LinkedIn Training for Beginners

Friday, March 8, 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. – LinkedIn Introductory Training for Beginners: LIMITED SEATING (6) – Bring your Laptop and learn!

Do you have questions on how to get folks to find you or to find others in LinkedIn? How to establish a profile and build it to beef up your presence on the web? How do you make your profile attract future clientele?


• CREATE a LinkedIn profile to start linking B2B internationally
• BUILDING the LinkedIn profile for query results from others
• GROUP involvement to get into the discussion for topics related to your interests
• GET NOTICED by businesses who want your services/products
• BUILD connections to valuable business connections via invites
• BUILD REFERRALS from past employers or (current) customers

Bring your Laptop and follow along with hands-on learning and personal training!

Sign up today, as space is limited for this 3-hour semi-private event

Semi-Private Setting: Six Seats ONLY – Private office with WiFi, comfortable setting, coffee/tea available (beverages free), with ability to ask questions and get detailed answers.

OBJECTIVE: You walk out excited and have a more than basic understanding about what LinkedIn can do for your business, branding, business development, building relationships with other business owners, and to start your quest for more B2B sales in the future.

Only $50.00!
Only $50.00!
Only $50.00!

To Register send email to: for interest; invoice for ticket will be sent via PayPal for payment and registration (required by midnight, Wednesday, March 6th. 2013)

D. Boyer Consulting

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LinkedIn Training for Beginners

Friday, March 8, 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. – LinkedIn Introductory Training for Beginners: LIMITED SEATING (6) – Bring your Laptop and learn!

Do you have questions on how to get folks to find you or to find others in LinkedIn? How to establish a profile and build it to beef up your presence on the web? How do you make your profile attract future clientele?


• CREATE a LinkedIn profile to start linking B2B internationally
• BUILDING the LinkedIn profile for query results from others
• GROUP involvement to get into the discussion for topics related to your interests
• GET NOTICED by businesses who want your services/products
• BUILD connections to valuable business connections via invites
• BUILD REFERRALS from past employers or (current) customers

Bring your Laptop and follow along with hands-on learning and personal training!

Sign up today, as space is limited for this 3-hour semi-private event

Semi-Private Setting: Six Seats ONLY – Private office with WiFi, comfortable setting, coffee/tea available (beverages free), with ability to ask questions and get detailed answers.

OBJECTIVE: You walk out excited and have a more than basic understanding about what LinkedIn can do for your business, branding, business development, building relationships with other business owners, and to start your quest for more B2B sales in the future.

Only $50.00!
Only $50.00!
Only $50.00!

To Register send email to: for interest; invoice for ticket will be sent via PayPal for payment and registration (required by midnight, Wednesday, March 6th. 2013)

D. Boyer Consulting

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