Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Call Now! 757-404-8300
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Wade M. Stephens Virginia Beach, VA 23464 HQ ISAF CJ2R, United States Forces – Afghanistan (757) 453 -6307 / (757) 646-5414 wade.m.stephens@gmail.com wade.m.stephens@afghan.swa.army.mil OBJECTIVE: Program Manager, Deputy Program Manager, Project Manager, Team Lead, Operations Manager, Chief Administrative Support SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: 26 years, Active Duty, United States Navy, ...
Johnnie L. Upshur Clay, NY 13041 (comm. via email; OCONUS location) JohnnieUpshurCWO@gmail.com JLU357@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Logistics Manager/Supervisor, Project/Program Manager EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 22 years, United States Army, CW4 Chief Warrant Officer (Hon. Ret.) 22 years, Program Management, Supervisor (Logistics) 12 years, Logistics Management, Automated Logistics & Material Control 12 years, Engineering ...
Two thousand hours. That’s the average amount of time a person spends at work each year. Over the span of a career, that adds up to more than 90,000 hours. Two thousand hours annually of getting up in the morning, driving home in the evening, and ...
I recently received a request for information from a job seeker with a Masters in English and a Bachelors in Political Science. This job seeker was having a hard time finding a position in the Northern Virginia (NOVA) area. Either she was told she had too ...
I got a kick out of seeing the historic evolution of a resume from it’s initial form and format back when Leonardo Da Vinci created the first, to today’s social media link packed versions. One thing that is definitely following a trend – if you are ...
What to look for from LinkedIn trainers: I am beginning to see more training classes offered from ‘Social Media Experts’ providing training classes for the LinkedIn social media platform. What concerns me is the trainers are calling themselves Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). When I view ...
Listen to internet radio with Tough Talk Radio Network on Blog Talk Radio Here is the MP3 recording of the radio interview with Charlie and Eva Lobosco on the Tough Talk Radio Show first airing June 11, 2012, interviewing Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D. about her ...
Are you asking yourself, “What do I do first to find a job?” or “What do I do first to write a resume?” Some dream of financial freedom, and others are simply trying to find a job to help them pay the bills. Are you needing ...
Many job seekers are not aware their resumes are ‘boring’ and tell the recruiter nothing other than providing a copy and paste version of a job seeker’s most recent job description. The job description may be word-for-word from the most recent company’s compensation plan. Resume owners ...
So you want to be a Human Resources professional? Human Resources Management (HRM) is one of the hardest business arenas into which to get established, especially at a management level. So many (predominantly female) have to work their way up through the ranks, including paying ...
Wade M. Stephens Virginia Beach, VA 23464 HQ ISAF CJ2R, United States Forces – Afghanistan (757) 453 -6307 / (757) 646-5414 wade.m.stephens@gmail.com wade.m.stephens@afghan.swa.army.mil OBJECTIVE: Program Manager, Deputy Program Manager, Project Manager, Team Lead, Operations Manager, Chief Administrative Support SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: 26 years, Active Duty, United States Navy, ...
Johnnie L. Upshur Clay, NY 13041 (comm. via email; OCONUS location) JohnnieUpshurCWO@gmail.com JLU357@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Logistics Manager/Supervisor, Project/Program Manager EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 22 years, United States Army, CW4 Chief Warrant Officer (Hon. Ret.) 22 years, Program Management, Supervisor (Logistics) 12 years, Logistics Management, Automated Logistics & Material Control 12 years, Engineering ...
Two thousand hours. That’s the average amount of time a person spends at work each year. Over the span of a career, that adds up to more than 90,000 hours. Two thousand hours annually of getting up in the morning, driving home in the evening, and ...
I recently received a request for information from a job seeker with a Masters in English and a Bachelors in Political Science. This job seeker was having a hard time finding a position in the Northern Virginia (NOVA) area. Either she was told she had too ...
I got a kick out of seeing the historic evolution of a resume from it’s initial form and format back when Leonardo Da Vinci created the first, to today’s social media link packed versions. One thing that is definitely following a trend – if you are ...
What to look for from LinkedIn trainers: I am beginning to see more training classes offered from ‘Social Media Experts’ providing training classes for the LinkedIn social media platform. What concerns me is the trainers are calling themselves Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). When I view ...
Listen to internet radio with Tough Talk Radio Network on Blog Talk Radio Here is the MP3 recording of the radio interview with Charlie and Eva Lobosco on the Tough Talk Radio Show first airing June 11, 2012, interviewing Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D. about her ...
Are you asking yourself, “What do I do first to find a job?” or “What do I do first to write a resume?” Some dream of financial freedom, and others are simply trying to find a job to help them pay the bills. Are you needing ...
Many job seekers are not aware their resumes are ‘boring’ and tell the recruiter nothing other than providing a copy and paste version of a job seeker’s most recent job description. The job description may be word-for-word from the most recent company’s compensation plan. Resume owners ...
So you want to be a Human Resources professional? Human Resources Management (HRM) is one of the hardest business arenas into which to get established, especially at a management level. So many (predominantly female) have to work their way up through the ranks, including paying ...