Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Call Now! 757-404-8300
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
SECRETS A PROFESSIONAL RECRUITER SHARES TO MAKE JOB FAIRS ADVANCE YOUR CAREER! FIND THE ANSWERS and SECRET INFORMATION: · Why employers still attend and sponsor job fair events · Why attending job fairs are an advantage for career seekers · What to take to a job fair – other than a resume · What to ...
Esmeralda Euart Virginia Beach, VA (757) 652-7728 esmeeuart11@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Office Manager / Supervisor EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 7 years, Management / Retail & Wholesale Industries 4 years, Retail Food Sales and Restaurant Management 4 years, Private/semi-private Health Care / Certified Nurse’s Assistant 4 ...
If you are in business development and sales, you need to know exactly what and how to create a sales letter with all the elements that encourage people to buy! Use Tom Antion’s list of “Sales Letter Elements” to write your own script. (From a Tom ...
Recruiting Resources – Recruitment Report: Three Steps to a New and More Effective Interview: https://bit.ly/ISMkQ6 – Simplify your candidate management and job board posting with iCIMS: https://bit.ly/I67Z56 Featured Research: – Practical Techniques for Talent Management Transformation: https://bit.ly/KSOzza – Examine What Matters Most Using Workforce Analytics: https://bit.ly/JYIIHR ...
Advanced Google – A Recruiter’s Cheat Sheet How to use Boolean Key Word searches to your advantage in GOOGLE: Key words must be unique to the skills you are seeking in a job description. Order the key words by the most relevant first, and use quotes ...
Valarie A. Miller Virginia Beach, VA 23464 (757) 271-5903 ValarieAMiller@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Project, Marketing, Publishing, Instructional, or Technology Management EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 18 years, Sales & Marketing Management 18 years, Marketing for Print, Broadcast, and Online Media 10+ years, Technology-based Marketing, Web Design/Development 3 years, Education Product Sales & Marketing 3+ years, ...
Common talent sourcing mistakes. My recruiting education didn’t come from a mentor or any formal training. I learned how to become a recruiter “the hard way.” I tried processes that didn’t work but kept experimenting until I discovered best-practices to find candidates. My self-training and training ...
RICHARD F. MACHAMER, JR. Newport News, VA 23602 (757) 359-9233 richardfmachamer@gmail.com rick.machamer@yahoo.com OBJECTIVE: Contracts Director / Communication Manager EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 30 years, United States Army (Colonel, Ret.) 20 years, Executive and Leadership Management 16 years, Public Relations Liaison & Communications Director 5 years, Editor, Writer, Communications 2.5 years, Contract and Business Development Manager ...
A Modern Day Story of David and Goliath…Or…The Little Guy vs. The Corporate Giant For the third year in a row, Monster Clean, a small, local Carpet, Upholstery, Tile & Grout Steam cleaning company with thousands of happy Monster Clean ‘evangelist’ customers is seeking ‘happy ...
SECRETS A PROFESSIONAL RECRUITER SHARES TO MAKE JOB FAIRS ADVANCE YOUR CAREER! FIND THE ANSWERS and SECRET INFORMATION: · Why employers still attend and sponsor job fair events · Why attending job fairs are an advantage for career seekers · What to take to a job fair – other than a resume · What to ...
Esmeralda Euart Virginia Beach, VA (757) 652-7728 esmeeuart11@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Office Manager / Supervisor EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 7 years, Management / Retail & Wholesale Industries 4 years, Retail Food Sales and Restaurant Management 4 years, Private/semi-private Health Care / Certified Nurse’s Assistant 4 ...
If you are in business development and sales, you need to know exactly what and how to create a sales letter with all the elements that encourage people to buy! Use Tom Antion’s list of “Sales Letter Elements” to write your own script. (From a Tom ...
Recruiting Resources – Recruitment Report: Three Steps to a New and More Effective Interview: https://bit.ly/ISMkQ6 – Simplify your candidate management and job board posting with iCIMS: https://bit.ly/I67Z56 Featured Research: – Practical Techniques for Talent Management Transformation: https://bit.ly/KSOzza – Examine What Matters Most Using Workforce Analytics: https://bit.ly/JYIIHR ...
Advanced Google – A Recruiter’s Cheat Sheet How to use Boolean Key Word searches to your advantage in GOOGLE: Key words must be unique to the skills you are seeking in a job description. Order the key words by the most relevant first, and use quotes ...
Valarie A. Miller Virginia Beach, VA 23464 (757) 271-5903 ValarieAMiller@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Project, Marketing, Publishing, Instructional, or Technology Management EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 18 years, Sales & Marketing Management 18 years, Marketing for Print, Broadcast, and Online Media 10+ years, Technology-based Marketing, Web Design/Development 3 years, Education Product Sales & Marketing 3+ years, ...
Common talent sourcing mistakes. My recruiting education didn’t come from a mentor or any formal training. I learned how to become a recruiter “the hard way.” I tried processes that didn’t work but kept experimenting until I discovered best-practices to find candidates. My self-training and training ...
RICHARD F. MACHAMER, JR. Newport News, VA 23602 (757) 359-9233 richardfmachamer@gmail.com rick.machamer@yahoo.com OBJECTIVE: Contracts Director / Communication Manager EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 30 years, United States Army (Colonel, Ret.) 20 years, Executive and Leadership Management 16 years, Public Relations Liaison & Communications Director 5 years, Editor, Writer, Communications 2.5 years, Contract and Business Development Manager ...
A Modern Day Story of David and Goliath…Or…The Little Guy vs. The Corporate Giant For the third year in a row, Monster Clean, a small, local Carpet, Upholstery, Tile & Grout Steam cleaning company with thousands of happy Monster Clean ‘evangelist’ customers is seeking ‘happy ...