Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Call Now! 757-404-8300
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Steven A. MacLaird Stafford, VA 22554 Cell: (703) 231-6335 stevemacLaird@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Business Development / Program Management Executive / V.P. EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 27.5 years, Military Service, United States Air Force, Honorable Discharge 27+ years, Domestic Property Management 18 years, International Business /14 years Project Management ...
Moneve (NeeVee) L. Flores Woodbridge, VA Home: (703) 910-6989 Cell: (240) 461-9589 nflores00@hotmail.com OBJECTIVE: Human Resources Manager or Director EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 14 years, Human Resources Generalist 6 years, Human Resources Trade Organization Industry 2 years, Security Industry 2 years, Management 1.25 years, ...
Words to delete from your resume One of the small mistakes I often see on resumes by inexperienced job seekers are unnecessary words and phrases taking up vital white space, which forces the resume owners to try to squeeze more into their allotted number of ...
CASSANDRA (SANDY) KAYE WILSON Richmond, VA 23236, (804) 432-4882, ckswilson@verizon.net OBJECTIVE: Instructor / Adjunct Professor / On-Line Trainer EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 16+ years, Training and management experience in educational development, instructional program planning, e-learning, and directing a diversified staff 14 years, Train-the-Trainer (teacher) in best practices of education K-12 (NC/VA) ...
Richard D. Wilson Baton Rouge, LA 70810 Home: (225) 757-0747 Cell: (225) 505-5882 RichardWilson0101@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Educational Instructor, Online Training Facilitator EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 11 years, Higher Education Admissions Advisor & Curriculum Developer 11 years, Instructor for junior college, Associate Degree Programs 8 years, Customer ...
Need to write a business plan? Don’t know where to start? Here’s a handy-dandy template to get your brain juices flowing: Executive Summary – overall description of the company, it’s strategic goals, background, and start dates, owner(s), evolution of the idea that got it started, etc. ...
Thomas F. Thaler ThomasFThaler@gmail.com Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 589-3202 / (757) 865-5670 OBJECTIVE: Senior Executive Management and/or Military Training Leadership EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 30+ years, Leadership and Management – Joint/Military Operations 30 years, United States Marine Corps (Ret.); (honorable discharge) 5 years, Defense Contracting; Business Development 4 years, ...
Since the economic crash in fall of 2008, so many job seekers have been ‘hit-up’ by those charging fees for services ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars for services including resume re-writes, job applications, and ‘special’ services or introductions to hiring companies. ...
Steven A. MacLaird Stafford, VA 22554 Cell: (703) 231-6335 stevemacLaird@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Business Development / Program Management Executive / V.P. EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 27.5 years, Military Service, United States Air Force, Honorable Discharge 27+ years, Domestic Property Management 18 years, International Business /14 years Project Management ...
Moneve (NeeVee) L. Flores Woodbridge, VA Home: (703) 910-6989 Cell: (240) 461-9589 nflores00@hotmail.com OBJECTIVE: Human Resources Manager or Director EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 14 years, Human Resources Generalist 6 years, Human Resources Trade Organization Industry 2 years, Security Industry 2 years, Management 1.25 years, ...
Words to delete from your resume One of the small mistakes I often see on resumes by inexperienced job seekers are unnecessary words and phrases taking up vital white space, which forces the resume owners to try to squeeze more into their allotted number of ...
CASSANDRA (SANDY) KAYE WILSON Richmond, VA 23236, (804) 432-4882, ckswilson@verizon.net OBJECTIVE: Instructor / Adjunct Professor / On-Line Trainer EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 16+ years, Training and management experience in educational development, instructional program planning, e-learning, and directing a diversified staff 14 years, Train-the-Trainer (teacher) in best practices of education K-12 (NC/VA) ...
Richard D. Wilson Baton Rouge, LA 70810 Home: (225) 757-0747 Cell: (225) 505-5882 RichardWilson0101@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Educational Instructor, Online Training Facilitator EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 11 years, Higher Education Admissions Advisor & Curriculum Developer 11 years, Instructor for junior college, Associate Degree Programs 8 years, Customer ...
Need to write a business plan? Don’t know where to start? Here’s a handy-dandy template to get your brain juices flowing: Executive Summary – overall description of the company, it’s strategic goals, background, and start dates, owner(s), evolution of the idea that got it started, etc. ...
Thomas F. Thaler ThomasFThaler@gmail.com Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 589-3202 / (757) 865-5670 OBJECTIVE: Senior Executive Management and/or Military Training Leadership EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 30+ years, Leadership and Management – Joint/Military Operations 30 years, United States Marine Corps (Ret.); (honorable discharge) 5 years, Defense Contracting; Business Development 4 years, ...
Since the economic crash in fall of 2008, so many job seekers have been ‘hit-up’ by those charging fees for services ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars for services including resume re-writes, job applications, and ‘special’ services or introductions to hiring companies. ...