Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Call Now! 757-404-8300
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
With hard work and diligence – you too can start seeing multiple people seeing your profile or having your profile show up when they query for key words or phrases! Ask about LinkedIn training classes for 2013!
Kent Taylor Leipold Austin, TX 78748 (512) 284-1904 KentTaylorLeipold@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Sr. Auditor / Financial Analyst / Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Analyst EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 25 years, Bookkeeping, Auditing, Accounting (15 years, Senior Auditor) 6 years, Bank Operations and Bank Compliance and Consulting – Small Banks (commercial space planning, leasing, and lending) 4 years, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Analyst ...
Critical ROI for Business Owner Resumes (Listen to the MP3 – click on this link!) Entrepreneurs should realize one of the most critical pieces of advertising is showcasing the knowledge, skills, and experience of the most important person (or people) at the helm of the company. ...
What’s your daily email routine? When I sit at the computer in my home office each morning, I have a routine to help me focus and stay on track for accomplishing work-related communications without getting distracted in unproductive sidebars. Time management specialists recommend a ‘touch ...
Have you ever needed to work up a Social Media Plan for your business, but wasn’t sure what Social Media Management entailed or was the tasks were on a regular basis? Here’s a cheat-sheet that helps you (as a business owner) or a job seeker to ...
LinkedIn: Why you don’t want to miss out on the activity. Do you ever ask yourself – what good is LinkedIn? How can it help me pursue business development or a new career search? What effort do you put into learning about LinkedIn and its advantages? ...
In light of the new wave of layoffs around the country, and in anticipation of those workers who will get downsized after holiday sales die down, it is productive to review what to avoid when writing resumes. These tips will help career seekers to avoid the ‘round file’ when creating or updating their resumes.
Wonderful insight from another expert in the recruiting industry I’d like to share: Why You Didn’t Get the Job, November 01, 2012 By: Dave Fecak (Link: https://www.amanet.org/training/articles/Why-You-Didnt-Get-the-Job.aspx?pcode=XCRP ) Over the course of my career I have scheduled thousands of interviews with hundreds of hiring managers at ...
A beautiful gift for the women in your life! 2,000 Quotes, Quips, Notes, History Tidbits & Viewpoints About Women: Positive & Inspirational Quotes About Women
With hard work and diligence – you too can start seeing multiple people seeing your profile or having your profile show up when they query for key words or phrases! Ask about LinkedIn training classes for 2013!
Kent Taylor Leipold Austin, TX 78748 (512) 284-1904 KentTaylorLeipold@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: Sr. Auditor / Financial Analyst / Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Analyst EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 25 years, Bookkeeping, Auditing, Accounting (15 years, Senior Auditor) 6 years, Bank Operations and Bank Compliance and Consulting – Small Banks (commercial space planning, leasing, and lending) 4 years, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Analyst ...
Critical ROI for Business Owner Resumes (Listen to the MP3 – click on this link!) Entrepreneurs should realize one of the most critical pieces of advertising is showcasing the knowledge, skills, and experience of the most important person (or people) at the helm of the company. ...
What’s your daily email routine? When I sit at the computer in my home office each morning, I have a routine to help me focus and stay on track for accomplishing work-related communications without getting distracted in unproductive sidebars. Time management specialists recommend a ‘touch ...
Have you ever needed to work up a Social Media Plan for your business, but wasn’t sure what Social Media Management entailed or was the tasks were on a regular basis? Here’s a cheat-sheet that helps you (as a business owner) or a job seeker to ...
LinkedIn: Why you don’t want to miss out on the activity. Do you ever ask yourself – what good is LinkedIn? How can it help me pursue business development or a new career search? What effort do you put into learning about LinkedIn and its advantages? ...
In light of the new wave of layoffs around the country, and in anticipation of those workers who will get downsized after holiday sales die down, it is productive to review what to avoid when writing resumes. These tips will help career seekers to avoid the ‘round file’ when creating or updating their resumes.
Wonderful insight from another expert in the recruiting industry I’d like to share: Why You Didn’t Get the Job, November 01, 2012 By: Dave Fecak (Link: https://www.amanet.org/training/articles/Why-You-Didnt-Get-the-Job.aspx?pcode=XCRP ) Over the course of my career I have scheduled thousands of interviews with hundreds of hiring managers at ...
A beautiful gift for the women in your life! 2,000 Quotes, Quips, Notes, History Tidbits & Viewpoints About Women: Positive & Inspirational Quotes About Women