Resume du Jour – Steve MacLaird

Steven A. MacLaird

Stafford, VA 22554

Cell: (703) 231-6335


OBJECTIVE:  Business Development / Program Management Executive / V.P.




  • 27.5 years, Military Service, United States Air Force, Honorable Discharge
  • 27+ years, Domestic Property Management
  • 18 years, International Business /14 years Project Management / Program Management
  • 18 years, Management (Director) oversight/management for complete sensor-to-shooter “kill chain” in multiple fighter programs, missile integration programs (air-to-air, air-to-ground, and precision-guided munitions), BMC4ISR, and space system support/ development, impacting 85% of Air Force aircraft programs
  • 13 years, Program Management: Airlift, tanker, special ops, and training; OSA, VIP/SAM aircraft fleets, Presidential Fleet; X-29, F-15, F-16, AWACS, Joint STARS
  • 11.5 years, Sr. Contracting Officer; eight years in classified military programs
  • 7 years, Management, Missile Integration Programs:  AMRAAM, JDAM, TSSAM, JSOW, & WCMD
  • 2.5 years, Space Technology Program Technology Management/Development: Hubble Telescope, ground-based space de-formable mirror technology; space-based chip/sensor concept evaluations, VHSIC/VLSIC, and growth of FPGA/GPP
  • 6 years, Consultant, (classified military programs)
  • 3 years, Professor/Instructor, Aerospace, Financial Management, Military Studies


CLEARANCES:         TS/SCI/CI-Poly (last adjudicated: 01/09; Poly: 06/06: NSA)

DoE Q Clearance (last adjudicated: 01/09: DoE)


LOCATION PREFERENCES:  1) Texas, 2) Northern Virginia, 3) D.C., or 4) Baltimore, MD




  • 1982, Master of Science, Resource Management, Houston Baptist University, Houston, TX
  • 1978, Bachelor of Science, Business & Finance, Kansas State University, City, KS; Distinguished Graduate Reserve Officer Training Corps



09/2005 – present, Consultant, Exec. Program Manager, Sr. Contracts Manager

Highland Consulting Group, Stafford, VA


  • Consultant to five corporations (aerospace, network communications, middleware, software, software-defined radio hardware/software manufacturers, and unique manufacturing capabilities) providing capability to all military services, Department of Energy related delivery systems, and NASA; Task Order/Time & Materials Contracts for transformational communications, networking, acquisition, and aircraft manufacturing and production
  • Provided SME to annual contracts (awards spanning five years) impacting multiple programs worth millions; classified work, consisting of: setting up high-level meetings, strategy reviews, and Red Team proposals
  • Consultant to Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Energy (DoE)
  • Board of Director and Vice Chairman of the Board for PrismTech Solutions America’s, Inc., subsidiary of PrismTech Holdings of Scotland (through March 2011)
  • Based on classified nature of contracts, contact for more information about services


09/05, Retired, Colonel, United States Air Force


06/01 – 08/05, Director, Colonel/Commander

Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS), Joint Program Office

United States Air Force, Pentagon, Washington, DC


  • Managed JTRS Technology Lab (JTeL), JTRS Joint Integration Test Center (JTIC); dedicated to creating a digital, programmable, modular communications system to support ‘need-to-share,’ real-time secure/unsecure information (voice, video, and data [aka wireless secure internet]) among joint warfighters
  • Responsible for development and production of waveforms and crypto algorithms
  • Responsible for acceptance of new software radios standards – Software Communication Architecture (SCA), through 130+ member Software Defined Radio Forum (SDRF) and 880+ member Object Management Group (OMG)
  • Performed Program Executive Officer (PEO) – multiple hardware programs oversight
  • Developed acquisition strategy, program vision/strategy, concept of operations, and initiated analysis of alternatives; program grew from $1.2B by June 2001; $12B+ by 2004-end; $15.5B in 2009; $90M+ of anticipated production between 2009 – 2015; Board Director to GIG-BE, TSAT, MUOS and AEHF Programs
  • Total program (development/production) value exceeded $100B impacting Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Special Operations Command for all air, land, sea and space based communications
  • JTRS designated as one of three DoD transformational programs (others: Global Information Grid-Bandwidth Expansion (GiG-BE) and Transformational Communications Satellite [TCS])
  • JTRS – Selected Acquisition Report (SAR) program quarterly report to White House


01/01 – 05/01,Director, Assistant Secretary, Colonel

Air Force’s Mission Support Office (MSO) / Global Reach Mission Area Directorate

Budget & Congressional Division, Global Reach Directorate

United States Air Force, Pentagon, Arlington, VA 


  • Responsible for research, development, acquisition of advanced systems, and permanent modifications to mobility, special operations, and training systems
  • MSO ensured acquisition programs were articulated and defended in a standardized matter to meet objectives and strategies of the United States Air Force
  • Programs included C-5, C-17, C-20, C-21, C-22, C-37, C-130, AC-130, MC-130, WC-130, KC-10, KC-135, HH-53, HH-60, MH-53, MH-60, VC-22, T-1, T-3, T-6, JPATS, T-38, FEMA Aircraft, VIP/SAM Aircraft and Presidential Fleet
  • Responsible for turn-around of MSO Office to number two rating less than 15 months later (initially rated worst of five directorates upon arrival)


07/99 – 12/99, Chief

Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS)

Production Alternate Disputes Resolution

United States Air Force, Pentagon, Arlington, VA


  • Squadron Commander (equivalent) Leadership Command
  • Directed 15-person team resolving $195M Joint STARS contractor claim; settled out of court four months after team formation for 39% of litigation amount; saving taxpayers $100K+; reconciliation allowed smooth transition of restructured program


03/97 – 06/99, Chief

E-8C Joint STARS Production

United States Air Force, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA 


  • Directed $5.1B acquisition of 17 Joint STARS aircraft, mission equipment, 43 military, civilians, and oversight of a 2,300-contractor plant performing acquisition, business, engineering and manufacturing to deliver four combat ready E-8C aircraft
  • Managed division  responsible and established engine upgrade change proposal for engine upgrades allowing aircraft to meet time-to-climb and altitude requirements; saved Air Force $7M per aircraft
  • Restructured aircraft production program resulting in ‘zero’ late deliverables after 1999 for remaining 11 aircraft
  • 1998 Sheily Award during management tenure


12/94 – 02/97, Director, Air Force Program Executive Officer

Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS)

Command, Control & Communications (AFPEO/C3)

United States Air Force, Pentagon, Arlington, VA


  • Managed/executed $8B AWACS program spanning 77 aircraft in the United States, NATO, United Kingdom, France, Japan, and Saudi Arabia
  • Managed three major aircraft upgrades: 1) $6.5M Joint Ballistic Missile Defense Office (BMDO) initiative, 2) $650M Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) directed Extend Sentry initiative (ESI), and 3) $34B Radar Systems Improvement Program (RSIP)
  • Oversaw delivery of first 767 AWACS to Japan and marshaled strategy for Australian Wedge Tail Program
  • Serviced Air Force Scientific Advisory Board for Battle Management, Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (BMC4ISR); paved way for core competency – Global Engagement
  • Selected for Contracting Squadron Commander List
  • One of 40 Presidential Inaugural Military aides (1997)


08/92 – 11/94, F-16 Program Element Monitor (PEM), Lieutenant Colonel

Fighter Division, Fighter, C2 and Weapons Program Directorate, Assistant Secretary of the United States Air Force, Pentagon, Arlington, VA


  • Led SECDEF endorsed F-16 Mid-Life Update (MLU) program restructure; earned four NATO nations and Congressional endorsements; program valued at $39.8B
  • Authored F-16 Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) plan gaining SECDEF endorsement and allowed F-16 to deliver JDAM, JSOW, WCMD and TSAM three years ahead of deliverable date, savings estimated at $52M
  • Initiated the Fighter Configuration Operational Plan (FCOP); received Air Force Chief of Staff endorsement as 2010 fighter roadmap
  • Led the smooth transition of multi-year procurement restructure saving government millions in claims/transition aircraft to international partners limiting industry impacts


11/89 – 07/92, Chief

F-16 Int’l Contracts Branch, F-16 Program Office

United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH


  • Managed international contracts for18 countries valued in excess of $10.8B to include the Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) for four NATO nations and the US.
  • Led the Contractor/Government Definitization Team; reduced contract definitization times by 66 percent (1685 days to 556 day average and 353 days on new contracts)
  • Led the delivery and long lead of 998 aircraft
  • Managed the F-16 production line shutdown, audit, and restart of world’s largest production facility
  • Aeronautical Systems Division Contracting Officer of the Year (1991)


07/87 – 10/89, Contracts Manager, Capt

F-15 Production & International Sales, F-15 Program Office

United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH


  • Negotiated contracts and modifications for F-15E aircraft including the 1987/88 annual buys for 96 aircraft; Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for 17 Saudi, Israeli aircraft
  • Authored the long lead and acquisition of 198 aircraft; contract value of $3.2B
  • SPO representative in Multi-Year Plan Evaluation and Radar Should Cost Evaluation
  • Air Force Systems Command’s 1989 nominee for Vice Presidential Aide de Camp


06/84 – 06/87, Asst Professor of Aerospace Studies, Capt

Commandant of Cadets, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies

University of Puerto Rico, U.S. Air Force ROTC, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico


  • Taught National Security Policy, Military Law and Justice, Professionalism, Financial Management, Military Customs and Courtesy’s, and English
  • Responsible for 343 member cadet corps
  • Chief of Administration and Personnel for 200 students
  • Test Control Officer, Drill Team Advisor, and Budget Officer
  • Managed annual Air Force and University budgets valued at $150K
  • Southeast Company Officer of the Quarter for 01/85 – 03/85 and 04/86 – 06/86


05/82 – 05/84, Contract Specialist, Captain

Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence (C3I) 

Air, Land, Sea & Space Development

United States Air Force, Rome Air Development Center (RADC), Griffiss AFB, NY


  • Administered 62 contracts valued over $22M
  • Planned, controlled, and issued $13.5M research and development contract acquisitions in coordination with the Air Force, Army, Customs Agency, Department of Commerce, NASA, and the Navy
  • Awarded Hubble Telescope chassis contract; Space-Based Deformable Mirror contract
  • Escort Officer – Medal of Honor recipient, James Howard, 1 of 22 surviving recipients


Jan 1980 – May 1982: Chief Contracting Officer, First Lieutenant

United States Air Force, Construction and Services, Reese Air Force Base, TX


  • Responsible for acquisition of services/construction for Reese AFB valued at $12.5M
  • Supervised four military and two civilians
  • Awarded Contracting Officer’s Warrant 18 months after assignment (1st in command’s history)
  • Solely responsible for first vehicle operations and maintenance contract, valued at $1.2M, under new statistical analysis concept
  • Augmented Air Training Command’s Inspector General Team and selected as 1982 Texas Air Force Association’s Junior Officer of the Year (eight base competition)


03/80 – 03/10, Property Manager

Sole Proprietor, Multiple Domestic Properties


  • Owned and managed a number of single and multi-family properties.


03/79 – 12/79, Student – Pilot Training, Second Lieutenant

United States Air Force, Reese Air Force Base, TX 


  • Pilot Training



  • 2000, Advanced Program Management, Darden Business College, (120 hours in residence), University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
  • 1995, Air War College, Air Force University, Pentagon Seminar Group, AFB, AL
  • 1987, Program Management Defense Systems Management College, (480 hours in residence), Fort Belvoir, VA
  • 1985, Air Command & Staff College, Air Force Univ., Maxwell Air Force Base, AL
  • 1983, Squadron Officer’s School, Air Force Univ., Maxwell Air Force Base, AL

·      1986, US Army Counter-Terrorism Course, United States Army and Federal Bureau of Investigation, Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico




  • 2005, Defense Superior Service Medal
  • 2001, Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
  • 2000, Joint Service Achievement Medal
  • 1999, Defense Meritorious Service Medal
  • 1998, Sheily Award, while managing command
  • 1998, Joint Service Commendation Medal
  • 1997 Joint Meritorious Unit Award
  • 1997, Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1997, Presidential Inaugural Military Aide
  • 1996, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1996, Contract Management – Level III
  • 1995, Master Acquisition Management – Program Manager – Level III
  • 1992, Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1991, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1991, Aeronautical Systems Division Contracting Officer of the Year
  • 1989, Air Force Systems Command’s nominee for Vice Presidential Aide de Camp
  • 1988, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with one oak leaf cluster
  • 1988, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1987, Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1986, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1984, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with one oak leaf cluster
  • 1984, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with one oak leaf cluster
  • 1982, Air Force Commendation Medal with one oak leaf cluster
  • 1982, Defense Volunteer Medal
  • 1981, Air Force Achievement Medal
  • 1980, National Defense Service Medal
  • 1976, Airborne Rated


KEY SKILL WORDS: AC-130, acquisition, aeronautical, aerospace, AMRAAM, Army, Australia, AWACS, Baharain, Ballistic, Battle, Belgium, BMC4ISR, BMDO, Canada, C-130, C-17, C-20, C-21, C-22, C-37, C-5, C2, C3I, Chief, chip/sensor, combat, Command, Configuration, Contract, Control, crypto, Definitization, deliverable, digital, DoD, DoE, Denmark, E-8C, engineer, Egypt, F-15/F-15E/F-16, FCOP, FEMA, FMS, FPGA/GPP, France, Germany, GiG-BE, Global, Greece, Grid-Bandwidth, HH-53/HH-60, Hubble, Intelligence, ISR, Israel, Italy, Japan, JDAM, Joint, JPATS, JSOW, JSTARS, JTeL, JTIC, JTRS, KC-10, KC-135, Korea, Marines, MC-130, MH-53, MH-60, missile, MLU, MSO, munitions, NASA, NATO, Navy, Netherlands, Norway, NSA, OMG, operations, OSA, Pakistan, PEM, Pentagon, PEO, PGM, Portugal, procurement, Radar/Radio, RADC, Reconnaissance, ROTC, RSIP, SAR, Satellite, Saudi Arabia, SCA, SDRF, SECDEF, Security, sensor-to-shooter, Sentry, Singapore, Taiwan, space-based, Turkey, SPO, Squadron, STARS, Surveillance, T-1/T-3/T-38/T-6, Tactical, TCS, Telescope, Terrorism, transform, TS/SCI/CI-Poly, TSAM, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, VC-22, Venezuela, VHSIC /VLSIC, VIP/SAM, warfighter, waveforms, WC-130, WCMD, weapon, wireless, X-29

Readers Comments

Resume du Jour – Steve MacLaird

Steven A. MacLaird

Stafford, VA 22554

Cell: (703) 231-6335


OBJECTIVE:  Business Development / Program Management Executive / V.P.




  • 27.5 years, Military Service, United States Air Force, Honorable Discharge
  • 27+ years, Domestic Property Management
  • 18 years, International Business /14 years Project Management / Program Management
  • 18 years, Management (Director) oversight/management for complete sensor-to-shooter “kill chain” in multiple fighter programs, missile integration programs (air-to-air, air-to-ground, and precision-guided munitions), BMC4ISR, and space system support/ development, impacting 85% of Air Force aircraft programs
  • 13 years, Program Management: Airlift, tanker, special ops, and training; OSA, VIP/SAM aircraft fleets, Presidential Fleet; X-29, F-15, F-16, AWACS, Joint STARS
  • 11.5 years, Sr. Contracting Officer; eight years in classified military programs
  • 7 years, Management, Missile Integration Programs:  AMRAAM, JDAM, TSSAM, JSOW, & WCMD
  • 2.5 years, Space Technology Program Technology Management/Development: Hubble Telescope, ground-based space de-formable mirror technology; space-based chip/sensor concept evaluations, VHSIC/VLSIC, and growth of FPGA/GPP
  • 6 years, Consultant, (classified military programs)
  • 3 years, Professor/Instructor, Aerospace, Financial Management, Military Studies


CLEARANCES:         TS/SCI/CI-Poly (last adjudicated: 01/09; Poly: 06/06: NSA)

DoE Q Clearance (last adjudicated: 01/09: DoE)


LOCATION PREFERENCES:  1) Texas, 2) Northern Virginia, 3) D.C., or 4) Baltimore, MD




  • 1982, Master of Science, Resource Management, Houston Baptist University, Houston, TX
  • 1978, Bachelor of Science, Business & Finance, Kansas State University, City, KS; Distinguished Graduate Reserve Officer Training Corps



09/2005 – present, Consultant, Exec. Program Manager, Sr. Contracts Manager

Highland Consulting Group, Stafford, VA


  • Consultant to five corporations (aerospace, network communications, middleware, software, software-defined radio hardware/software manufacturers, and unique manufacturing capabilities) providing capability to all military services, Department of Energy related delivery systems, and NASA; Task Order/Time & Materials Contracts for transformational communications, networking, acquisition, and aircraft manufacturing and production
  • Provided SME to annual contracts (awards spanning five years) impacting multiple programs worth millions; classified work, consisting of: setting up high-level meetings, strategy reviews, and Red Team proposals
  • Consultant to Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Energy (DoE)
  • Board of Director and Vice Chairman of the Board for PrismTech Solutions America’s, Inc., subsidiary of PrismTech Holdings of Scotland (through March 2011)
  • Based on classified nature of contracts, contact for more information about services


09/05, Retired, Colonel, United States Air Force


06/01 – 08/05, Director, Colonel/Commander

Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS), Joint Program Office

United States Air Force, Pentagon, Washington, DC


  • Managed JTRS Technology Lab (JTeL), JTRS Joint Integration Test Center (JTIC); dedicated to creating a digital, programmable, modular communications system to support ‘need-to-share,’ real-time secure/unsecure information (voice, video, and data [aka wireless secure internet]) among joint warfighters
  • Responsible for development and production of waveforms and crypto algorithms
  • Responsible for acceptance of new software radios standards – Software Communication Architecture (SCA), through 130+ member Software Defined Radio Forum (SDRF) and 880+ member Object Management Group (OMG)
  • Performed Program Executive Officer (PEO) – multiple hardware programs oversight
  • Developed acquisition strategy, program vision/strategy, concept of operations, and initiated analysis of alternatives; program grew from $1.2B by June 2001; $12B+ by 2004-end; $15.5B in 2009; $90M+ of anticipated production between 2009 – 2015; Board Director to GIG-BE, TSAT, MUOS and AEHF Programs
  • Total program (development/production) value exceeded $100B impacting Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Special Operations Command for all air, land, sea and space based communications
  • JTRS designated as one of three DoD transformational programs (others: Global Information Grid-Bandwidth Expansion (GiG-BE) and Transformational Communications Satellite [TCS])
  • JTRS – Selected Acquisition Report (SAR) program quarterly report to White House


01/01 – 05/01,Director, Assistant Secretary, Colonel

Air Force’s Mission Support Office (MSO) / Global Reach Mission Area Directorate

Budget & Congressional Division, Global Reach Directorate

United States Air Force, Pentagon, Arlington, VA 


  • Responsible for research, development, acquisition of advanced systems, and permanent modifications to mobility, special operations, and training systems
  • MSO ensured acquisition programs were articulated and defended in a standardized matter to meet objectives and strategies of the United States Air Force
  • Programs included C-5, C-17, C-20, C-21, C-22, C-37, C-130, AC-130, MC-130, WC-130, KC-10, KC-135, HH-53, HH-60, MH-53, MH-60, VC-22, T-1, T-3, T-6, JPATS, T-38, FEMA Aircraft, VIP/SAM Aircraft and Presidential Fleet
  • Responsible for turn-around of MSO Office to number two rating less than 15 months later (initially rated worst of five directorates upon arrival)


07/99 – 12/99, Chief

Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS)

Production Alternate Disputes Resolution

United States Air Force, Pentagon, Arlington, VA


  • Squadron Commander (equivalent) Leadership Command
  • Directed 15-person team resolving $195M Joint STARS contractor claim; settled out of court four months after team formation for 39% of litigation amount; saving taxpayers $100K+; reconciliation allowed smooth transition of restructured program


03/97 – 06/99, Chief

E-8C Joint STARS Production

United States Air Force, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA 


  • Directed $5.1B acquisition of 17 Joint STARS aircraft, mission equipment, 43 military, civilians, and oversight of a 2,300-contractor plant performing acquisition, business, engineering and manufacturing to deliver four combat ready E-8C aircraft
  • Managed division  responsible and established engine upgrade change proposal for engine upgrades allowing aircraft to meet time-to-climb and altitude requirements; saved Air Force $7M per aircraft
  • Restructured aircraft production program resulting in ‘zero’ late deliverables after 1999 for remaining 11 aircraft
  • 1998 Sheily Award during management tenure


12/94 – 02/97, Director, Air Force Program Executive Officer

Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS)

Command, Control & Communications (AFPEO/C3)

United States Air Force, Pentagon, Arlington, VA


  • Managed/executed $8B AWACS program spanning 77 aircraft in the United States, NATO, United Kingdom, France, Japan, and Saudi Arabia
  • Managed three major aircraft upgrades: 1) $6.5M Joint Ballistic Missile Defense Office (BMDO) initiative, 2) $650M Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) directed Extend Sentry initiative (ESI), and 3) $34B Radar Systems Improvement Program (RSIP)
  • Oversaw delivery of first 767 AWACS to Japan and marshaled strategy for Australian Wedge Tail Program
  • Serviced Air Force Scientific Advisory Board for Battle Management, Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (BMC4ISR); paved way for core competency – Global Engagement
  • Selected for Contracting Squadron Commander List
  • One of 40 Presidential Inaugural Military aides (1997)


08/92 – 11/94, F-16 Program Element Monitor (PEM), Lieutenant Colonel

Fighter Division, Fighter, C2 and Weapons Program Directorate, Assistant Secretary of the United States Air Force, Pentagon, Arlington, VA


  • Led SECDEF endorsed F-16 Mid-Life Update (MLU) program restructure; earned four NATO nations and Congressional endorsements; program valued at $39.8B
  • Authored F-16 Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) plan gaining SECDEF endorsement and allowed F-16 to deliver JDAM, JSOW, WCMD and TSAM three years ahead of deliverable date, savings estimated at $52M
  • Initiated the Fighter Configuration Operational Plan (FCOP); received Air Force Chief of Staff endorsement as 2010 fighter roadmap
  • Led the smooth transition of multi-year procurement restructure saving government millions in claims/transition aircraft to international partners limiting industry impacts


11/89 – 07/92, Chief

F-16 Int’l Contracts Branch, F-16 Program Office

United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH


  • Managed international contracts for18 countries valued in excess of $10.8B to include the Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) for four NATO nations and the US.
  • Led the Contractor/Government Definitization Team; reduced contract definitization times by 66 percent (1685 days to 556 day average and 353 days on new contracts)
  • Led the delivery and long lead of 998 aircraft
  • Managed the F-16 production line shutdown, audit, and restart of world’s largest production facility
  • Aeronautical Systems Division Contracting Officer of the Year (1991)


07/87 – 10/89, Contracts Manager, Capt

F-15 Production & International Sales, F-15 Program Office

United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH


  • Negotiated contracts and modifications for F-15E aircraft including the 1987/88 annual buys for 96 aircraft; Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for 17 Saudi, Israeli aircraft
  • Authored the long lead and acquisition of 198 aircraft; contract value of $3.2B
  • SPO representative in Multi-Year Plan Evaluation and Radar Should Cost Evaluation
  • Air Force Systems Command’s 1989 nominee for Vice Presidential Aide de Camp


06/84 – 06/87, Asst Professor of Aerospace Studies, Capt

Commandant of Cadets, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies

University of Puerto Rico, U.S. Air Force ROTC, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico


  • Taught National Security Policy, Military Law and Justice, Professionalism, Financial Management, Military Customs and Courtesy’s, and English
  • Responsible for 343 member cadet corps
  • Chief of Administration and Personnel for 200 students
  • Test Control Officer, Drill Team Advisor, and Budget Officer
  • Managed annual Air Force and University budgets valued at $150K
  • Southeast Company Officer of the Quarter for 01/85 – 03/85 and 04/86 – 06/86


05/82 – 05/84, Contract Specialist, Captain

Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence (C3I) 

Air, Land, Sea & Space Development

United States Air Force, Rome Air Development Center (RADC), Griffiss AFB, NY


  • Administered 62 contracts valued over $22M
  • Planned, controlled, and issued $13.5M research and development contract acquisitions in coordination with the Air Force, Army, Customs Agency, Department of Commerce, NASA, and the Navy
  • Awarded Hubble Telescope chassis contract; Space-Based Deformable Mirror contract
  • Escort Officer – Medal of Honor recipient, James Howard, 1 of 22 surviving recipients


Jan 1980 – May 1982: Chief Contracting Officer, First Lieutenant

United States Air Force, Construction and Services, Reese Air Force Base, TX


  • Responsible for acquisition of services/construction for Reese AFB valued at $12.5M
  • Supervised four military and two civilians
  • Awarded Contracting Officer’s Warrant 18 months after assignment (1st in command’s history)
  • Solely responsible for first vehicle operations and maintenance contract, valued at $1.2M, under new statistical analysis concept
  • Augmented Air Training Command’s Inspector General Team and selected as 1982 Texas Air Force Association’s Junior Officer of the Year (eight base competition)


03/80 – 03/10, Property Manager

Sole Proprietor, Multiple Domestic Properties


  • Owned and managed a number of single and multi-family properties.


03/79 – 12/79, Student – Pilot Training, Second Lieutenant

United States Air Force, Reese Air Force Base, TX 


  • Pilot Training



  • 2000, Advanced Program Management, Darden Business College, (120 hours in residence), University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
  • 1995, Air War College, Air Force University, Pentagon Seminar Group, AFB, AL
  • 1987, Program Management Defense Systems Management College, (480 hours in residence), Fort Belvoir, VA
  • 1985, Air Command & Staff College, Air Force Univ., Maxwell Air Force Base, AL
  • 1983, Squadron Officer’s School, Air Force Univ., Maxwell Air Force Base, AL

·      1986, US Army Counter-Terrorism Course, United States Army and Federal Bureau of Investigation, Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico




  • 2005, Defense Superior Service Medal
  • 2001, Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
  • 2000, Joint Service Achievement Medal
  • 1999, Defense Meritorious Service Medal
  • 1998, Sheily Award, while managing command
  • 1998, Joint Service Commendation Medal
  • 1997 Joint Meritorious Unit Award
  • 1997, Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1997, Presidential Inaugural Military Aide
  • 1996, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1996, Contract Management – Level III
  • 1995, Master Acquisition Management – Program Manager – Level III
  • 1992, Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1991, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1991, Aeronautical Systems Division Contracting Officer of the Year
  • 1989, Air Force Systems Command’s nominee for Vice Presidential Aide de Camp
  • 1988, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with one oak leaf cluster
  • 1988, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1987, Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1986, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award with three oak leaf clusters
  • 1984, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with one oak leaf cluster
  • 1984, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with one oak leaf cluster
  • 1982, Air Force Commendation Medal with one oak leaf cluster
  • 1982, Defense Volunteer Medal
  • 1981, Air Force Achievement Medal
  • 1980, National Defense Service Medal
  • 1976, Airborne Rated


KEY SKILL WORDS: AC-130, acquisition, aeronautical, aerospace, AMRAAM, Army, Australia, AWACS, Baharain, Ballistic, Battle, Belgium, BMC4ISR, BMDO, Canada, C-130, C-17, C-20, C-21, C-22, C-37, C-5, C2, C3I, Chief, chip/sensor, combat, Command, Configuration, Contract, Control, crypto, Definitization, deliverable, digital, DoD, DoE, Denmark, E-8C, engineer, Egypt, F-15/F-15E/F-16, FCOP, FEMA, FMS, FPGA/GPP, France, Germany, GiG-BE, Global, Greece, Grid-Bandwidth, HH-53/HH-60, Hubble, Intelligence, ISR, Israel, Italy, Japan, JDAM, Joint, JPATS, JSOW, JSTARS, JTeL, JTIC, JTRS, KC-10, KC-135, Korea, Marines, MC-130, MH-53, MH-60, missile, MLU, MSO, munitions, NASA, NATO, Navy, Netherlands, Norway, NSA, OMG, operations, OSA, Pakistan, PEM, Pentagon, PEO, PGM, Portugal, procurement, Radar/Radio, RADC, Reconnaissance, ROTC, RSIP, SAR, Satellite, Saudi Arabia, SCA, SDRF, SECDEF, Security, sensor-to-shooter, Sentry, Singapore, Taiwan, space-based, Turkey, SPO, Squadron, STARS, Surveillance, T-1/T-3/T-38/T-6, Tactical, TCS, Telescope, Terrorism, transform, TS/SCI/CI-Poly, TSAM, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, VC-22, Venezuela, VHSIC /VLSIC, VIP/SAM, warfighter, waveforms, WC-130, WCMD, weapon, wireless, X-29

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