Phasellus id nunc a quam placerat luctus ac id velit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus erat vitae facilisis tincidunt. In mi purus, lobortis ut lacus at, molestie tempor turpis. Etiam non neque vehicula, elementum nulla euismod, iaculis neque. Phasellus id nunc a quam placerat luctus ac id velit. In non enim ...
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Top 10 things not to have on your resume and 10 alternatives

Many job seekers naively stuff too much information into a resume to attempt to communicate their qualifications for a position. Unfortunately this ‘extra information’ may hinder efforts. Recruiters look for hard facts in a resume – the warm, fuzzy, “…tell us more about you…” comes later in an interview. Here are some facts about how too much information in a resume could hinder a job seeker.
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The recruiting game (the real world ‘Hunger Games’)

There is no ‘fair’ to the game – it’s play by the rules or don’t play. Job seekers are desperate to get hired and want to play the game, but need to understand the rules – as they are played by the recruiters – to understand how to play the game successfully as a job seeker.
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Can company and recruiter social media and customer service relate to ‘Employer of Choice’ decisions?

Recruiters might be fighting a losing battle convincing the potential new hire to come on board with a ‘loser company’ (unless the job is to fix the company image!). Recruiters need to work hand-in-hand with marketing and PR to ensure job applicants see a positive side of the business and the result is the business is an ‘employer of choice.’
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Recruiters Are Not Your Personal Job Finders

It sounds harsh, but it is reality. Finding a job is not a matter of justice or fairness or luck. No one owes anyone a job. Recruiters are your ‘friend’ only if you meet the requirements they need ‘right now.’
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Avoiding Internet or E-mail Job Search Scams

Don’t believe any employer is going to offer you free housing, business vehicles, cash in advance of the job performed, or other benefits ‘too good to believe.’ Any company offering to find you employment, but charges hundreds of dollars in advance for those services, are going to do what you can do yourself. Legitimate headhunters charge the employer or the company who is seeking a qualified candidate – not the job seeker. Because someone ‘says’ you are qualified – especially via a mass generated email – doesn’t mean you are qualified.
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Questions job candidates should be asking the interviewer

...the hiring manager is looking for something unique and out-of-the-ordinary to set the job seeker apart from the ‘herd.’ Having a prepared set of questions to ask the interviewer will demonstrate preparedness, attention to detail, and professional interest in the position and company. If you feel the need to remember what was said in the interview – employers should not have any problems with note taking...
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Resume du Jour: Kelly A. Meerbott – Speaker & Trainer

Kelly A. Meerbott, Speaker & Trainer (Sales/Executives) is an experienced sales-woman, speaker, and done work for corporate execs nationwide - call her!
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LinkedIn Training – Beginner’s Class, Sat. 03/23/13

• CREATE a LinkedIn profile to start linking B2B internationally • BUILDING the LinkedIn profile for query results from others • GROUP involvement to get into the discussion for topics related to your interests • GET NOTICED by businesses who want your services/products • BUILD connections to valuable business connections via invites • BUILD REFERRALS from past employers or (current) customers
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Endorsements On LinkedIn Help Build Subject Matter Expert Status

I was checking my profile page today and found that I had more endorsements for my resume writing status than I ever imagined! Great SEO, but also acknowledgement from my peers and LinkedIn connections that I DO have great skills when it comes to resume writing!
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Phasellus id nunc a quam placerat luctus ac id velit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus erat vitae facilisis tincidunt. In mi purus, lobortis ut lacus at, molestie tempor turpis. Etiam non neque vehicula, elementum nulla euismod, iaculis neque. Phasellus id nunc a quam placerat luctus ac id velit. In non enim ...

Top 10 things not to have on your resume and 10 alternatives

Many job seekers naively stuff too much information into a resume to attempt to communicate their qualifications for a position. Unfortunately this ‘extra information’ may hinder efforts. Recruiters look for hard facts in a resume – the warm, fuzzy, “…tell us more about you…” comes later in an interview. Here are some facts about how too much information in a resume could hinder a job seeker.

The recruiting game (the real world ‘Hunger Games’)

There is no ‘fair’ to the game – it’s play by the rules or don’t play. Job seekers are desperate to get hired and want to play the game, but need to understand the rules – as they are played by the recruiters – to understand how to play the game successfully as a job seeker.

Can company and recruiter social media and customer service relate to ‘Employer of Choice’ decisions?

Recruiters might be fighting a losing battle convincing the potential new hire to come on board with a ‘loser company’ (unless the job is to fix the company image!). Recruiters need to work hand-in-hand with marketing and PR to ensure job applicants see a positive side of the business and the result is the business is an ‘employer of choice.’

Recruiters Are Not Your Personal Job Finders

It sounds harsh, but it is reality. Finding a job is not a matter of justice or fairness or luck. No one owes anyone a job. Recruiters are your ‘friend’ only if you meet the requirements they need ‘right now.’

Avoiding Internet or E-mail Job Search Scams

Don’t believe any employer is going to offer you free housing, business vehicles, cash in advance of the job performed, or other benefits ‘too good to believe.’ Any company offering to find you employment, but charges hundreds of dollars in advance for those services, are going to do what you can do yourself. Legitimate headhunters charge the employer or the company who is seeking a qualified candidate – not the job seeker. Because someone ‘says’ you are qualified – especially via a mass generated email – doesn’t mean you are qualified.

Questions job candidates should be asking the interviewer

...the hiring manager is looking for something unique and out-of-the-ordinary to set the job seeker apart from the ‘herd.’ Having a prepared set of questions to ask the interviewer will demonstrate preparedness, attention to detail, and professional interest in the position and company. If you feel the need to remember what was said in the interview – employers should not have any problems with note taking...

Resume du Jour: Kelly A. Meerbott – Speaker & Trainer

Kelly A. Meerbott, Speaker & Trainer (Sales/Executives) is an experienced sales-woman, speaker, and done work for corporate execs nationwide - call her!

LinkedIn Training – Beginner’s Class, Sat. 03/23/13

• CREATE a LinkedIn profile to start linking B2B internationally • BUILDING the LinkedIn profile for query results from others • GROUP involvement to get into the discussion for topics related to your interests • GET NOTICED by businesses who want your services/products • BUILD connections to valuable business connections via invites • BUILD REFERRALS from past employers or (current) customers

Endorsements On LinkedIn Help Build Subject Matter Expert Status

I was checking my profile page today and found that I had more endorsements for my resume writing status than I ever imagined! Great SEO, but also acknowledgement from my peers and LinkedIn connections that I DO have great skills when it comes to resume writing!

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