Good Human Resources Managers vs. Bad Human Resources Managers


Good human resources managers provide written positions on important issues (streamlining process(es), tough staff and administrative choices, tough employee decisions, policies to attack, yield, or change).

Bad human resources managers voice their opinion verbally and lament the “head of the food chain” won’t let it happen. Once bad human resources managers fail, they point out they predicted they would fail.

Good human resources managers focus the team on service to their customers  -the company employees.

Bad human resources managers focus team on how well the competition is doing because they can afford more tools

Good human resources managers define good services that can be executed with a strong effort.

Bad human resources managers define problems that can’t be solved.

Good human resources managers act like and are viewed as the CEO of the service.

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Good Human Resources Managers vs. Bad Human Resources Managers


Good human resources managers provide written positions on important issues (streamlining process(es), tough staff and administrative choices, tough employee decisions, policies to attack, yield, or change).

Bad human resources managers voice their opinion verbally and lament the “head of the food chain” won’t let it happen. Once bad human resources managers fail, they point out they predicted they would fail.

Good human resources managers focus the team on service to their customers  -the company employees.

Bad human resources managers focus team on how well the competition is doing because they can afford more tools

Good human resources managers define good services that can be executed with a strong effort.

Bad human resources managers define problems that can’t be solved.

Good human resources managers act like and are viewed as the CEO of the service.

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