monroe Counties, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Stephens: Family Lineage and Descendants of Henry Ward Stephens and Margaret Foster of Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Illinois, Texas, Missouri, and Oklahoma (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876643872;

Stewart: Family Lineage and Descendants of Alexander Stewart, Jr. and Rebecca Chadwick of Carteret County, North Carolina (The First Five Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876751843

Stewart: Family Lineage and Descendants of Noah Washington Stewart and Nancy Dillard of North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Washington (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876777409;

Stinnett: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Richard (The Immigrant) Stinnett and Ann Elizabeth Chapman of Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina  (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8321944479;

Strange: Family Lineage of Alexander Strange and Descendants of England to Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Missouri, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name

Strange: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Strange, IV and Phebe Chandler Mitchell of England, Virginia, South Carolina, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876857071;

Styron (1): Family Lineage of Styr / Stiring / Styron of Norway and York England to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 1 of 4; 2018 Edition)

Styron (2): Family Lineage of Styr / Stiring / Styron of Norway and York England to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 2 of 4; 2018 Edition)

Styron (3): Family Lineage of Styr / Stiring / Styron of Norway and York England to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 3 of 4; 2018 Edition)

Styron (4): Family Lineage of Styr / Stiring / Styron of Norway and York England to Carteret County, NC (Vol. 4 of 4; 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index)

Summey: Family Lineage of Michael (Mike) Summey and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Summey: Family Lineage and Descendants of Peter Albert Summey and Jane P. Roberts of North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876960009

Summit: Family Lineage and Descendants of Johanne Frantz Summitt and Dorothy Abernathy of Germany, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8876972729;

Tallent (1): Family Lineage of Thomas Tallent from Anson County, NC to Monroe County, TN: Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition

Tallent (2): Family Lineage of Thomas Tallent from Anson County, NC to Monroe County, TN: Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition; includes source notes and name index

Tallent: Family Lineage and Descendants of Robert Richard Tallent and Sarah Ann Marcy (Mercy) Pratte of England, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, and Tennessee (The First Ten Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8877092280;

Taylor (1): Family Lineage of The Taylor Family of Carteret County, NC: Vol. 1 of 2; 2018 Edition

Taylor (2): Family Lineage of The Taylor Family of Carteret County, NC: Vol. 2 of 2; 2018 Edition

Thomas: Family Lineage of Aaron Thomas and Descendants of Orange County, North Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Thomas: Family Lineage of John Thomas and Descendants of Blount County and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Thomas: Family Lineage of Thomas Thomas, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Thompson: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Thompson and Margaret Henderson of England, Scotland, Ireland, Maryland, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Texas (The First Nine Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8877461970;

Throckmorton (Morton): Family Lineage and Descendants of Job Throckmorton (Morton) and Sarah Leonard of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina (2023 Edition; Vol 1 of 2); ISBN: 9798373676502;

Throckmorton (Morton): Family Lineage and Descendants of Job Throckmorton (Morton) and Sarah Leonard of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina (2023 Edition; Vol 2 of 2); ISBN: 9798373677721;

Tipton: Family Lineage of Sir Anthony de Tipton and Descendants of England to Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Tolson: Family Lineage of William Tolson, Sr. and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Toomey/Twomey: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Patrick Toomey (Twomey) and Margaret Barratt of Ireland, North Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8878353335;

Torbett: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Hughes Torbett and Mary E. Watson of Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8878682947;

Turner:  Family Lineage and Descendants of Edward Turner and Elizabeth Haley of Virginia, Maryland, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8878801829

Veale/Veal: Family Lineage and Descendants of Morris Veale and Eleanor Folger of Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Washington (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8878887021;

Wade (1): Family Lineage of Robert Wade and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: Vol. 1; 2018 Edition

Wade (2): Family Lineage of Robert Wade and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: Vol. 2; 2018 Edition – includes sources and name index

Wade: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Edward Wade and Elizabeth Livingston of Virginia and Carteret County, North Carolina (The First Six Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8879016116;

Wallace (1): Family Lineage of Robert Wallace (Wallis) and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: Volume 1 of 2; 2018 Edition (with volume two including sources and name index)

Wallace (2): Family Lineage of Robert Wallace (Wallis) and Descendants of Carteret County, North Carolina: Volume 2 of 2; 2018 Edition (including sources and name index for both volumes)

Wallace: Family Lineage and Descendants of Robert Wallis (Wallace) Sr. and Rebecca Menough of Scotland, England, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, and North Carolina (The First Seven Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8879530261

Walker: Family Lineage and Descendants of Thomas Walker, Jr. and Susannah Slaughter Peachy of Virginia, Alabama, California, Maryland, Missouri, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8879097962;

Ward: Family Lineage of Edward Ward and Descendants of Onslow and Carteret Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Ward: Family Lineage of Captain John Ward and Descendants of England, Henrico County, Virginia, and Onslow and Carteret Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name

Ward: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Ward and Isabella Brewster of England, Virginia, Connecticut, and North Carolina (The First Eight Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8882987854;

Watson: Family Lineage of Adam Watson from England to Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition

Watson: Family Lineage and Descendants of Nathaniel Valentine Watson and Sarah Ann Tipton of Virginia, North Caroline, Georgia, and Tennessee (The First Six Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8883235800;

Watson: Family Lineage and Descendants of Robert David Watson and Nancy Selvidge of Monroe and McMinn Counties, Tennessee (The FirstFive Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8883802835;

Watson: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Henry David Watson and Mary (Polly) A. Rogers of Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 9798883915856

Webb: Family Lineage of John Webb and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Webb: Family Lineage and Descendants of Martin H. Webb and Elizabeth Roche (Roach) of Tennessee  (The First Seven Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8884030732;

Welch: Family Lineage of Thomas Welch, Sr. and Descendants of Pennsylvania, Kentucky; Graham, Macon, Swain & Rutherford County, North Carolina, and Blount, Knox, McMinn & Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Wells: Family Lineage of James Wells and Descendants of Maryland, DC, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, and Connecticut: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

Wells: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Jordan Wells and wives, Ellen Dalamar, Ailsey Davis, and Sarah Frances Wood of North Carolina and Virginia (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8884746817;

West: Family Lineage and Descendants of Major John West Sr. and Sarah Margaret Susannah Pearson of England, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, and Tennessee (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8320382234;

West: Family Lineage of Joseph V. West and Descendants of South Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

West: Family Lineage and Descendants of William de la Warr West and Elizabeth L’Estrange of England, Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina, and Tennessee (The First Nine Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8884858619;

Wetherington: Family Lineage of Solomon Wetherington, Sr. and Descendants of Lenoir, Craven, and Carteret Counties, North Carolina: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index and blank genealogy lineage charts for further documentation and research

White: Family Lineage of James B. White, Sr. of Monroe County, TN: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Whitehead: Family Lineage and Descendants of John Stanley Whitehead, Sr. and Nancy Sidney Physioc of Carteret and Craven Counties, North Carolina (2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8320409771;

Whitehurst: Family Lineage of William Richard Whitehurst and Descendants of Virginia, Maryland, North & South Carolina, Georgia, and Texas: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Whitehurst: Family Lineage and Descendants of William Richard Whitehurst and Ellen Russell Clements of England, Virginia, Florida, and Carteret County, North Carolina (The First Eight Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8322034575;

Wickes / Weeks (1):  Family Lineage of Richard Wickes (Weeks) and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: Volume One, 2018 Edition

Wickes / Weeks (2): Family Lineage of Richard Wickes (Weeks) and Descendants of England to Carteret County, North Carolina: Volume Two, 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Williams: Family Lineage of William Williams of NC and Monroe County, TN (2018 Edition)

Willis (1): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) – Virginia to North Carolina (Vol. 1)

Willis (2): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) – Virginia to North Carolina (Vol. 2)

Willis (3): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) ~ Virginia to North Carolina Vol 3

Williston: Family Lineage and Descendants of Richard Willis (Williston) The Younger and Wives of England, Middlesex County, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina (The First Five Generations; 2024 Edition); ISBN: 979-8323005987;

Williston (1): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Vol. 1 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (1): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Vol. 1 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (2): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Vol. 2 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (2): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Vol. 2 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (3): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Source Notes & Index; Vol. 3 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston (3): Family Lineage of Richard Williston of Middlesex, Virginia (Source Notes & Index; Vol. 3 of 3; 2018 Edition)

Williston / Willis (1): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) Family from Middlesex County, VA to Carteret County, NC, (Vol. I, 2012 Edition)

Williston / Willis (2): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) Family from Middlesex County, VA to Carteret County, NC, (Vol. II, 2012 Edition)

Williston / Willis (3): Descendants of Richard Williston (Willis) Family from Middlesex County, VA to Carteret County, NC, (Vol. III, 2012 Edition) (noted as Vol. II in book catalogs)

Wilson: Family Lineage of Isaac Gillespie Wilson and Descendants of Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

Young: Family Lineage of Andrew Jackson (Jack) Young and Descendants of South Carolina and Monroe County, Tennessee: 2018 Edition; includes sources and name index

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