Jack Augustin – Project Manager, Supervisor, Sustainment Trainer, Military Trainer

Joshua Jack Augustin

Chesapeake, VA 23322 / vtjack@outlook.com

OBJECTIVE:  Project Manager, Supervisor, Sustainment Trainer, Military Trainer


  • 18 years, United States Army, Captain/O3E, Honorable Discharge: 12/22
  • 5 years, Executive Officer, Director, Senior Manager (military, logistics, planning)
  • 3.5 years, Recruiter (military)
  • Clearance: DoD, Top Secret/SCI (last adjudicated: 08/18, expires: 08/23)


04/19 – present, Battalion Plans Officer, Recruiting Company Commander (Captain/O3E)

United States Army, Richmond Army Recruiting Battalion, Richmond, VA

  • Recruit and target ~150,000 potentially eligible military recruits within a geographically dispersed population over 720 square miles, resulting in ~500 eligible recruits annually for three years
  • Research, analyze, identify goals, schedule, and facilitate organizational plans for tasking deliverables and completion dates as Plans Officer; report plans, events, and tasks to higher command
  • Identify targeted areas of concentrated populations of potentially eligible military recruits; create and coordinate recruiting events as Company Commander; analyze return on investment (ROI) for each event and potential repeat endeavors, report results to supervisor
  • Manage seven recruiting stations with supervisory oversite to 53 soldiers and a government contract staff member; manage/oversee facilities, 20 government vehicles, and assets/property valued at >$2M
  • Conduct business development to identify qualified applicants for enlistment into the Army; networked with school representatives, public officials, personnel managers, parents of prospective applicants, and religious and civil leaders to present the Army as a career opportunity, including presenting formally/informally on advantages of Army service at civic/service organizations and student bodies
  • Liaise between local radio, television, and newspaper agencies, as well as distributed and displayed recruiting publicity material; wrote, edited, or presented recruiting material for use by local communications agencies; lent and exhibited motion pictures for civic, fraternal, and service organizations and educational institutions; conducted market research and analysis of recruiting territory for recommendations to the station commander
  • Conduct interviews, evaluated, and counseled prospective enlistees on security, personal aptitudes, training opportunities, job satisfaction and stability, advancement, prestige, and military life, as well as health and welfare benefits (medical care, dependent allowance, housing, reenlistment bonus, retirement program, military/civilian educational opportunities, travel, recreational benefits) to evaluate  occupational, educational, and psychological background to identify Army programs for career goals
  • Arrange for applicants’ transportation, meals, and lodging; maintained prospect files, school program folders, and prospecting lists
  • Manage short- and long-range training calendars; facilitate and coordinates with companies to prepare for battalion-level meetings; prepare, coordinate, publish, and distribute written operation orders and taskings for the battalion’s recruiting events and operations 
  • Manage operational, administrative, training, logistical, fiscal, and quality of life conditions resulting in recruiting-mission accomplishment
  • , prospecting efficiency, and ROI courses once monthly to ~50 learners per class, for ~36 classes over three years, and ~180 total learners trained
  • Manage and monitor a ~$100K advertising budget (annually)
  • Develop a system of sponsorships between the Norfolk recruiting company and all high-yielding high schools in the area, saving ~100 manhours weekly by consolidating interactions with potential recruits at high school athletic events vs. trying to meet each recruit individually on campus

07/17 – 04/19, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment Commander

Battalion Intelligence Officer (Captain/O3E), Senior Manager

United States Army, 11th Transportation Battalion, Virginia Beach, VA

  • Analyzed physical security protection at Fort Story to prevent terrorist attacks as Intel Officer; reported status on security clearances for unit members, ensured no delinquent clearance adjudications
  • Managed battalion headquarters staff and ensured the equipment was operational; supervised acquisition of administrative supplies as Company Commander; managed, supervised, and monitored weekly maintenance checks on military vehicles and requested parts and repairs
  • Managed deployment readiness, training, accountability, discipline, morale, and welfare of >120 assigned and attached officers, noncommissioned officers, and soldiers, as well as physical location security, operations security (OPSEC), force protection, and anti-terrorism readiness
  • Supervised two NCOs and one soldier responsible for processing up to 10 security clearances (weekly) for Secret and Top-Secret clearance levels
  • Managed/supervised 40 staff members, including Intel Analysts (responsible for interpreting and distributing information among military personnel), Force Protection Non-Commissioned Officers (responsible for assisting, inspecting, and reviewing security measures for critical facilities and assets within the installation), Movement Supervisors (responsible for control and supervision of daily cargo transfers and mission support for subordinate transportation units), and a Chaplain (for religious support to assigned and attached units)
  • Maintained readiness for short-notice deployments and training exercises across all levels of the headquarters, ensuring the battalion was prepared to execute mission-essential tasks, including readiness, accountability, and maintenance of over 30 military vehicles and equipment, including 11 M1152 Humvees, HMMWV (up-armored Humvees), five trailer-mounted generators, two M1078 light medium tactical vehicles (LMTV) and ~1,000 pieces of organizational equipment including computers, toolkits, printers, weapons, weapon optics, radios, Gas Masks, grenade launchers, with total equipment and vehicles valued at >$7M
  • Researched and analyzed training and medical readiness statistics; compiled weekly reports for Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment for administrative and logistical support to command
  • Ensured section ready for Operational Assessment Readiness inspection by XVIII Airborne Corps, resulting in the only green rating in the brigade
  • Provided Subject Matter Expert (SME) advice and counsel for Prepare to Deploy (PTDO) operations; coordinated to test units deployment readiness quarterly; developed systems to capture level of unit readiness 
  • Briefed >30 convoys on known enemy locations and unit size, tracked over 25 enemy attacks, and executed battle captain duties in a high-stress environment as the Battalion Area/Security Force Protection Officer and Movements OIC in a multi-functional, multi-modular US Forces Command Terminal Transportation Battalion with >1,200 officers, NCOs, and soldiers within eight subordinate units geographically dispersed over three locations (Fort Lee, Fort Eustis, Fort Story)
  • Led a detachment of 25 soldiers deployed to El Salvador to support ‘Joint Logistics Over the Shore 18’; met detachment movement timelines, conducted joint mission command of a Logistics Over the Shore (LOTS) operation, and safely redeployed without incident or mission failure
  • Directed/managed detachments’ human resources program efficiency to a 96.16% rating (measured by the percentage of soldiers who completed army tasks such as dental exams, online training, medical exams, physical training, and testing), which was ~2% higher than the brigade average
  • Coordinated training through the Army Logistics University (ALU) course director to provide mortuary affairs companies, boat detachments, and the Combined Logistics Captains Career Course to aspiring logisticians to learn more about diverse elements of the quartermaster and transportation corps
  • Developed curriculum and trained subordinates on physical readiness, weapons training, and deployment preparedness exercises weekly to ~60 learners per class, ~150 classes (three years), ~350 learners
  • Trained soldier basic skills resulting in 100% marksmanship qualification in three months, saving ~200 manhours a week and $50K in ammunition via qualitative feedback to subordinates and peers

08/16 – 07/17, Support Operations Plans Officer (SPO; Captain/O3E)

United States Army, HQ’s and HQ’s Company, 2nd Infantry Division, Waegwan, Korea

  • Planned the transportation and logistics of essential equipment (ammunition, fuel, water, sustenance) necessary for exercises between the Korean Army and the United States Army
  • Collaborated with brigade staff elements to provide a shared understanding of Brigade logistical capabilities during exercise and wartime environments
  • Researched, reviewed, analyzed, monitored, and coordinated future and operational plans and quarterly exercises, including Ulchi-Freedom Guardian, Key Resolve, Operation Pacific Reach, and Rehearsal of Concept drills and sustainment rehearsals
  • Collaborated planning with 8th US Army, 2nd Infantry Division, 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, 593rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command, Republic of Korea Armies, and subordinate units to facilitate the annual Ulchi-Freedom Guardian, Key Resolve, Operation Pacific Reach, Rehearsal of Concept drills, and sustainment rehearsals, while incorporating emerging tactical military doctrine into the South Korean Theater of operations  
  • Analyzed available assets and personnel within the 2ID Sustainment Brigade, which established the maximum quantities and capabilities achievable; instructed partnering staff sections of the allowable threshold of equipment to procure 100% of mission success completed for quarterly exercises
  • Provided SME knowledge of simulation of practices and operations, enabling brigade staff and support elements to practice staff systems throughout ‘Key Resolve 2017,’ as Deputy Officer in Charge, resulting in adjacent operating units adapting the 2ID Sustainment Brigade Simulation Center best-practice for exercises
  • Planned fuel, water, ammunition, and sustenance logistics for division, acquisition values at ~$750M
  • Developed capability cards containing personnel and equipment data from the Brigade’s contingency units for use during Key Resolve 2017, resulting in brigade staff conducting crucial analysis

03/14 – 01/15, Operations and Plans Officer, Battalion Unit Movement Officer (1LT/O2)

United States Army, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, Fort Carson, CO

  • Prepared, coordinated, published, and distributed written operation orders and taskings for the battalion’s main training events and current operations; documented company after-action reviews and range closure reports, resulting in passing grade for deployment readiness as Battle Captain for NTC Rotation 15-10 The 4th BSB
  • Managed short- and long-range training calendars; coordinated company for battalion-level meetings
  • Officer in charge of five major battalion level training events, including Battalion Organizational Day with 462 participants, Capabilities Rollout, Operation Spring Clean, Brigade Support Area Operations (APR2014), Brigade Support Area Operations (08/14)
  • Developed curriculum, facilitated, and conducted anti-terrorism training for >450 soldiers via simulating realistic scenarios per Army Force Protection Conditions to ensure soldiers prepared for potential enemy threats to ~200 learners per quarter, for >800 learners total
  • Coordinated, planned, and supervised the logistical movement of 50 containers and 112 military vehicles between Fort Carson, CO, and Fort Irwin, CA, for the 1st Stryker Brigade’s National Training Center (09/15-10/15); coordinated with Colorado Department of Transportation to ensure compliance to civilian traffic guidelines and safety regulations; submitted documentation for oversize and overweight vehicles clearances
  • Developed, implemented, and oversaw the unit movement policies and guidelines to standardize unit movement operations for contingency and training missions, resulting in coordinated movement of six line-haul vehicles, 50 containers, and 106 rail-loaded vehicles to the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, CA from Fort Carson, CO in support of NTC Rotation 15-10 without incident, with policies adapted as best-practice model resulting in a graded score of 96% from Division Inspection and NTC
  • Planned and supervised monthly safety awareness training events on safety hazards to battalion soldiers, including teaching methods of simulated accidents during tactical convoys, medical emergencies, routes to medical facilities, designating vehicles as medevac, driving with night vision devices, inclement weather plans, heat exhaustion, and proper weapon handling
  • Conducted risk analysis on vehicular accidents, medical emergencies, inclement weather, and accidental weapon discharge before six battalion-level training events and implemented mitigation techniques, including pre-combat inspections and checks of vehicles and equipment needed, ensured route maps for vehicles between hospital and training area, instructed personnel with explicit instructions for nearby lightning strikes, briefed soldiers on proper weapons clearing techniques and checked compliance for future exercises; enforced safety measures resulting in <2% of injuries/incidents during training exercise at the National Training Center
  • Managed events, coordinated the logistics of transportation, personnel, and land reservations to target practice areas; distributed 5.56 mm ball, 5.56mm tracer, 7.62 mm ball, 7.62 mm sniper, 9mm rounds, .50 caliber machine gun rounds, and ammunition for 25 weapons ranges; facilitated reservations for land allocations and scheduled training for 15 training exercises
  • Managed/supervised 13 primary and alternate company operational and security officers; conducted in-person briefs to >450 4th Brigade Support Battalion soldiers on operational security measures
  • Certified and approved the battalion government credit card purchases totaling >$12K annually as alternate Battalion Billing Official
  • Conducted job performance evaluations on personnel, performed Mission Essential Vulnerability Assessments quarterly to each company (6), and provided specific feedback on how to improve their physical security measures; performed record keeping for companies on evaluations and staff records
  • Managed/oversaw facilities, tools, and equipment valued at >$100M; managed $12K annual training budget

04/14 – 01/15, Executive Officer (1LT/O2)

United States Army, Foxtrot Forward Support Company, 2nd Battalion

12th Field Artillery Regiment, Fort Carson, CO

  • Supervised daily company operations and overall mission capabilities, including managing and overseeing supply transactions, lateral transfers, and property book accuracy
  • Oversaw maintenance of company tracked vehicles, wheeled vehicles, and generators, as well as managed (inventory, service, and issuing) peripheral equipment from the arms room and supply room
  • Managed/supervised six Non-commissioned Officers (NCO) and 13 soldiers, including Company Level Armorer, Maintenance Platoon Leaders, a Supply NCO, and office administration
  • Supervised daily company operations, including administrative/training room actions, accountability of company records, ensuring quarterly/annual training and medical readiness updated for personnel
  • Managed accountability and serviceability of organizational property; tracked and ensured the calibration of weapons, optics, and weapons sensors; inventoried returning equipment associated with the brigade’s deployment to Kuwait (09/13), including tracked and wheeled vehicles, generators, peripheral equipment from the arms and supply rooms with inventory valued at >$32M
  • Managed and oversaw supply transactions, including adjustment documents, lateral transfers, and property book accuracy via monthly inventories to update property book with transaction documentation
  • Coordinated with parallel units (Fort Carson, Fort Hood) to laterally transfer 13 vehicles (valued at $5M), resulting in transforming the company from an Armored unit to a Stryker unit

03/12 – 03/13, Supply Platoon Leader (1LT/O2)

United States Army, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, Fort Carson, CO

  • Managed, supervised, and facilitated combat readiness, training, personal, and professional development of a 44-soldier platoon; managed Supply Support Activity with >2,800 pieces of military equipment valued at >$14M
  • Planned, resourced, supervised, and conducted individual, team, section training, and operations within the supply warehouse to 45 learners/class, 40 classes, 1.5 years, ~80 total learners trained
  • Responsible for the maintenance and accountability of 54 military vehicles valued at >$12M


05/18, Master of Science, Public Administration, Villanova University, Villanova, PA; GPA: 3.81; Courses: Public Administration Theory, Organization Theory, Administrative Communication, Effective Non-Profit Management, Financial Management, Analysis & Research, Managing Public Networks, Public Personnel Management, Strategic Planning, Leadership Ethics, and Effective City Management

05/11, Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA; Courses: Chemistry for Engineers, Linear Algebra, Military Leadership Practicum, Army ROTC, Calculus with Trig, Psychology, Morality & Justice, Psychology of Learning, Psychology of Personality, Psychology Research, German, Social Psychology, Adult Development, Statistics, Calculus with Trigonometry, and Trans Personal Psychology


  • 2015, Pathfinder, United States Army, Fort Benning, GA
  • 2014, Airlift Load Planner Course Phase II, United States Army, Fort Carson, CO
  • 2014, Technical Transportation of Hazardous Materials Course, United States Army, Fort Carson, CO
  • 2013, Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning Course, United States Army,
    Fort Carson, CO
  • 2013, Antiterrorism Officer Basic Course, United States Army, Colorado Springs, CO
  • 2012, Level I Combative Training, United States Army, Fort Lee, VA
  • 2012, Sling Load Inspector Certification Course, United States Army, Fort Lee, VA


  • Integrated Knowledge Resources Online for Me (IKROME)
  • MS O365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams
  • Range Facility Management Support System (RFMSS)
  • SIPRnet / NIPRnet
  • Total Ammunition Management Information System (TAMIS) 


  • Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Campaign Star
  • Air Assault Badge
  • Armed Forces Reserve Medal with M Device
  • Army Achievement Medal (6)
  • Army Commendation Medal (5)
  • Army Good Conduct Medal
  • Army Service Ribbon
  • Basic Recruiter Badge
  • Combat Infantryman’s Badge
  • Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
  • Korea Defense Service Medal
  • Kosovo Campaign Medal with Bronze Star
  • National Defense Service Medal
  • NATO Medal
  • Overseas Service Ribbon (3)
  • Pathfinder Badge
  • 03/12 – present,  Member, US Army Quartermaster Corps Regiment, Fort Lee, VA

Readers Comments

Jack Augustin – Project Manager, Supervisor, Sustainment Trainer, Military Trainer

Joshua Jack Augustin

Chesapeake, VA 23322 / vtjack@outlook.com

OBJECTIVE:  Project Manager, Supervisor, Sustainment Trainer, Military Trainer


  • 18 years, United States Army, Captain/O3E, Honorable Discharge: 12/22
  • 5 years, Executive Officer, Director, Senior Manager (military, logistics, planning)
  • 3.5 years, Recruiter (military)
  • Clearance: DoD, Top Secret/SCI (last adjudicated: 08/18, expires: 08/23)


04/19 – present, Battalion Plans Officer, Recruiting Company Commander (Captain/O3E)

United States Army, Richmond Army Recruiting Battalion, Richmond, VA

  • Recruit and target ~150,000 potentially eligible military recruits within a geographically dispersed population over 720 square miles, resulting in ~500 eligible recruits annually for three years
  • Research, analyze, identify goals, schedule, and facilitate organizational plans for tasking deliverables and completion dates as Plans Officer; report plans, events, and tasks to higher command
  • Identify targeted areas of concentrated populations of potentially eligible military recruits; create and coordinate recruiting events as Company Commander; analyze return on investment (ROI) for each event and potential repeat endeavors, report results to supervisor
  • Manage seven recruiting stations with supervisory oversite to 53 soldiers and a government contract staff member; manage/oversee facilities, 20 government vehicles, and assets/property valued at >$2M
  • Conduct business development to identify qualified applicants for enlistment into the Army; networked with school representatives, public officials, personnel managers, parents of prospective applicants, and religious and civil leaders to present the Army as a career opportunity, including presenting formally/informally on advantages of Army service at civic/service organizations and student bodies
  • Liaise between local radio, television, and newspaper agencies, as well as distributed and displayed recruiting publicity material; wrote, edited, or presented recruiting material for use by local communications agencies; lent and exhibited motion pictures for civic, fraternal, and service organizations and educational institutions; conducted market research and analysis of recruiting territory for recommendations to the station commander
  • Conduct interviews, evaluated, and counseled prospective enlistees on security, personal aptitudes, training opportunities, job satisfaction and stability, advancement, prestige, and military life, as well as health and welfare benefits (medical care, dependent allowance, housing, reenlistment bonus, retirement program, military/civilian educational opportunities, travel, recreational benefits) to evaluate  occupational, educational, and psychological background to identify Army programs for career goals
  • Arrange for applicants’ transportation, meals, and lodging; maintained prospect files, school program folders, and prospecting lists
  • Manage short- and long-range training calendars; facilitate and coordinates with companies to prepare for battalion-level meetings; prepare, coordinate, publish, and distribute written operation orders and taskings for the battalion’s recruiting events and operations 
  • Manage operational, administrative, training, logistical, fiscal, and quality of life conditions resulting in recruiting-mission accomplishment
  • , prospecting efficiency, and ROI courses once monthly to ~50 learners per class, for ~36 classes over three years, and ~180 total learners trained
  • Manage and monitor a ~$100K advertising budget (annually)
  • Develop a system of sponsorships between the Norfolk recruiting company and all high-yielding high schools in the area, saving ~100 manhours weekly by consolidating interactions with potential recruits at high school athletic events vs. trying to meet each recruit individually on campus

07/17 – 04/19, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment Commander

Battalion Intelligence Officer (Captain/O3E), Senior Manager

United States Army, 11th Transportation Battalion, Virginia Beach, VA

  • Analyzed physical security protection at Fort Story to prevent terrorist attacks as Intel Officer; reported status on security clearances for unit members, ensured no delinquent clearance adjudications
  • Managed battalion headquarters staff and ensured the equipment was operational; supervised acquisition of administrative supplies as Company Commander; managed, supervised, and monitored weekly maintenance checks on military vehicles and requested parts and repairs
  • Managed deployment readiness, training, accountability, discipline, morale, and welfare of >120 assigned and attached officers, noncommissioned officers, and soldiers, as well as physical location security, operations security (OPSEC), force protection, and anti-terrorism readiness
  • Supervised two NCOs and one soldier responsible for processing up to 10 security clearances (weekly) for Secret and Top-Secret clearance levels
  • Managed/supervised 40 staff members, including Intel Analysts (responsible for interpreting and distributing information among military personnel), Force Protection Non-Commissioned Officers (responsible for assisting, inspecting, and reviewing security measures for critical facilities and assets within the installation), Movement Supervisors (responsible for control and supervision of daily cargo transfers and mission support for subordinate transportation units), and a Chaplain (for religious support to assigned and attached units)
  • Maintained readiness for short-notice deployments and training exercises across all levels of the headquarters, ensuring the battalion was prepared to execute mission-essential tasks, including readiness, accountability, and maintenance of over 30 military vehicles and equipment, including 11 M1152 Humvees, HMMWV (up-armored Humvees), five trailer-mounted generators, two M1078 light medium tactical vehicles (LMTV) and ~1,000 pieces of organizational equipment including computers, toolkits, printers, weapons, weapon optics, radios, Gas Masks, grenade launchers, with total equipment and vehicles valued at >$7M
  • Researched and analyzed training and medical readiness statistics; compiled weekly reports for Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment for administrative and logistical support to command
  • Ensured section ready for Operational Assessment Readiness inspection by XVIII Airborne Corps, resulting in the only green rating in the brigade
  • Provided Subject Matter Expert (SME) advice and counsel for Prepare to Deploy (PTDO) operations; coordinated to test units deployment readiness quarterly; developed systems to capture level of unit readiness 
  • Briefed >30 convoys on known enemy locations and unit size, tracked over 25 enemy attacks, and executed battle captain duties in a high-stress environment as the Battalion Area/Security Force Protection Officer and Movements OIC in a multi-functional, multi-modular US Forces Command Terminal Transportation Battalion with >1,200 officers, NCOs, and soldiers within eight subordinate units geographically dispersed over three locations (Fort Lee, Fort Eustis, Fort Story)
  • Led a detachment of 25 soldiers deployed to El Salvador to support ‘Joint Logistics Over the Shore 18’; met detachment movement timelines, conducted joint mission command of a Logistics Over the Shore (LOTS) operation, and safely redeployed without incident or mission failure
  • Directed/managed detachments’ human resources program efficiency to a 96.16% rating (measured by the percentage of soldiers who completed army tasks such as dental exams, online training, medical exams, physical training, and testing), which was ~2% higher than the brigade average
  • Coordinated training through the Army Logistics University (ALU) course director to provide mortuary affairs companies, boat detachments, and the Combined Logistics Captains Career Course to aspiring logisticians to learn more about diverse elements of the quartermaster and transportation corps
  • Developed curriculum and trained subordinates on physical readiness, weapons training, and deployment preparedness exercises weekly to ~60 learners per class, ~150 classes (three years), ~350 learners
  • Trained soldier basic skills resulting in 100% marksmanship qualification in three months, saving ~200 manhours a week and $50K in ammunition via qualitative feedback to subordinates and peers

08/16 – 07/17, Support Operations Plans Officer (SPO; Captain/O3E)

United States Army, HQ’s and HQ’s Company, 2nd Infantry Division, Waegwan, Korea

  • Planned the transportation and logistics of essential equipment (ammunition, fuel, water, sustenance) necessary for exercises between the Korean Army and the United States Army
  • Collaborated with brigade staff elements to provide a shared understanding of Brigade logistical capabilities during exercise and wartime environments
  • Researched, reviewed, analyzed, monitored, and coordinated future and operational plans and quarterly exercises, including Ulchi-Freedom Guardian, Key Resolve, Operation Pacific Reach, and Rehearsal of Concept drills and sustainment rehearsals
  • Collaborated planning with 8th US Army, 2nd Infantry Division, 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, 593rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command, Republic of Korea Armies, and subordinate units to facilitate the annual Ulchi-Freedom Guardian, Key Resolve, Operation Pacific Reach, Rehearsal of Concept drills, and sustainment rehearsals, while incorporating emerging tactical military doctrine into the South Korean Theater of operations  
  • Analyzed available assets and personnel within the 2ID Sustainment Brigade, which established the maximum quantities and capabilities achievable; instructed partnering staff sections of the allowable threshold of equipment to procure 100% of mission success completed for quarterly exercises
  • Provided SME knowledge of simulation of practices and operations, enabling brigade staff and support elements to practice staff systems throughout ‘Key Resolve 2017,’ as Deputy Officer in Charge, resulting in adjacent operating units adapting the 2ID Sustainment Brigade Simulation Center best-practice for exercises
  • Planned fuel, water, ammunition, and sustenance logistics for division, acquisition values at ~$750M
  • Developed capability cards containing personnel and equipment data from the Brigade’s contingency units for use during Key Resolve 2017, resulting in brigade staff conducting crucial analysis

03/14 – 01/15, Operations and Plans Officer, Battalion Unit Movement Officer (1LT/O2)

United States Army, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, Fort Carson, CO

  • Prepared, coordinated, published, and distributed written operation orders and taskings for the battalion’s main training events and current operations; documented company after-action reviews and range closure reports, resulting in passing grade for deployment readiness as Battle Captain for NTC Rotation 15-10 The 4th BSB
  • Managed short- and long-range training calendars; coordinated company for battalion-level meetings
  • Officer in charge of five major battalion level training events, including Battalion Organizational Day with 462 participants, Capabilities Rollout, Operation Spring Clean, Brigade Support Area Operations (APR2014), Brigade Support Area Operations (08/14)
  • Developed curriculum, facilitated, and conducted anti-terrorism training for >450 soldiers via simulating realistic scenarios per Army Force Protection Conditions to ensure soldiers prepared for potential enemy threats to ~200 learners per quarter, for >800 learners total
  • Coordinated, planned, and supervised the logistical movement of 50 containers and 112 military vehicles between Fort Carson, CO, and Fort Irwin, CA, for the 1st Stryker Brigade’s National Training Center (09/15-10/15); coordinated with Colorado Department of Transportation to ensure compliance to civilian traffic guidelines and safety regulations; submitted documentation for oversize and overweight vehicles clearances
  • Developed, implemented, and oversaw the unit movement policies and guidelines to standardize unit movement operations for contingency and training missions, resulting in coordinated movement of six line-haul vehicles, 50 containers, and 106 rail-loaded vehicles to the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, CA from Fort Carson, CO in support of NTC Rotation 15-10 without incident, with policies adapted as best-practice model resulting in a graded score of 96% from Division Inspection and NTC
  • Planned and supervised monthly safety awareness training events on safety hazards to battalion soldiers, including teaching methods of simulated accidents during tactical convoys, medical emergencies, routes to medical facilities, designating vehicles as medevac, driving with night vision devices, inclement weather plans, heat exhaustion, and proper weapon handling
  • Conducted risk analysis on vehicular accidents, medical emergencies, inclement weather, and accidental weapon discharge before six battalion-level training events and implemented mitigation techniques, including pre-combat inspections and checks of vehicles and equipment needed, ensured route maps for vehicles between hospital and training area, instructed personnel with explicit instructions for nearby lightning strikes, briefed soldiers on proper weapons clearing techniques and checked compliance for future exercises; enforced safety measures resulting in <2% of injuries/incidents during training exercise at the National Training Center
  • Managed events, coordinated the logistics of transportation, personnel, and land reservations to target practice areas; distributed 5.56 mm ball, 5.56mm tracer, 7.62 mm ball, 7.62 mm sniper, 9mm rounds, .50 caliber machine gun rounds, and ammunition for 25 weapons ranges; facilitated reservations for land allocations and scheduled training for 15 training exercises
  • Managed/supervised 13 primary and alternate company operational and security officers; conducted in-person briefs to >450 4th Brigade Support Battalion soldiers on operational security measures
  • Certified and approved the battalion government credit card purchases totaling >$12K annually as alternate Battalion Billing Official
  • Conducted job performance evaluations on personnel, performed Mission Essential Vulnerability Assessments quarterly to each company (6), and provided specific feedback on how to improve their physical security measures; performed record keeping for companies on evaluations and staff records
  • Managed/oversaw facilities, tools, and equipment valued at >$100M; managed $12K annual training budget

04/14 – 01/15, Executive Officer (1LT/O2)

United States Army, Foxtrot Forward Support Company, 2nd Battalion

12th Field Artillery Regiment, Fort Carson, CO

  • Supervised daily company operations and overall mission capabilities, including managing and overseeing supply transactions, lateral transfers, and property book accuracy
  • Oversaw maintenance of company tracked vehicles, wheeled vehicles, and generators, as well as managed (inventory, service, and issuing) peripheral equipment from the arms room and supply room
  • Managed/supervised six Non-commissioned Officers (NCO) and 13 soldiers, including Company Level Armorer, Maintenance Platoon Leaders, a Supply NCO, and office administration
  • Supervised daily company operations, including administrative/training room actions, accountability of company records, ensuring quarterly/annual training and medical readiness updated for personnel
  • Managed accountability and serviceability of organizational property; tracked and ensured the calibration of weapons, optics, and weapons sensors; inventoried returning equipment associated with the brigade’s deployment to Kuwait (09/13), including tracked and wheeled vehicles, generators, peripheral equipment from the arms and supply rooms with inventory valued at >$32M
  • Managed and oversaw supply transactions, including adjustment documents, lateral transfers, and property book accuracy via monthly inventories to update property book with transaction documentation
  • Coordinated with parallel units (Fort Carson, Fort Hood) to laterally transfer 13 vehicles (valued at $5M), resulting in transforming the company from an Armored unit to a Stryker unit

03/12 – 03/13, Supply Platoon Leader (1LT/O2)

United States Army, 4th Brigade Support Battalion, Fort Carson, CO

  • Managed, supervised, and facilitated combat readiness, training, personal, and professional development of a 44-soldier platoon; managed Supply Support Activity with >2,800 pieces of military equipment valued at >$14M
  • Planned, resourced, supervised, and conducted individual, team, section training, and operations within the supply warehouse to 45 learners/class, 40 classes, 1.5 years, ~80 total learners trained
  • Responsible for the maintenance and accountability of 54 military vehicles valued at >$12M


05/18, Master of Science, Public Administration, Villanova University, Villanova, PA; GPA: 3.81; Courses: Public Administration Theory, Organization Theory, Administrative Communication, Effective Non-Profit Management, Financial Management, Analysis & Research, Managing Public Networks, Public Personnel Management, Strategic Planning, Leadership Ethics, and Effective City Management

05/11, Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA; Courses: Chemistry for Engineers, Linear Algebra, Military Leadership Practicum, Army ROTC, Calculus with Trig, Psychology, Morality & Justice, Psychology of Learning, Psychology of Personality, Psychology Research, German, Social Psychology, Adult Development, Statistics, Calculus with Trigonometry, and Trans Personal Psychology


  • 2015, Pathfinder, United States Army, Fort Benning, GA
  • 2014, Airlift Load Planner Course Phase II, United States Army, Fort Carson, CO
  • 2014, Technical Transportation of Hazardous Materials Course, United States Army, Fort Carson, CO
  • 2013, Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning Course, United States Army,
    Fort Carson, CO
  • 2013, Antiterrorism Officer Basic Course, United States Army, Colorado Springs, CO
  • 2012, Level I Combative Training, United States Army, Fort Lee, VA
  • 2012, Sling Load Inspector Certification Course, United States Army, Fort Lee, VA


  • Integrated Knowledge Resources Online for Me (IKROME)
  • MS O365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams
  • Range Facility Management Support System (RFMSS)
  • SIPRnet / NIPRnet
  • Total Ammunition Management Information System (TAMIS) 


  • Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Campaign Star
  • Air Assault Badge
  • Armed Forces Reserve Medal with M Device
  • Army Achievement Medal (6)
  • Army Commendation Medal (5)
  • Army Good Conduct Medal
  • Army Service Ribbon
  • Basic Recruiter Badge
  • Combat Infantryman’s Badge
  • Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
  • Korea Defense Service Medal
  • Kosovo Campaign Medal with Bronze Star
  • National Defense Service Medal
  • NATO Medal
  • Overseas Service Ribbon (3)
  • Pathfinder Badge
  • 03/12 – present,  Member, US Army Quartermaster Corps Regiment, Fort Lee, VA

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