Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Call Now! 757-404-8300
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Locations: Virginia Beach / Norfolk, Richmond, Colonial Beach / Dahlgren, and Gloucester, VA
Business is mostly conducted via email or phone communications.
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Mon. - Thurs., and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT LinkedIn: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/linkedin-powerball-training-business-development-andor-job-hunting-tickets-727094760
This Infographic may help you with your Search Engine Optimize (SEO) practices: 10 Winning Tips for SEO Copywriting – An infographic by the team at www.webds.com Embed 10 Winning Tips for SEO Copywriting on Your Site: Copy and Paste the Code Below (From: https://www.webds.com/blog/seo/10-winning-tips-for-seo-copywriting/) For more ...
Three ways to build trust via social networking You get invites to connect on LinkedIn. You get friend requests on Facebook. You exchange follows on Instagram and Twitter. You probably don’t know these folks, or they are 2-3 degrees away from your primary circle of ...
John P. Williams Wynnewood, PA 19096 JPWTechGuy@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: I.T. Portfolio Manager or I.T. Recovery Project / Program Manager EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 25 years, Information Technology (Systems Networking / Administration) 20 years, Training (Information Technology Support Staff) 14 years, Management / Supervision (Technical Staff) 10 years, Senior Project / Program ...
Are your business customers ‘vultures?’ Do you have a vulture customer that is making your profits lower? Business owners need to incorporate into their profit structure and marketing plan contingencies for ‘vulture’ customers. What are those? They are the clients who will blast the slightest ...
Hunting for jobs is not the same as when your parents and grandparents looked for jobs. There are differences between ‘old fashioned’ job hunting methods and new methods used today in a new world of advanced technology.
Four Simple Ways to Live a Happy Life by Carol Whitaker, Guest Blogger Did you know that it is your Divine Birthright to have an abundance of health, wealth, and happiness? All things were created to bring you immense happiness and joy. How often do you ...
Job search is common sense, not a secret process. Marketing gurus advertising ‘secrets’ are selling to fears they are putting in your mind. You are asking yourself, ‘what do they know that I don’t that I simply must know to succeed?’ There are no ‘secrets’ ...
Do you really know what you need to know before you start searching for that next job search? Watch this video to know what objectives you need to learn before you start your job search …
YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT LinkedIn: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/linkedin-powerball-training-business-development-andor-job-hunting-tickets-727094760
This Infographic may help you with your Search Engine Optimize (SEO) practices: 10 Winning Tips for SEO Copywriting – An infographic by the team at www.webds.com Embed 10 Winning Tips for SEO Copywriting on Your Site: Copy and Paste the Code Below (From: https://www.webds.com/blog/seo/10-winning-tips-for-seo-copywriting/) For more ...
Three ways to build trust via social networking You get invites to connect on LinkedIn. You get friend requests on Facebook. You exchange follows on Instagram and Twitter. You probably don’t know these folks, or they are 2-3 degrees away from your primary circle of ...
John P. Williams Wynnewood, PA 19096 JPWTechGuy@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: I.T. Portfolio Manager or I.T. Recovery Project / Program Manager EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: 25 years, Information Technology (Systems Networking / Administration) 20 years, Training (Information Technology Support Staff) 14 years, Management / Supervision (Technical Staff) 10 years, Senior Project / Program ...
Are your business customers ‘vultures?’ Do you have a vulture customer that is making your profits lower? Business owners need to incorporate into their profit structure and marketing plan contingencies for ‘vulture’ customers. What are those? They are the clients who will blast the slightest ...
Hunting for jobs is not the same as when your parents and grandparents looked for jobs. There are differences between ‘old fashioned’ job hunting methods and new methods used today in a new world of advanced technology.
Four Simple Ways to Live a Happy Life by Carol Whitaker, Guest Blogger Did you know that it is your Divine Birthright to have an abundance of health, wealth, and happiness? All things were created to bring you immense happiness and joy. How often do you ...
Job search is common sense, not a secret process. Marketing gurus advertising ‘secrets’ are selling to fears they are putting in your mind. You are asking yourself, ‘what do they know that I don’t that I simply must know to succeed?’ There are no ‘secrets’ ...
Do you really know what you need to know before you start searching for that next job search? Watch this video to know what objectives you need to learn before you start your job search …