Roy T. Johnston – Program Manager, Submarine Officer, Inspector

Virginia Beach, VA 23451 / (843) 532-9197 / Email:


  • 20+ years, US Navy, Lt. Commander (O-4/LCDR), Honorable Discharge: 09/23
  • 6 years, Nuclear Trained Submarine Officer
  • 6 years, Enlisted Nuclear Machinist Mate
  • 6 years, Program Management/ Deputy Project Supervisor (submarine availability)
  • 3/2 years, Submarine Inspector / Submarine Platform Manager 
  • Security Clearance: DoD, Secret (last adjudicated: 09/17, expires: 09/27)


05/21 – present, Fleet Maintenance Officer (O-4/LCDR), Submarine & CVN Maintenance Manager        

  • Research and analyze submarine availability execution progress and industrial activity performance; oversee and coordinate Fleet depot-level nuclear submarine availability schedules in liaison with OPNAV, COMNAVSEASYSCOM, NAVSEA 08, and CSL-led submarine maintenance programs as Fleet representative for submarine availability planning and execution
  • Supervise and monitor material readiness issues on LANTFLT submarines operations, e.g., OPREPs, CASREPs, and SITREPs; provide analysis-based recommendations for C3/C4 submarine CASREPs
  • Ensure submarine maintenance and modernization programs were integrated, compatible, and balanced; maintain a schedule of Fleet submarine depot availabilities and dry dockings
  • Direct, manage, and provide support for investigation and resolution of technical and management problems and resolution of resource deficiencies; analyze maintenance availabilities per cost, schedule, and maintenance activity performance; document Fleet level metrics for CNO and reports
  • Provide Subject Matter Expert (SME; mechanical engineer) recommendations for systems to Perform 2 Plan (P2P), Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Plan (SIOP), Navy Transformation Office (NTO) Naval Sustainment Systems Shipyard (NSS-SY), Learning 2 Action Board (L2AB), and as Cross-Functional Team (CFT) member for Virginia Class (VACL) material sustainment
  • Coordinate preparation and presentation of submarine maintenance and modernization requirements through Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) phases and associated review processes directly related to the Presidential DoD budget 
  • Coordinate Fleet evaluation of industrial base capacity and submarine maintenance workload distribution supporting Fleet Maintenance Board of Directors
  • Develop and establish submarine maintenance repair policy and maintenance, including scheduling COAs to provide FRP Operational Availability (AO) options
  • Develop improved Fleet readiness assessment methodologies to enable the consistent measuring of submarine-related cost-wise readiness and facilitation of adaptive planning/modeling applications
  • Ensure submarine infrastructure maintenance appropriately sized and resources available/employed to provide CSL with cost-effective submarine maintenance/modernization per AO FRP demand and ESL requirements
  • Maintain the status of deferred submarine maintenance, by fiscal year, including funding requirements
  • Direct, manage, supervise, and monitor submarine and Carriers, Nuclear (CVN) maintenance activities, including Norfolk Naval Shipyard and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (public shipyards) and Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News and Electric Boat General Dynamics (private shipyards) to ensure submarine maintenance and repair activities and deliverables completed by scheduled dates as Submarine Branch Manager for the Fleet Maintenance Officer
  • Manage a $3B annual budget, funding submarine, CVN, and shipyard operations, repair contracts, labor force, materials, and facility upgrades for 10 CNO submarine availabilities in execution, 23 submarine availabilities in planning, two carrier major overhaul availabilities, and six CVN in planning
  • Research, quality assure, and verify contract requirements and funding per US Fleet Forces operational needs/budget; confirm PMS392 for USS Hartford (SSN 768)’s $1.1B overhaul contract for EBGD and quarterly progress reviews of HII-NNS work on USS Columbus (SSN 762) and USS Boise (CL 47) 
  • Ensure submarine maintenance activities conducted in compliance with safety regulations in liaison with shipyard personnel, including identification, prevention, mitigation, and resolution of potential safety hazards
  • Develop and implement Fleet instructions to implement lessons learned from BHR fire and major fires review, resulting in improved major fire response command and control, including alignment of Area Commanders, as the US Fleet Forces lead
  • Research, analyze, develop, and implement solutions for the Naval Security Force shortfalls required for nuclear reactor refueling, supporting the Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) for Los Angeles Class submarines at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, resulting in uninterrupted operations of the SLEP program and avoidance of major construction delays
  • Identified shortfalls and requirements to increase funds of $2B over three fiscal years to improve VACL maintenance as a member of the VACL submarine material CFT
  • Train, mentor, and instruct coworkers to improve safety, ensure continuity of operations, or prevent delays to schedules as security coordinator director

10/18 –05/21, Submarine & Craft Inspector / Senior Inspector (O-4/LCDR)

United States Navy, Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV), Virginia Beach/Norfolk, VA

  • Assessed effectiveness of submarine maintenance and material management programs; identified areas for improvement and made recommendations
  • Liaised/collaborated with inspectors and SMEs to ensure consistent inspection standards and procedures; reviewed submarine-based records and documentation related to maintenance, testing, and inspections to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements; provided technical expertise and guidance to submarine maintenance personnel, including troubleshooting issues
  • Provided (mechanical engineer) SME recommendations for Landing Craft Utility (LCU) class vessels to Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV); developed/implemented inspection plans/schedules for LCU class vessels
  • Inspected LCU class vessels, assessing condition, identified deficiencies or non-compliance issues; verified operational capabilities and adherence to technical manuals, specifications, and procedures; oversaw inspection, maintenance, review of maintenance records, testing documentation, inspection reports; confirmed LCU class vessels compliance of material readiness to Navy standards/regulations
  • Performed functional tests, equipment calibrations, and operational checks to validate systems and equipment operations; prepared/submitted inspection reports to document findings and recommend corrective action plans
  • Conducted inspections averaging one submarine inspection and two small craft per month of submarines and small boats to ensure compliance with Navy standards and regulations; audited, identified, documented deficiencies, and recommended corrective actions, including components, e.g., pumps and valves not meeting operational or design requirements, safety equipment deficiencies, corrosion problems, and/or missing technical requirements
  • Evaluated maintenance and repair procedures conducted per Navy policies and procedures
  • Created and implemented inspection plans, guaranteeing inspections were carried out by specific deliverables schedules/dates, ensuring personnel and equipment were available
  • Produced documentation of findings inspection reports, including recommendations and corrective actions to senior Navy leadership USFFC Commander and Congress
  • Built new inspection procedures and methodologies for the Littoral Combatant Unit Class INSURV inspections to standardize practices to Joint Fleet Maintenance Manual scoring
  • Directed, managed, and led two teams inspecting two LCUs performing inspections on 12 LCUs and six LCACs, as Senior Inspector for Craft and Boats, to determine Fleet material readiness; performed pre-brief/out-brief to LCU commanders; submitted written inspection reports to INSURV
  • Rewrote the Submarine Auxiliary inspection guide to align with JFMM scoring guidelines, increasing the effectiveness of the process for submarines and improving material data and data standardization
  • Researched, analyzed, developed, and implemented a Master Event List for LCU Class to realign Inspection Guides to increase inspection process effectiveness for 32 LCUs, resulting in improved material data and data standardization for Beach Unit COs to make informed operational decisions
  • Trained ship’s force personnel, imparting SME guidance on maintenance and repair procedures and sharing industry best practices and lessons from prior inspections

12/14 –10/18, Deputy Project Superintendent (O4/LCDR)

US Navy, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PHNSY), Honolulu, HI

  • Directed, managed, and supervised submarine availabilities in liaison and coordination with the Project Superintendent, including coordination and supervision of planning, implementation, and completion of submarine availabilities per project schedules, budgets, and Navy standards
  • Reviewed and analyzed project plans, specifications, and work packages to ensure compliance with requirements and scope of availability; collaborated with production, engineering, quality assurance, and logistics departments, to ensure effective coordination and execution of submarine availabilities
  • Developed and maintained schedules, resource plans, and budgets for submarine availabilities, ensuring adherence to established timelines (contract deliverables) and financial guidelines
  • Conducted site visits and inspections to ensure safety, security, and environmental regulations compliance
  • Monitored/assessed submarine availabilities’ progress; identified potential risks, issues, and obstacles and implemented mitigation measures; reported project updates on progress, issues, and improvement recommendations
  • Prepared reports, documentation, and presentations related to submarine availabilities, including status updates, lessons learned, and post-availability evaluations related to the coordination and integration of subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers involved in submarine availabilities, ensuring compliance with contractual obligations and quality standards
  • Provided SME (mechanical engineer) technical expertise to project teams; addressed and resolved technical challenges; reviewed engineering changes; ensured compliance with specifications and standards
  • Developed shipyard’s Fiscal Year 2018 Execution Guidance that detailed the employment of 5,806 military and civilian personnel with >780,000 Man-Days of work and budget of .$900M as Business Operations Officer
  • Managed submarine project teams for availabilities, as Deputy Project Superintendent, with management oversight ranging between 100-500 submarine maintenance personnel (e.g., managers, engineers, quality assurance technicians, mechanics, electricians, and tradesmen)
  • Managed submarine projects, including USS Columbus DCMAV ($18.2M, 31,000 man days), USS North Carolina (SSN 777) EDSRA ($219.6M, 320,000 man days), and USS Jefferson City (SSN 759) EOH ($254M, 375,000 man days), overseeing planning and implementation of maintenance, repairs, modernization efforts
  • Managed and monitored resource utilization, safety (NOSHA/OSHA), and quality standards
  • Collaborated and liaised with contractors, vendors, and OII, HII, and Delphinus shipyards to ensure timely material and equipment delivery, as well as workload integration of the project team
  • Developed and executed work packages, schedules, and budgets, ensuring repair, maintenance, and install contract work was completed on time (milestones and scheduled deliverables) and within budget
  • Conducted daily production meetings and provided regular progress updates to PHNSY Shipyard Commander and NAVSEA 00, SUBPAC and PACFLT; identified and resolved technical issues and challenges, working closely with engineering, design, and planning departments to develop innovative solutions
  • Implemented continuous improvement initiatives, identifying opportunities to streamline processes, reduce costs, and enhance safety and quality performance from the Communities of Practice to reduce man-days, improve ergonomics, and enhance safety awareness thru signage and training
  • Facilitated planning and implementation of an online gaming event (shipyard participation) in the NAVSEA “RIPTIDE” Readiness Kill-Chain event for >300 employees (participating on short-term notice), resulting in improving communication and productive capacity of the shipyards;
  • Managed implementation of the Hawaii Regional Maintenance Center (HRMC) military shops (e.g., mechanical, electrical, structural), utilizing 72 HRMC sailors to increase capacity/capabilities of the ship’s force, maintenance assist teams by providing direct training on small boats, diesel engines, and gas turbines to enable assistance in preventative maintenance workloads, enabling higher availability of skilled labor during the accomplishment of Ship’s Force Organizational Level maintenance

08/12 – 12/14, Full-time student, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA

03/08 – 08/12, Submarine Division Officer (O-3/LT)

Main Propulsion Assistant, Damage Control Assistant, & Assistant Operations Officer

US Navy, USS Asheville (SSN 758) & USS Mississippi (SSN 782), San Diego, CA/Groton, CT

  • Manage, monitor, and supervise the submarine’s main propulsion systems, damage control, and procedures, maintenance, and performance in the engineering department’s activities, including the main propulsion system, propulsion plant operations, maintenance, and casualty responses
  • Coordinated/supervised the operation and maintenance of steam propulsion plants, nuclear reactors, turbines, electrical generators, propulsion control systems, and associated equipment.
  • Developed and implemented maintenance and operating procedures for the main propulsion system per compliance with Navy regulations, technical manuals, and safety protocols
  • Liaised and coordinated with operations officer and senior ships personnel in planning, coordinating, and executing submarine missions, exercises, ship movements, and operational schedules
  • Conducted analysis and assessment of operational data related to deployed in-situ submarine operational missions; provided SME recommendations for improvement and optimization of mission effectiveness per sensory system utilization, tactical positioning, and ship’s safety
  • Monitored/evaluated performance of systems, including propulsion plant efficiency, fuel consumption, equipment reliability; conducted inspections, tests, preventive maintenance of main propulsion system
  • Managed the ship’s propulsion, damage control, auxiliary equipment, and IT systems maintenance schedule, prioritizing tasks and allocating resources to ensure timely and effective maintenance
  • Collaborated with engineering, navigation, weapons, and communications departments to develop and implement sea trial plans; coordinated with shipyard personnel and contractors to schedule and conduct New Construction Sea Trials for Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) USS Mississippi (SSN 782)
  • Planned and coordinated measurements and data collection during sea trials for evaluation and analysis; monitored/evaluated submarine systems’ performance, equipment, and personnel during sea trials; identified and documented sea trial activities, including test plans, issues, anomalies, deficiencies,  results, operational issues, and recommendations for improvements or modifications to the submarine’s commanding officer
  • Coordinated with naval test agencies and oversight organizations to ensure compliance with testing protocols, safety regulations, and reporting requirements
  • Conducted post-trial analysis and evaluation of the submarine’s performance; developed and implemented corrective actions or modifications based on sea trial findings and recommendations
  • Managed a team of up to 20 personnel in Main Propulsion, Damage Control, Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection, and Sea Trials Coordination departments, including training, mentoring, and professional development
  • Developed and implemented standard procedures for operations of various ships’ equipment or tactical operations and force protection procedures to improve efficiency and safety on board.
  • Managed, monitored, supervised completion of sea trials for newly constructed submarine PCU Mississippi (SSN 782), tested/validated new construction during sea trials, including air, flood control, hydraulics, sonar, communications, propulsion plant operations, systems, salvage equipment, before submarine’s commissioning
  • Managed the Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection program, ensuring personnel were trained to respond to threats, including terrorist attacks, surveillance, bomb threats, repel borders, and insider threats
  • Coordinated submarine (ship’s) reactionary force and security with force protection for the ship, the pier, the private shipyard, and local patrols with Pascagoula, MS police, and federal agencies (Department of Homeland Security [DHS] and the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI]) for seven flag-ranked, distinguished visitors including a Mississippi United States Senator
  • Managed/coordinated a team of ~ 20 personnel in main propulsion, damage control, and sea trials
  • Manage/supervise 110-130 personnel in maintaining security posture and response forces for submarine, as Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection officer; conducted deployments and readiness training exercises for crew


  • 2014, Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA; GPA: 3.28; Courses:  Electric Power Engineering and Machinery Theory, Heat Transfer, Deformation Fracture & Failure Analysis, Power Plant Systems, Radiological Fundamentals, Reactor Dynamics, Reactor Operations, Digital Computation, Statics, Multivariable Calculus, Dynamics, Mechanics of Solids, Materials Science and Engineering, Differential Equations, Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Matrix & Linear Algebra, Partial Differential Equations & Integral Transforms, Numerical Analysis, Engineering System Dynamics & Control, Computational Method in Mechanical Engineering, Properties Performance & Failure of Engineering Materials, Applied Fluid Mechanics, Marine Power & Propulsion, Dynamics & Control of Marine & Autonomous Vehicles, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Corrosion & Marine Environmental Deterioration, Phase Transformations, Strategy & War, Mechanical Vibration, Design of Machine Elements, Principles of Naval Architecture, Characterization of Advanced Materials
  • 2006, Bachelor of Science, Chemistry (Biochemistry focus), The Citadel, Charleston, SC; GPA: 3.43; Courses: Naval Ship Systems, Naval Science, Naval Operations, Navigation, Chemistry, Analytic Geometry, Calculus, Physics, Quantitative Analysis, Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Naval Leadership and Management, Instrumental Methods, Chemical Research, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Research, Microcomputer Applications, Genetics, Physical Chemistry, Naval Leadership, and Ethics
  • 2018, Professional Acquisition member, Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, VA
  •  Level 3, Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, VA
  • 2019, Engineering Level 1, Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, VA
  • 2017, Lean Sigma Six Greenbelt, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Honolulu, HI
  • 2010, Qualified Navy Nuclear Engineer, Department of Naval Reactors
  • AIM
  • Flank Speed
  • Jupiter
  • MFOM
  • NDE
  • OARs
  • Python
  • SIPRnet / NIPRnet
  • SolidWorks
  • MS O365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook
  • LinkedIn:


  • Meritorious Service Medal
  • Navy Commendation Medal (3)
  • Navy Achievement Medal (2)
  • 05/18, Volunteer, Coach, Special Olympics Games, Honolulu, HI

Roy T. Johnston – Program Manager, Submarine Officer, Inspector

Virginia Beach, VA 23451 / (843) 532-9197 / Email:


  • 20+ years, US Navy, Lt. Commander (O-4/LCDR), Honorable Discharge: 09/23
  • 6 years, Nuclear Trained Submarine Officer
  • 6 years, Enlisted Nuclear Machinist Mate
  • 6 years, Program Management/ Deputy Project Supervisor (submarine availability)
  • 3/2 years, Submarine Inspector / Submarine Platform Manager 
  • Security Clearance: DoD, Secret (last adjudicated: 09/17, expires: 09/27)


05/21 – present, Fleet Maintenance Officer (O-4/LCDR), Submarine & CVN Maintenance Manager        

  • Research and analyze submarine availability execution progress and industrial activity performance; oversee and coordinate Fleet depot-level nuclear submarine availability schedules in liaison with OPNAV, COMNAVSEASYSCOM, NAVSEA 08, and CSL-led submarine maintenance programs as Fleet representative for submarine availability planning and execution
  • Supervise and monitor material readiness issues on LANTFLT submarines operations, e.g., OPREPs, CASREPs, and SITREPs; provide analysis-based recommendations for C3/C4 submarine CASREPs
  • Ensure submarine maintenance and modernization programs were integrated, compatible, and balanced; maintain a schedule of Fleet submarine depot availabilities and dry dockings
  • Direct, manage, and provide support for investigation and resolution of technical and management problems and resolution of resource deficiencies; analyze maintenance availabilities per cost, schedule, and maintenance activity performance; document Fleet level metrics for CNO and reports
  • Provide Subject Matter Expert (SME; mechanical engineer) recommendations for systems to Perform 2 Plan (P2P), Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Plan (SIOP), Navy Transformation Office (NTO) Naval Sustainment Systems Shipyard (NSS-SY), Learning 2 Action Board (L2AB), and as Cross-Functional Team (CFT) member for Virginia Class (VACL) material sustainment
  • Coordinate preparation and presentation of submarine maintenance and modernization requirements through Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) phases and associated review processes directly related to the Presidential DoD budget 
  • Coordinate Fleet evaluation of industrial base capacity and submarine maintenance workload distribution supporting Fleet Maintenance Board of Directors
  • Develop and establish submarine maintenance repair policy and maintenance, including scheduling COAs to provide FRP Operational Availability (AO) options
  • Develop improved Fleet readiness assessment methodologies to enable the consistent measuring of submarine-related cost-wise readiness and facilitation of adaptive planning/modeling applications
  • Ensure submarine infrastructure maintenance appropriately sized and resources available/employed to provide CSL with cost-effective submarine maintenance/modernization per AO FRP demand and ESL requirements
  • Maintain the status of deferred submarine maintenance, by fiscal year, including funding requirements
  • Direct, manage, supervise, and monitor submarine and Carriers, Nuclear (CVN) maintenance activities, including Norfolk Naval Shipyard and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (public shipyards) and Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News and Electric Boat General Dynamics (private shipyards) to ensure submarine maintenance and repair activities and deliverables completed by scheduled dates as Submarine Branch Manager for the Fleet Maintenance Officer
  • Manage a $3B annual budget, funding submarine, CVN, and shipyard operations, repair contracts, labor force, materials, and facility upgrades for 10 CNO submarine availabilities in execution, 23 submarine availabilities in planning, two carrier major overhaul availabilities, and six CVN in planning
  • Research, quality assure, and verify contract requirements and funding per US Fleet Forces operational needs/budget; confirm PMS392 for USS Hartford (SSN 768)’s $1.1B overhaul contract for EBGD and quarterly progress reviews of HII-NNS work on USS Columbus (SSN 762) and USS Boise (CL 47) 
  • Ensure submarine maintenance activities conducted in compliance with safety regulations in liaison with shipyard personnel, including identification, prevention, mitigation, and resolution of potential safety hazards
  • Develop and implement Fleet instructions to implement lessons learned from BHR fire and major fires review, resulting in improved major fire response command and control, including alignment of Area Commanders, as the US Fleet Forces lead
  • Research, analyze, develop, and implement solutions for the Naval Security Force shortfalls required for nuclear reactor refueling, supporting the Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) for Los Angeles Class submarines at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, resulting in uninterrupted operations of the SLEP program and avoidance of major construction delays
  • Identified shortfalls and requirements to increase funds of $2B over three fiscal years to improve VACL maintenance as a member of the VACL submarine material CFT
  • Train, mentor, and instruct coworkers to improve safety, ensure continuity of operations, or prevent delays to schedules as security coordinator director

10/18 –05/21, Submarine & Craft Inspector / Senior Inspector (O-4/LCDR)

United States Navy, Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV), Virginia Beach/Norfolk, VA

  • Assessed effectiveness of submarine maintenance and material management programs; identified areas for improvement and made recommendations
  • Liaised/collaborated with inspectors and SMEs to ensure consistent inspection standards and procedures; reviewed submarine-based records and documentation related to maintenance, testing, and inspections to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements; provided technical expertise and guidance to submarine maintenance personnel, including troubleshooting issues
  • Provided (mechanical engineer) SME recommendations for Landing Craft Utility (LCU) class vessels to Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV); developed/implemented inspection plans/schedules for LCU class vessels
  • Inspected LCU class vessels, assessing condition, identified deficiencies or non-compliance issues; verified operational capabilities and adherence to technical manuals, specifications, and procedures; oversaw inspection, maintenance, review of maintenance records, testing documentation, inspection reports; confirmed LCU class vessels compliance of material readiness to Navy standards/regulations
  • Performed functional tests, equipment calibrations, and operational checks to validate systems and equipment operations; prepared/submitted inspection reports to document findings and recommend corrective action plans
  • Conducted inspections averaging one submarine inspection and two small craft per month of submarines and small boats to ensure compliance with Navy standards and regulations; audited, identified, documented deficiencies, and recommended corrective actions, including components, e.g., pumps and valves not meeting operational or design requirements, safety equipment deficiencies, corrosion problems, and/or missing technical requirements
  • Evaluated maintenance and repair procedures conducted per Navy policies and procedures
  • Created and implemented inspection plans, guaranteeing inspections were carried out by specific deliverables schedules/dates, ensuring personnel and equipment were available
  • Produced documentation of findings inspection reports, including recommendations and corrective actions to senior Navy leadership USFFC Commander and Congress
  • Built new inspection procedures and methodologies for the Littoral Combatant Unit Class INSURV inspections to standardize practices to Joint Fleet Maintenance Manual scoring
  • Directed, managed, and led two teams inspecting two LCUs performing inspections on 12 LCUs and six LCACs, as Senior Inspector for Craft and Boats, to determine Fleet material readiness; performed pre-brief/out-brief to LCU commanders; submitted written inspection reports to INSURV
  • Rewrote the Submarine Auxiliary inspection guide to align with JFMM scoring guidelines, increasing the effectiveness of the process for submarines and improving material data and data standardization
  • Researched, analyzed, developed, and implemented a Master Event List for LCU Class to realign Inspection Guides to increase inspection process effectiveness for 32 LCUs, resulting in improved material data and data standardization for Beach Unit COs to make informed operational decisions
  • Trained ship’s force personnel, imparting SME guidance on maintenance and repair procedures and sharing industry best practices and lessons from prior inspections

12/14 –10/18, Deputy Project Superintendent (O4/LCDR)

US Navy, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PHNSY), Honolulu, HI

  • Directed, managed, and supervised submarine availabilities in liaison and coordination with the Project Superintendent, including coordination and supervision of planning, implementation, and completion of submarine availabilities per project schedules, budgets, and Navy standards
  • Reviewed and analyzed project plans, specifications, and work packages to ensure compliance with requirements and scope of availability; collaborated with production, engineering, quality assurance, and logistics departments, to ensure effective coordination and execution of submarine availabilities
  • Developed and maintained schedules, resource plans, and budgets for submarine availabilities, ensuring adherence to established timelines (contract deliverables) and financial guidelines
  • Conducted site visits and inspections to ensure safety, security, and environmental regulations compliance
  • Monitored/assessed submarine availabilities’ progress; identified potential risks, issues, and obstacles and implemented mitigation measures; reported project updates on progress, issues, and improvement recommendations
  • Prepared reports, documentation, and presentations related to submarine availabilities, including status updates, lessons learned, and post-availability evaluations related to the coordination and integration of subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers involved in submarine availabilities, ensuring compliance with contractual obligations and quality standards
  • Provided SME (mechanical engineer) technical expertise to project teams; addressed and resolved technical challenges; reviewed engineering changes; ensured compliance with specifications and standards
  • Developed shipyard’s Fiscal Year 2018 Execution Guidance that detailed the employment of 5,806 military and civilian personnel with >780,000 Man-Days of work and budget of .$900M as Business Operations Officer
  • Managed submarine project teams for availabilities, as Deputy Project Superintendent, with management oversight ranging between 100-500 submarine maintenance personnel (e.g., managers, engineers, quality assurance technicians, mechanics, electricians, and tradesmen)
  • Managed submarine projects, including USS Columbus DCMAV ($18.2M, 31,000 man days), USS North Carolina (SSN 777) EDSRA ($219.6M, 320,000 man days), and USS Jefferson City (SSN 759) EOH ($254M, 375,000 man days), overseeing planning and implementation of maintenance, repairs, modernization efforts
  • Managed and monitored resource utilization, safety (NOSHA/OSHA), and quality standards
  • Collaborated and liaised with contractors, vendors, and OII, HII, and Delphinus shipyards to ensure timely material and equipment delivery, as well as workload integration of the project team
  • Developed and executed work packages, schedules, and budgets, ensuring repair, maintenance, and install contract work was completed on time (milestones and scheduled deliverables) and within budget
  • Conducted daily production meetings and provided regular progress updates to PHNSY Shipyard Commander and NAVSEA 00, SUBPAC and PACFLT; identified and resolved technical issues and challenges, working closely with engineering, design, and planning departments to develop innovative solutions
  • Implemented continuous improvement initiatives, identifying opportunities to streamline processes, reduce costs, and enhance safety and quality performance from the Communities of Practice to reduce man-days, improve ergonomics, and enhance safety awareness thru signage and training
  • Facilitated planning and implementation of an online gaming event (shipyard participation) in the NAVSEA “RIPTIDE” Readiness Kill-Chain event for >300 employees (participating on short-term notice), resulting in improving communication and productive capacity of the shipyards;
  • Managed implementation of the Hawaii Regional Maintenance Center (HRMC) military shops (e.g., mechanical, electrical, structural), utilizing 72 HRMC sailors to increase capacity/capabilities of the ship’s force, maintenance assist teams by providing direct training on small boats, diesel engines, and gas turbines to enable assistance in preventative maintenance workloads, enabling higher availability of skilled labor during the accomplishment of Ship’s Force Organizational Level maintenance

08/12 – 12/14, Full-time student, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA

03/08 – 08/12, Submarine Division Officer (O-3/LT)

Main Propulsion Assistant, Damage Control Assistant, & Assistant Operations Officer

US Navy, USS Asheville (SSN 758) & USS Mississippi (SSN 782), San Diego, CA/Groton, CT

  • Manage, monitor, and supervise the submarine’s main propulsion systems, damage control, and procedures, maintenance, and performance in the engineering department’s activities, including the main propulsion system, propulsion plant operations, maintenance, and casualty responses
  • Coordinated/supervised the operation and maintenance of steam propulsion plants, nuclear reactors, turbines, electrical generators, propulsion control systems, and associated equipment.
  • Developed and implemented maintenance and operating procedures for the main propulsion system per compliance with Navy regulations, technical manuals, and safety protocols
  • Liaised and coordinated with operations officer and senior ships personnel in planning, coordinating, and executing submarine missions, exercises, ship movements, and operational schedules
  • Conducted analysis and assessment of operational data related to deployed in-situ submarine operational missions; provided SME recommendations for improvement and optimization of mission effectiveness per sensory system utilization, tactical positioning, and ship’s safety
  • Monitored/evaluated performance of systems, including propulsion plant efficiency, fuel consumption, equipment reliability; conducted inspections, tests, preventive maintenance of main propulsion system
  • Managed the ship’s propulsion, damage control, auxiliary equipment, and IT systems maintenance schedule, prioritizing tasks and allocating resources to ensure timely and effective maintenance
  • Collaborated with engineering, navigation, weapons, and communications departments to develop and implement sea trial plans; coordinated with shipyard personnel and contractors to schedule and conduct New Construction Sea Trials for Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) USS Mississippi (SSN 782)
  • Planned and coordinated measurements and data collection during sea trials for evaluation and analysis; monitored/evaluated submarine systems’ performance, equipment, and personnel during sea trials; identified and documented sea trial activities, including test plans, issues, anomalies, deficiencies,  results, operational issues, and recommendations for improvements or modifications to the submarine’s commanding officer
  • Coordinated with naval test agencies and oversight organizations to ensure compliance with testing protocols, safety regulations, and reporting requirements
  • Conducted post-trial analysis and evaluation of the submarine’s performance; developed and implemented corrective actions or modifications based on sea trial findings and recommendations
  • Managed a team of up to 20 personnel in Main Propulsion, Damage Control, Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection, and Sea Trials Coordination departments, including training, mentoring, and professional development
  • Developed and implemented standard procedures for operations of various ships’ equipment or tactical operations and force protection procedures to improve efficiency and safety on board.
  • Managed, monitored, supervised completion of sea trials for newly constructed submarine PCU Mississippi (SSN 782), tested/validated new construction during sea trials, including air, flood control, hydraulics, sonar, communications, propulsion plant operations, systems, salvage equipment, before submarine’s commissioning
  • Managed the Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection program, ensuring personnel were trained to respond to threats, including terrorist attacks, surveillance, bomb threats, repel borders, and insider threats
  • Coordinated submarine (ship’s) reactionary force and security with force protection for the ship, the pier, the private shipyard, and local patrols with Pascagoula, MS police, and federal agencies (Department of Homeland Security [DHS] and the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI]) for seven flag-ranked, distinguished visitors including a Mississippi United States Senator
  • Managed/coordinated a team of ~ 20 personnel in main propulsion, damage control, and sea trials
  • Manage/supervise 110-130 personnel in maintaining security posture and response forces for submarine, as Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection officer; conducted deployments and readiness training exercises for crew


  • 2014, Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA; GPA: 3.28; Courses:  Electric Power Engineering and Machinery Theory, Heat Transfer, Deformation Fracture & Failure Analysis, Power Plant Systems, Radiological Fundamentals, Reactor Dynamics, Reactor Operations, Digital Computation, Statics, Multivariable Calculus, Dynamics, Mechanics of Solids, Materials Science and Engineering, Differential Equations, Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Matrix & Linear Algebra, Partial Differential Equations & Integral Transforms, Numerical Analysis, Engineering System Dynamics & Control, Computational Method in Mechanical Engineering, Properties Performance & Failure of Engineering Materials, Applied Fluid Mechanics, Marine Power & Propulsion, Dynamics & Control of Marine & Autonomous Vehicles, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Corrosion & Marine Environmental Deterioration, Phase Transformations, Strategy & War, Mechanical Vibration, Design of Machine Elements, Principles of Naval Architecture, Characterization of Advanced Materials
  • 2006, Bachelor of Science, Chemistry (Biochemistry focus), The Citadel, Charleston, SC; GPA: 3.43; Courses: Naval Ship Systems, Naval Science, Naval Operations, Navigation, Chemistry, Analytic Geometry, Calculus, Physics, Quantitative Analysis, Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Naval Leadership and Management, Instrumental Methods, Chemical Research, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Research, Microcomputer Applications, Genetics, Physical Chemistry, Naval Leadership, and Ethics
  • 2018, Professional Acquisition member, Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, VA
  •  Level 3, Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, VA
  • 2019, Engineering Level 1, Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, VA
  • 2017, Lean Sigma Six Greenbelt, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Honolulu, HI
  • 2010, Qualified Navy Nuclear Engineer, Department of Naval Reactors
  • AIM
  • Flank Speed
  • Jupiter
  • MFOM
  • NDE
  • OARs
  • Python
  • SIPRnet / NIPRnet
  • SolidWorks
  • MS O365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook
  • LinkedIn:


  • Meritorious Service Medal
  • Navy Commendation Medal (3)
  • Navy Achievement Medal (2)
  • 05/18, Volunteer, Coach, Special Olympics Games, Honolulu, HI

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